First Pokemon ?

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First Pokemon ?

Post by YunaAsakura19 »

Hi, there.

Uhm... I realized that the text under my username shortly changed from first gym to first Pokemon.
But I remember, I had "First Pokémon" when I started in AA and after talking to the three brothers in the gym it actualy changed to "first Gym".
How did it happen that I got that status again?
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Re: First Pokemon ?

Post by Pikachu3828 »

That text under your username on the forums is unrelated to the Adoption Agency. It is your forum rank, which is based on how many forum posts you have made. Your rank changed to "First Pokémon" when you had made 10 posts and your rank will change again when you reach 30 posts :)

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Re: First Pokemon ?

Post by YunaAsakura19 »

Oh! Okay, now I get it. lol Sorry, for that one... I'm too much into your great Browsergame. XD <3
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