Foster Eggs

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Foster Eggs

Post by Mordecham »

I seem to have a couple of ZioCorvid's eggs in my Default box (though they are only visible from the large-sprite view, not the mini-view). Pokemon numbers 125077 and 124276, to be specific. At least, I'm pretty sure they are ZioCorvid's. They list me as the OT, but I'm not really sure how I would've legitimately gotten someone else's eggs.

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Re: Foster Eggs

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

looks like this is related to the old box bug where the egg hadnt been specified where to go, so it just picked a box at random. they wouldnt show up in the mini view for you, because that picks every egg you own assigned to that box, but they would show up on the large view because that just shows everything in the box, regardless of who its assigned to. They've been reunited to thier rightfull owner, although i am interested to know how you knew they were ZioCorvid's

Anyway, I'm going to lock this topic because its related to the old egg into wrong box bug, which has an open topic in here already for any of these still outstanding
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