Phoenix Wright for the iPhone

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Phoenix Wright for the iPhone

Post by pikalover1234 »

I recently purchased Phoenix Wright for the iPhone, and I am rather pleased with the results. It is a official Capcom game and (according to the descriptions) it is the Gameboy version. It is $5, and for that price I consider it to be a steal. Here are some of the screen captures I took.


I highly recommend the game.
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Re: Phoenix Wright for the iPhone

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Looks good. I'm a huge fan of Phoenix Wright but I won't be getting this game for two reasons. The first reason, and the most prominent one, is because I don't have an iPhone. Secondly I have already played the original Phoenix Wright on the DS. PW isn't a game that lends itself to replayability; once you've played it once there's no need to play it again as nothing will change.

Since you say it's the original Gameboy version does that mean it doesn't include the special DS-exclusive extra case at the end?

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Re: Phoenix Wright for the iPhone

Post by pikalover1234 »

Actually it does, but Currently I'm only at "Turnabout Samurai." I've fallen in love with the game. It combines humor and logic at the same time.
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Re: Phoenix Wright for the iPhone

Post by AnnekaLily »

hehe, since downloading this, I have become rather glued to this myself!

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