Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

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Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

Or as i wanted to call this topic - Forum Competitions: The Revenge!

Ok, so for those who dont know (and there's going to be a lot of you) a few years ago we started running forum competitions to give away some forum related prizes. We stopped those features a long while back, but at the end of 2010 we tried the competitions again, this time giving away Adoption Agency Related prizes (in the trial, we made one of the winners pokemon shiny, which was near impossible to do back then).

To see the 2 competitions that were ran back then, see these lings

Competition 1
Competition 2

With more activity and more possible AA related prizes, we've decided that its a good time to try and bring these back. The problem? Well lack of acitivty wasnt the reason the competitions never took off again last time, it was a lack of ideas. I used to make all the competitions by showing off my figure collection, but this limited what I could do and how often I could do it. And now that I live away from said collection (long story) it makes it even more difficult to make the competitions like I used to.

But here's the great thing, much like the AA itself, sometimes the best ideas come from the Users, not use Admins. So now its going to be up to YOU to come up with the ideas for our competitions. In this thread we want to hear what kind of competitions we should run, the type, the length they should last, whehter it should be answered in topic or PM'd, whether the winner is anybody who gets the right answer, the first one. These are just some of the options we want you to give when you propose your idea. Oh and one last option - you can chose the prize we give away as well.

Now obviously if you say that the prize should be an arceus or a mew, we're not going to give that away. But we can give a pokemon away, maybe from a specific generation, maybe we could give away a pokemon that has yet to be released, or maybe we could give away a generation 1 pikachu - something not normally given away. Items are a nice prize as well, Rare candies or starmen are perfect prize fodder. And never forget Cash - Cash is always a nice prize to.

Whatever you suggest, its up to us admin to decide if we use your idea as it is or if we change any aspect (including the prize) - but guess what - if we chose your idea to run - YOU get a prize too. Probably cash, but we might be open to negotiation on that point. its also up to us to completly run the competition, we just need your ideas

So yeah, lets get your suggestions on some competitions we can run around here - get some more activity on these forums and some lovely prizes for you people.
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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by Sally_Ann »

Well I am guessing these will be forum run, and I wouldn't have time myself to paint pretty pictures or write massive stories to win prizes but heres a quickie type game;

Give the first and last letter, then the user must fill in the blank pokemon using the end letter of thr last poke as the starting letter for the next pokemon.

So I give a list of 6 pokes giving the start letter and end letter;


It's easy to make up, there could be more than one answer so people can post their answer in forums and not resort to some poor user having to go through PM's, it can be made as difficult or hard as required with either more pokes added in the list, or more handily simple clues such as "there are 3 kanto, 1 hoenn, 1 johto and 1 sinnoh in this puzzle" or "there are 2 starters and 1 eeveelutions in this puzzle" or "your third pokemon is PikachU". If people didn't get the answer during the first week then give more clues.

The beauty of this is also can't be googled in 10 seconds :P

Spoiler: show
Not sure whether it will work or not as it's 2 AM and the idea just sprang into my head XD

I do also love the original caption competition idea, both with funny captions being invented or visual tests so not sure if it's possible to run those on a monthly basis?

I havn't really thought about prizes, but I'd rather it not be money since I can sit here in less than and hour and make a load of it. If you want people to compete it needs to be something they can't get in the same amount of time it would take them to enter the competition. I am thinking game corner points? Free starter poke? Rare berry? Even free XP to a poke of their choice? Rare candies are a very good choice for this though.

I'd say the prize needs to be something not too "game changing" like giving away free shines because it just causes dissent when one user wins 7 shinies and 1 user tries their hardest every week and can't win any.


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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

just to be clear if it wasnt already - the plan is that these Forum Competitions will be run by myself, I just need ideas on the competitions from the future contestants

So yeah, you dont have to do the hard work of coming up with the actual content of the competition - just what it could be
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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by Sally_Ann »

A "guess the pokemon silhouette" competition ?

You might have to find a resource thats not easily google'd but since you are a bit arty I'm sure you could do something.


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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by Sally_Ann »

*Bump* Come on guys!! There must be hundreds of ideas out there, don't you want to win cool stuff?

Someone needs to suggest an idea before I suggest a competition to see who can click the most pokes in a day! (which I'd win every day of course :P)

I can think of a few more but I don't want to post them to take away from everyone else getting a chance.


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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Sally_Ann wrote:I can think of a few more but I don't want to post them to take away from everyone else getting a chance.
I wouldn't worry too much about that, nothing says each user must come up with unique ideas. You're free to post ideas and other users are just as free to voice their dis/agreement with your ideas as they are to post their own :) .

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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by Mordecham »

Well, if you want to make people think (I know how much people hate to do that, though), you could try putting up some kind of math problem, and give the prize to the first howevermany people have the right answer. If you wanted to make it more Pokemon-related, you could always replace all the numbers with Pokemon sprites instead, with every Pokemon in the problem standing in for its number in the National Dex. (Ivysaur + Caterpie = Butterfree)

As a similar idea, you could make a contest out of, say, a Sudoku puzzle, using sprites instead of numbers. To make it more complicated, each sprite might stand for only the last digit of their National Dex number, so that each Pokemon could only be used once...and maybe only certain Pokemon could go in certain rows or columns (2-down is Electric Type only, and 5-across is only for Flying types, so where they intersect must be those two types, or maybe no two starters can be adjacent to one another or something).

Crossword puzzles are classics, as well. If you're clever enough with the clues, a crossword could be quite the challenge, especially if all the answers are drawn from a video game franchise, which makes them a little harder to look up online (what with Bulbasaur and Everstone and Unova not being "real" words and all).

As for prizes, I kinda like the idea of "unique" Pokemon. Say, if you have a Christmas Contest, maybe the prize is a special Snover who has red and green lights on his body and a star on his head, while a summer contest might be a Voltorb recolored to look like a beach ball with a face. Those Pokemon could even be breedable (if the species is normally able to breed), but the children would always be regular, non-contest versions (Christmas Snover has Snover babies, maybe shiny Snover babies if you're lucky, but no Christmas Snover babies). That sort of prize might help fill out a person's Pokedex, or it might not, but the unique look would mark it as a contest prize, if anyone cared to look.

There. I contributed ideas. :-P

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Re: Forum Competitions: The Suggestion Thread

Post by pnoymaster14 »

Make a 'Guess That Pokemon!' where we all try to guess what Pokemon you're describing and give a prize to the first to get it right or closest that seems like it.(kind of like what Sally_Ann said but describe it.) Or maybe you should make quizzes like one each day, the more days into the week, the bigger the prize. The quizzes could be asking what type(s) are weak against Ice? or What are kind of Pokemon that Eevee evloves too(type, and how too.)

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