Search found 3 matches
- Wed 06 Mar, 2013 4:35 am
- Forum: Pokémon discussion
- Topic: Official "What is your favourite Pokémon?" thread
- Replies: 98
- Views: 91156
Re: Official "What is your favourite Pokémon?" thread
My favourite's gotta be Vanillite. At first, I thought it's idea was unoriginal. Then, I got one in a Black Nuzlocke I was playing. Not only was this the first Nuzlocke I ever actually completed, but this little ice type stuck with me all the way. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Why not Vanilluxe...
- Tue 05 Mar, 2013 11:00 pm
- Forum: Adoption Agency
- Topic: The Level Up Topic
- Replies: 181
- Views: 195410
Re: The Level Up Topic
Leveled up... Lilandra's Magikarp, Magnemite, Cubone, Jirachi, n' Meowth. Lanrete's Solrock, and Tynamo. Ziocorvid's Umbreon, and Moltres. Sharon 47's Remoraid. Xero the Pikachu's Pelipper, Octillery, and Smoochum. Foxx's Charmander, Caterpie, Weedle, and Venonat. and then after a long time, Lilandr...
- Tue 05 Mar, 2013 10:12 pm
- Forum: Newbies
- Topic: Who's that pokemon? It's.....Ruby XIII!
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2387
Who's that pokemon? It's.....Ruby XIII!
Hello, found this place while browsing sites, thought it looked interesting. ^_^ So now I'm posting in the newbie section cause, well, I'm a newbie.
Nice to meet anyone that decides to read this.
Nice to meet anyone that decides to read this.