Mass Migration Default Box

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Mass Migration Default Box

Post by Mordecham »

I saw this mentioned somewhere, but I'm not sure if it has it's own bug thread or not, so I'm posting one.

When you go to use the (new to me) Mass Migration feature to move a group of Pokemon out of the Default box, the Pokemon listed to choose from include more than just that box. In addition to the ones actually stored in that box, it looks like this feature considers the Pokemon in your Party, in the Breeding Centre, and on Meditation Island to be in the Default box as well. I did not actually try moving any of those, but there doesn't appear to be anything stopping someone from transferring somebody out of the Breeding Centre, for example. I assume this is a bug?

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Re: Mass Migration Default Box

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

no not a bug - but something that might be considered for changing later.

Every pokemon is set a box number - no matter where it is at that time. When you move a pokemon from your box to your party, it still keeps the box number it was in and was still assinged to that box. All your meditation island, ranch and breeding center pokemon were in the defualt box before being put there, and as such they are still technically apart of that box.

Fun fact, changing the defualt box doesnt change the box number for these pokemon until they are removed, sometimes not at all and they will revert back to the box number that they were assigned to in that case - and if that box was deleted that's how pokmeon have gone missing in the past but we think we've cleared that bug up.

Another fun, and definatly better fact - moving them in mass migration does NOT affect where there are in the party, ranch, breeding center - ect. You cannot mass migrate a pokemon out of the ranch or breeding center - At worst, you'll affect where it goes after you take it out from that place. So if you do mass migrate it and switch it out.... if it doesnt end up in your defualt box - thats why.
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