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Post by Kikyo »

How much do you get?
Is sleep imprtant to you?

Sleep should be important.
There is a lot of scientific reasearch coming out
that basically says the amount of sleep you get
is vital to how well you function in everyday life.
Even a half hour less of sleep can alter test scores.
A recent study took a school and opened it an hour later,
assuming students would mostly go to bed at the same time,
and sleep maybe an hour more in the morning.
They took the honors students, in classes
who scored an average of 1200 on the SAT.
With more sleep, their scores went up 200 to 300 points!
Note that this was the older SAT, with a max of 1600 points.
So, sleep can greatly alter test scores.
There's more reasearch, too.
I just had an article about it...
I'll post it when I find it.
There was also a radio program referring to "deep sleep"
this is a short period of sleep in the middle of your sleep night,
maybe half an hour to an hour.
This sleep has been determined to be extremely vital;
not having it for a prolonged period of time
has the same effect of getting no sleep at all!
So it's not just how much you sleep,
but how well you sleep, as well.
A restless sleep does no good.
Anyway, It's said on average that people should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

Now, to answer the questions...
I get about 7. I probably should sleep more,
but I have to awaken at 6 to get to school.
Sleep's pretty important to me.
If I don't get enough, I get cranky and my mind gets fuzzy.
Also, when I sleep poorly I get that way.
I need Sleep!
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Re: Sleep

Post by Pikachu90000 »

I usually take about an hour to fall asleep after I'm in bed. No matter how much I sleep, I'm still tired. I usually wake up at 7:30 on school days and 9 on the weekends. I think I get about 8-9 hours a day.
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Re: Sleep

Post by melonrime »

On weekdays i usually read myself to sleep. Usually i fall asleep around 1 AM. and wake up at 7AM
so 6 hours of sleep on weekdays.
But on weekends, i sleep about 8 hours because of church and other activities i do. hey come talk with me/doodle :]
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Re: Sleep

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Ideally I'd like to sleep 6 hours each night and be fine. In reality it is usually much longer and depends on what time I go to bed. Right now I'm going to bed about 12-1am and waking up around 10am. Usually I'm actually awake around 9 or so but I tend to laze in bed/fall back asleep before actually dragging myself out of bed.

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Re: Sleep

Post by saphire »

For me its like 6 hours of sleep on weekdays, because I need to wake up at 6:30pm so I can take a bath, eat breakfast ,and go to school. On weekends i sleep like 10 hours.

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Re: Sleep

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

i love sleep. i get about 6-7 hours on a weekday. I'm more of a night person that a morning person, and i always have trouble getting to sleep... once asleep it is tough to wake me (a wonder i actually get up when i need to for work)

Everybody actually requires a different amount of sleep before feeling good. on average, Older Adults require less than Children, but even then each person is different. I personally need about 10-12 hours before i feel good, and usually get that on a weekend. I also tend to feel more awake when i wake up naturally than if i'm woken up by something (e.g. an alarm) - even if i would wake up naturally around that time anyway
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Re: Sleep

Post by Ryan659 »

I usually get about 7.5/8 hours of sleep every day, and can wake up easy if I sleep for that long. Although, I do feel more tired when I feel woken up by something, even if I was about to wake up anyway! I tend not to stay in bed much either, if I wake up in the morning, unless I'm tired I know I won't get back to sleep, so I get out of bed. In other words, I do get a lot of sleep usually per night, less than some, and still mostly feel alright in the morning, without taking too long to wake up.

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