Gym 1: First up we’re going to let it be nice and relaxing… with several large mazes, weather effects AND a double battle at the end of it. And this is only Gym 1. You’ll enter the Gym and be presented with a maze, made out of water. Don’t worry, a raft will be provided. Your first task will be to navigate the maze of water to the end, where a warp tile will take you to the next maze. The mazes get larger and more challenging, including things like opening and closing locks or balancing out water levels. When you finally get to the end of the 6th maze, well then its Gym Leader time.
As a double battle, you’ll be facing two Pokémon at any one time. Rain Dance is the main hook of this battle, both Kingdra and Raichu have it, not to mention Politoed’s ability makes it rain as soon as it begins. Once in effect, it’s going to have a LOT of benefits to this team. Primary benefit will be that all his water attacks will be 50% more damaging. All Fire moves will also be weaker, but you weren’t planning on using fire moves against a mostly water team, right?
Politoed: This is Pokémon number 1 to be thrown out, its drizzle effect meaning that it wont have to waste a turn to make it rain. Its mainly used for a set up, but it does have a nasty surprise that will make it evil. Then standard procedure is pretty much ‘Surfs Up’. Fling will be a one time used move, it throws the held item as an attack, which then disappears. Downside is that the Iron Ball is the most damaging item using this attack, with a base damage of 130, so you’re not surviving that. It can stop itself being damaged thanks to protect, but it won’t be able to do that every turn and it defiantly can’t attack while it’s doing that.
Dragonite: Usually sent out with Politoed, its Multiscale ability will half the damage it takes while it’s at full health. Look it to take advantage of this with a dragon dance to boost up its damage output. Outrage is a strong dragon type move that will attack for a few turns, but it will leave the user confused, which (assuming you survived) would work in your favour. Hurricane is a powerful flying move that never misses while it’s raining. So unless you can affect the weather as well, I’d take this Dragonite out first.
Kingdra: If it’s raining, Swift Swim boosts Kingdra’s speed. If it’s not raining, Kingdra will rectify this. Draco Meteor is a Dragon type move that will hit hard, but with a cost to the Special Attack stat it may be hesitant on using it. Surf and Protect are pretty standard fair, and this one shouldn’t be as much of a problem as others.
Lapras: With leftovers and Water Absorb, Lapras is all about trying to stay around. Look for its partner (possibly kingdra) to be hitting it with a water move just to take advantage of the health benefits of Lapras’ ability. Waterfall could make you flinch but its Ice Shard you really need to be worried about. With a +1 on its priority, this move will most likely strike first regardless of if you’re faster or not. Good luck taking this one down
Kabutops: Another one who’s speed is boosted in the rain. Choice Band will also up the attack power of its moves by 50%, but it’ll be stuck using that move, so it has to be very careful in deciding which it needs. Waterfall and Aqua Jet are good water moves, the latter having a +1 on its priority. Stone Edge is a Rock move with an increased Critical Hit Ratio, but its accuracy is only 80% so if luck is with you, you could take this one out without it hitting you. Aerial Ace on the other had always hits the target, regardless of how you’ve effected the accuracy.
Raichu: Just when you thought you could use Electric to get through this, Raichu’s Lightnigrod puts an end to that. As soon as this Thunder Mouse is out, all electric attacks will land on him and not do damage. With Rain Dance, Raichu can make it rain again, and increase that Thunder attack to never miss. Grass Knot will be there to take out any possible Ground Type counters, but if you’re quick enough, this shouldn’t be a problem. Fake Out is a high priority move that will make you flinch, so you won’t be able to attack that turn. Thankfully it doesn’t work unless it’s the first move used as the Pokémon comes out.
This team is tough, although electric looks to work for a lot of these, that Raichu will instantly nullify that idea. A ground type for that one may work but it may have to survive the water attacks of other Pokémon first. Grass is an interesting back up, it’s strong against water and Electric doesn’t do much damage against them. And don’t forget this is a double battle, so you have to get 2 Pokémon out there on the field and working together.
We want to weed out the weak from the strong, because the strong are the only ones who are good enough to challenge our league. You’re strong, right? Because if you are, you can get the Rain Bade, TM18: Rain Dance and get to move on to Gym 2 for the next challenge.