Well I figure I may as well kill two birds with one stone, so in my effort to evolve my Loudred for an achievement and earn another I'm giving away 50 poke to every person that clicks my Loudred until I either have had 1,000 clicks on her or she evolves. Clicks on the rest of my party are welcome but not required. I'll be using the new History feature to keep track of this so if something goes wrong I blame that, but just to be sure I'll be adding a list here of who has clicked her and if I've sent the gift containing the money yet or not. You can click as many times as you want to keep earning more and as an added bonus, whoever is the 500th click will get 550 poke and the 1,000th click will get 1,050 poke.
1: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
2: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
3: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
4: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
5: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
6: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
7: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
8: Korona -Gift Sent-
9: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
10: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
11: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
12: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
13: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
14: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
15: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
16: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
17: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
18: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
19: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
20: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
21: Etria -Gift Sent-
22: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
23: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
24: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
25: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
26: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
27: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
28: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
29: DarkMoh -Gift Sent-
30: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
31: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
32: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
33: eevee8 -Gift Sent-
34: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
35: Varlet -Gift Sent-
36: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
37: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
38: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
39: metal caos -Gift Sent-
40: Miffe -Gift Sent-
41: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
42: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
43: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
44: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
45: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
46: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
47: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
48: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
49: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
50: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
51: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
52: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
53: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
54: eevee8 -Gift Sent-
55: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
56: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
57: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
58: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
59: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
60: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
61: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
62: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
63: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
64: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
65: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
66: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
67: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
68: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
69: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
70: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
71: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
72: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
73: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
74: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
75: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
76: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
77: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
78: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
79: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
80: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
81: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
82: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
83: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
84: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
85: DarkMoh -Gift Sent- <_<
86: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
87: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
88: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
89: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
90: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
91: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
92: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
93: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
94: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
95: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
96: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
97: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
98: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
99: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
100: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
101: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
102: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
103: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
104: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
105: Varlet -Gift Sent-
106: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
107: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
108: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
109: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
110: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
111: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
112: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
113: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
114: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
115: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
116: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
117: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
118: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
119: Pikachu3828 -Gift Sent-
120: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
121: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
122: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
123: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
124: Varlet -Gift Sent-
125: ivy -Gift Sent-
126: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
127: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
128: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
129: DarkMoh -Gift Sent-
130: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
131: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
132: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
133: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
134: Chelterra001 -Gift Sent-
135: Varlet -Gift Sent-
136: Varlet -Gift Sent-
137: ivy -Gift Sent-
138: Ashimashi -Gift Sent-
139: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
140: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
141: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
142: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
143: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
144: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
145: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
146: eevee8 -Gift Sent-
147: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
148: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
149: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
150: Pikachu3828 -Gift Sent-
151: Varlet -Gift Sent-
152: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
153: Miffe -Gift Sent-
154: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
155: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
156: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
157: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
158: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
159: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
160: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
161: Varlet -Gift Sent-
162: Etria -Gift Sent-
163: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
164: Peppermint April -Gift Sent-
165: Pikachu3828 -Gift Sent-
166: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
167: Lanrete -Gift Sent-
168: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
169: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
170: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
171: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
172: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
173: eevee8 -Gift Sent-
174: Lanrete -Gift Sent-
175: ivy -Gift Sent-
176: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
177: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
178: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
179: Mile -Gift Sent-
180: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
181: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
182: ripplemist777 -Gift Sent-
183: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
184: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
185: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
186: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
187: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
188: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
189: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
190: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
191: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
192: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
193: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
194: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
195: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
196: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
197: Lanrete -Gift Sent-
198: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
199: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
200: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
201: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
202: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
203: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
204: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
205: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
206: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
207: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
208: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
209: Miffe -Gift Sent-
210: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
211: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
212: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
213: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
214: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
215: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
216: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
217: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
218: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
219: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
220: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
221: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
222: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
223: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
224: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
225: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
226: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
227: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
228: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
229: Etria -Gift Sent-
230: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
231: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
232: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
233: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
234: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
235: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
236: megaman099090 -Gift Sent-
237: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
238: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
239: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
240: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
241: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
242: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
243: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
244: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
