Summer time!

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Summer time!

Post by pikalover1234 »

"WERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT!" Fammous words sung out of the schools in my city. I was wondering what your going to do this summer and why? Like why are you going to eat a picklecoted in peanut butter? Or what are you making golden statues of george w. bush with a magical fariy named Puff while your boss if a fat old man that watches to much TV, and this work place is in saudi arabia, oh never mind. Just stick with the facts bout summer

-Pikalover1234 :Pikachu:
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.

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Re: Summer time!

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Favourites: :Gyarados: :Tyranitar: :Zangoose: :Drapion: Image

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