I Need Help

Discuss all sorts of manner regarding the latest TV/games/music etc news. Pokémon chat goes in either Pokémon forums.

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Pewter City
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I Need Help

Post by Levi »

dear tpc members i have a plan to restor exitement to this forum. this place has been going down in exitement and we need ideas for example new games contests quizes ect. but i cannot do this on my own, so that is why i am forming a group of members to do this. please PM me if you would like to join this group after 5 members join this group we will brain storm for a week then we will post our ideas the next week. hopefully this will encourage members to check out the site more. but once again i cannot do this on my own so please join if you have ideas. this is a volunteer group so this is purely out of the goodness of your heart,


Levi Luoma
Member of the Umbreon Club- PM pikapower06 to join~

heres my diamond favorite pokemon

:Empoleon: :Mantine: :Pikachu: :Noctowl: :Glaceon: :Venusaur: :pigeot: :Blaziken: :Blastoise: :Charizard: :Swampert: :Sceptile: :Machamp: :Torterra: :Infernape: :Flareon: :Alakazam: :Maganium: :Typhlosion: :Crockanaw:

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