245: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
246: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
247: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
248: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
249: Korona -Gift Sent-
250: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
251: metal caos -Gift Sent-
252: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
253: Miffe -Gift Sent-
254: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
255: XxFrostedBladexX -Gift Sent-
256: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
257: eevee8 -Gift Sent-
258: TonyEspada01 -Gift Sent-
259: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
260: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
261: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
262: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
263: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
264: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
265: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
266: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
267: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
268: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
269: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
270: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
271: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
272: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
273: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
274: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
275: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
276: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
277: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
278: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
279: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
280: metal caos -Gift Sent-
281: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
282: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
283: TonyEspada01 -Gift Sent-
284: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
285: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
286: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
287: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
288: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
289: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
290: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
291: athiena -Gift Sent-
292: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
293: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
294: Darth Voltro -Gift Sent-
295: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
296: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
297: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
298: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
299: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
300: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
301: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
302: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
303: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
304: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
305: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
306: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
307: XxFrostedBladexX -Gift Sent-
308: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
309: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
310: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
311: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
312: Frodo -Gift Sent-
313: Chelterra001 -Gift Sent-
314: athiena -Gift Sent-
315: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
316: XxFrostedBladexX -Gift Sent-
317: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
318: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
319: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
320: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
321: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
322: athiena -Gift Sent-
323: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
324: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
325: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
326: Darth Voltro -Gift Sent-
327: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
328: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
329: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
330: ripplemist777 -Gift Sent-
331: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
332: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
333: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
334: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
335: TonyEspada01 -Gift Sent-
336: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
337: Korona -Gift Sent-
338: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
339: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
340: athiena -Gift Sent-
341: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
342: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
343: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
344: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
345: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
346: XxFrostedBladexX -Gift Sent-
347: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
348: Miffe -Gift Sent-
349: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
350: athiena -Gift Sent-
351: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
352: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
353: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
354: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
355: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
356: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
357: XxFrostedBladexX -Gift Sent-
358: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
359: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
360: Miss Antagonist -Gift Sent-
361: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
362: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
363: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
364: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
365: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
366: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
367: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
368: athiena -Gift Sent-
369: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
370: Idunn -Gift Sent-
371: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
372: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
373: Frodo -Gift Sent-
374: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
375: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
376: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
377: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
378: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
379: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
380: athiena -Gift Sent-
381: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
382: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
383: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
384: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
385: Korona -Gift Sent-
386: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
387: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
388: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
389: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
390: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
391: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
392: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
393: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
394: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
395: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
396: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
397: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
398: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
399: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
400: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
401: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
402: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
403: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
404: athiena -Gift Sent-
405: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
406: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
407: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
408: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
409: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
410: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
411: TonyEspada01 -Gift Sent-
412: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
413: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
414: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
415: athiena -Gift Sent-
416: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
417: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
418: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
419: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
420: XxFrostedBladexX -Gift Sent-
421: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
422: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
423: Haru Totetsu -Gift Sent-
424: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
425: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
426: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
427: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
428: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
429: athiena -Gift Sent-
430: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
431: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
432: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
433: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
434: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
435: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
436: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
437: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
438: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
439: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
440: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
441: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
442: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
443: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
444: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
445: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
446: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
447: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
448: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
449: athiena -Gift Sent-
450: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
451: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
452: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
453: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
454: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
455: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
456: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
457: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
458: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
459: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
460: Etria -Gift Sent-
461: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
462: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
463: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
464: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
465: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
466: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
467: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
468: athiena -Gift Sent-
469: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
470: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
471: ash1 -Gift Sent-
472: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
473: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
474: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
475: Korona -Gift Sent-
476: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
477: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
478: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
479: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
480: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
481: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
482: athiena -Gift Sent-
483: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
484: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
485: Korona -Gift Sent-
486: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
487: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
488: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
489: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
490: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
491: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
492: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
493: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
494: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
495: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
496: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
497: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
498: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
499: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
500: Powerchu -Gift Sent- ~Woohoo~ Don't stop now, we're half way there!
