Derren Brown Lottery predictions

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Derren Brown Lottery predictions

Post by Pikachu3828 »

All over the British media for the past couple of days are theories regarding Derren Brown's latest trick. For those who don't know, he claimed that he would be able to accurately predict the results of The National Lottery near enough to live as he could, which he succeeded in doing.

If you want to take a look at his trick for yourself, watch this YouTube video. The National Lottery is broadcast on BBC One (right) and Derren Brown's trick was broadcast on Channel 4 (left). The YouTube video shows what was on both channels at the same time.

Derren Brown has said he will reveal how he pulled off this trick on Friday (today) but there has already been much speculation as to how he did it, even within TPC's own IRC chatroom. How do you think he pulled it off?

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Re: Derren Brown Lottery predictions

Post by Kikyo »

I already stated stuff in the irc.

Anyway, it's past friday.
How'd he do it???
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Re: Derren Brown Lottery predictions

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Well he did reveal how he did it but many people aren't happy with his explanation and don't believe it was how he predicted the lottery.

If you want to know his explanation, read the spoiler below.
Spoiler: show
He claimed to have used a phenomenon known as the Wisdom of the Crowd which suggests people in a group make more accurate predictions than individuals. Taking this concept he gathered 24 people and got them to practice automatic writing. Using the numbers they wrote down via this process he averaged the results and that is how he claims to have got the lottery numbers.

At the very end he also insinuated it was possible that he instead rigged the lottery machine itself.

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Re: Derren Brown Lottery predictions

Post by Kikyo »

Somehow, both those seem unlikely.
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