Wow, I'm on a German computer...

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Wow, I'm on a German computer...

Post by Fazzy »

Wow, this is really wierd... The "Z" is where the "Y" should be, and vice versa...

Man, this keyboard is really wierd...


Some of the wierd new keys....
I gotta get used to this...
Well, Timmy, aren't you being a cotton-headed ninny muggins.

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Post by Shrine Sprite »

Ohhh! Umlouts! /jealous
Oh, and the sharp 's' is there too!
Whenever I want to say nonsense in German I either have to run to Microsoft Word, or or make substitutions. 'ae', 'oe', 'ss', ect.

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Post by Kikyo »

Lucky! i wish I had a german computer. I need Umlauts and Essets!

Oh, and as to the keys being in different places, that's because keyboards are arranged so that the most common letters are easiest to reach, and german uses a lot more z's than y's.
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Post by Levi »

i have a german class but no one told us there were different keyboards for different languages!!!!!????? :shocked:
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