501: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
502: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
503: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
504: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
505: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
506: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
507: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
508: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
509: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
510: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
511: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
512: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
513: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
514: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
515: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
516: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
517: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
518: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
519: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
520: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
521: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
522: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
523: athiena -Gift Sent-
524: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
525: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
526: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
527: Takumi -Gift Sent-
528: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
529: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
530: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
531: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
532: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
533: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
534: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
535: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
536: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
537: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
538: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
539: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
540: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
541: Korona -Gift Sent-
542: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
543: Mordecham -Gift Sent-
544: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
545: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
546: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
547: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
548: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
549: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
550: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
551: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
552: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
553: Shiverglow -Gift Sent-
554: Skitty4 -Gift Sent-
555: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
556: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
557: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
558: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
559: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
560: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
561: athiena -Gift Sent-
562: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
563: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
564: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
565: Skitty4 -Gift Sent-
566: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
567: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
568: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
569: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
570: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
571: athiena -Gift Sent-
572: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
573: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
574: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
575: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
576: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
577: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
578: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
579: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
580: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
THANK YOU EVERYONE! My Loudred has evolved, but seeing as how I'm still rather short on gifts sent I've decided to extend this to a new pokemon. My Articuno. So everyone keep clicking and I'll keep sending gifts!
581: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
582: Skitty4 -Gift Sent-
583: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
584: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
585: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
586: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
587: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
588: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
589: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
590: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
591: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
592: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
593: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
594: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
595: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
596: Shiverglow -Gift Sent-
597: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
598: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
599: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
600: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
601: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
602: Loly27 -Gift Sent-
603: AstaTheBroken -Gift Sent-
604: Skitty4 -Gift Sent-
605: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
606: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
607: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
608: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
609: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
610: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
611: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
612: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
613: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
614: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
615: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
616: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
617: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
618: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
619: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
620: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
621: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
622: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
623: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
624: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
625: Haru Totetsu -Gift Sent-
626: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
627: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
628: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
629: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
630: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
631: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
632: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
633: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
634: Loly27 -Gift Sent-
635: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
636: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
637: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
638: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
639: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
640: Tepidness -Gift Sent-
641: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
642: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
643: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
644: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
645: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
646: TonyEspada01 -Gift Sent-
647: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
648: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
649: Elschen01 -Gift Sent-
650: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
651: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
652: ivy -Gift Sent-
653: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
654: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
655: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
656: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
657: bennett999 -Gift Sent-
658: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
659: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
660: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
661: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
662: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
663: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
664: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
665: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
666: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent- D:
667: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
668: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
669: Clarissa -Gift Sent-
670: Kiseki -Gift Sent-
671: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
672: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
673: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
674: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
675: pokecraft3000 -Gift Sent-
676: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
677: eevee8 -Gift Sent-
678: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
679: MajorasMask -Gift Sent-
680: Elschen01 -Gift Sent-
681: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
682: Lilandra -Gift Sent-
683: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
684: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
685: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
686: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
687: Savol456 -Gift Sent-
688: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
689: Loly27 -Gift Sent-
690: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
691: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
692: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
693: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
694: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
695: Loly27 -Gift Sent-
696: ivy -Gift Sent-
697: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
698: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
699: MajorasMask -Gift Sent-
700: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
701: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
