What lvl do we have to be to go to the mine?

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What lvl do we have to be to go to the mine?

Post by japheth149 »

All players that goes to the mine,players that cant go there ask WHAT LVL DO WE HAVE TO BE! :Blaziken: :roll:

For example i have a lvl 37 blaziken how come i still cant go to the mine,well all the players that can't go to the mine lets just train until we can thats all i got to say.

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Post by LordLucario123 »

Um.. What mine?

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Post by Digi »

Wow, I'd like to know, too. -.-

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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

On the sites RPG? It's not a certian level you have to be, but you have to do something first before you're allowed into it...

But I'm going to be mean and not tell you what you have to do first (hint, it's to do with Team Rocket)
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