When Pichu evolves and can breed I will definately get you a Pichu! As for a Vulpix sure thing! A female Torchic would be very nice...I have a female Charmander, Gastly and I have something set up where I'll be getting a female Misdreavus fairly soon. So female Torchic would be very nice. I'm working on breeding a Swinub for someone right now as I just got a female Swinub ^_^ lol I need to go update my list! XDMollyDJmaster wrote:I would like a Vulpix, and a Pichu when possible please? (I love Pichu too!) I can get you Torchic... A female, maybe? Umm.. I can also get you Charmander? And Ghastly... I can get you a Misdreavus as well. Do you want any?
NOTE: If anyone has noticed I put the list of breedables in pokedex number order