702: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
703: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
704: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
705: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
706: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
707: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
708: Loly27 -Gift Sent-
709: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
710: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
711: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
712: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
713: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
714: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
715: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
716: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
717: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
718: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
719: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
720: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
721: Adalheidis -Gift Sent-
722: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
723: Joy -Gift Sent-
724: ivy -Gift Sent-
725: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
726: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
727: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
728: Loly27 -Gift Sent-
729: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
730: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
731: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
732: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
733: ivy -Gift Sent-
734: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
735: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
736: Elschen01 -Gift Sent-
737: sprout flare squirt -Gift Sent-
738: ivy -Gift Sent-
739: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
740: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
741: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
742: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
743: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
744: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
745: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
746: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
747: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
748: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
749: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
750: Powerchu -Gift Sent-
751: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
752: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
753: katcombs -Gift Sent-
754: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
755: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
756: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
757: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
758: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
759: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
760: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
761: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
762: Elschen01 -Gift Sent-
763: Korona -Gift Sent-
764: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
765: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
766: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
767: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
768: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
769: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
770: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
771: Nekori -Gift Sent-
772: Elschen01 -Gift Sent-
773: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
774: katcombs -Gift Sent-
775: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
776: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
777: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
778: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
779: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent- -__-
780: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
781: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
782: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
783: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
784: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
785: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
786: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
787: ivy -Gift Sent-
788: moon5330 -Gift Sent-
789: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
790: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
791: sarahtop -Gift Sent-
792: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
793: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
794: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
795: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
796: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
797: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
798: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
799: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
800: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
801: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
802: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
803: pokemaster -Gift Sent-
804: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
805: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
806: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
807: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
808: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
809: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
810: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
811: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
812: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Semt-
813: katcombs -Gift Sent-
814: katcombs -Gift Sent-
815: Nekori -Gift Sent-
816: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
817: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
818: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
819: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
820: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
821: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
822: Nekori -Gift Sent-
823: ivy -Gift Sent-
824: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
825: katcombs -Gift Sent-
826: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
827: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
828: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
829: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
830: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
831: Foxamivalth -Gift Sent-
832: katcombs -Gift Sent-
833: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
834: Nekori -Gift Sent-
835: ivy -Gift Sent-
836: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
837: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
838: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
839: WhoKnows_WhoCares -Gift Sent-
840: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
841: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
842: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
843: Nekori -Gift Sent-
844: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
845: Rokuta -Gift Sent-
846: Kmneuba -Gift Sent-
847: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
848: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
849: katcombs -Gift Sent-
850: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
851: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
852: Xero the Pikachu -Gift Sent-
853: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
854: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
855: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
856: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
857: Nekori -Gift Sent-
858: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
859: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
860: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
861: ZioCorvid -Gift Sent-
862: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
863: dwrd_west -Gift Sent-
864: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
865: Kyoko Kerasaki -Gift Sent-
866: Korona -Gift Sent-
867: Alina -Gift Sent-
868: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
869: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
870: PlaysHeavyIRL -Gift Sent-
871: FireFang1331 -Gift Sent-
872: katcombs -Gift Sent-
873: katcombs -Gift Sent-
874: katcombs -Gift Sent-
875: Alina -Gift Sent-
876: Nekori -Gift Sent-
877: SageOfMagic -Gift Sent-
878: MrSaten -Gift Sent-
879: Anonymous -Gift Sent-
880: katcombs -Gift Sent-
881: SoulSilver -Gift Sent-
882: cheerio495 -Gift Sent-
883: Guardian Shizo -Gift Sent-
884: katcombs -Gift Sent-
885: katcombs -Gift Sent-
886: katcombs -Gift Sent-
887: ceres14 -Gift Sent-
Free Money Just For You
- Undead
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- Posts: 984
- Joined: Fri 20 Aug, 2010 9:54 pm
- Custom Title: Death the 2nd
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- Location: Deep in my soul
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Free Money Just For You

Video Game Designer/Programmer In Training
My Trainer Card
Re: Free Money Just For You
So, how do use pokemon history? ( I'm such an ignorince (no idea what that means) to ask you this question D: )
- Undead
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- Posts: 984
- Joined: Fri 20 Aug, 2010 9:54 pm
- Custom Title: Death the 2nd
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: Deep in my soul
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Re: Free Money Just For You
When you view your card on your profile you'll see two icons under the link to pet them. The one on the left gives you more info about that pokemon (it looks like a pokedex). Once you click that you have three tabs, Basic Info, History, and Owner Fuctions. By clicking History it shows you the last 250 clicks your pokemon recieved, when and by who.
Hope that helped
Hope that helped

Video Game Designer/Programmer In Training
My Trainer Card
- AstaTheBroken
- Viridian City
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Sun 15 Jan, 2012 6:43 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
Re: Free Money Just For You
Thanks! I didn't even notice, I kind of just clicked because I needed to click 40-something more Pokemon. 

- Undead
- Moderator
- Posts: 984
- Joined: Fri 20 Aug, 2010 9:54 pm
- Custom Title: Death the 2nd
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: Deep in my soul
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Re: Free Money Just For You
I don't care if you meant to or not you're getting your free money! Lol
Last bumped by Undead on Fri 30 Nov, 2012 8:03 pm.

Video Game Designer/Programmer In Training
My Trainer Card