Time passes from Gachapons Disappearing

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Time passes from Gachapons Disappearing

Post by Sally_Ann »

I brought some regular Gachapon and won about 5 time passes today, but my bag only shows the one I purchased from the wealthy district to test this bug.

I brought 5 Gachapon and won 2 time passes so went to use time machine but it wouldn't let me - I thought 6 hours might not be up so I left it alone.

I then tried again 6 hours later and there was still no option to use it, so I checked my eggs and my bag, eggs were fine - But the bag - no time passes.

I then brought a time pass from the shop so I could watch it more easily in the inventory. Brought 10 more reg Gachapons and won 2 or 3 more time passes.

None of the won time passes are showing in my inventory, so god only knows how many I've unfortunatly lost over the past 2 weeks.


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Re: Time passes from Gachapons Disappearing

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

check your fire stones... regular gapchapons dont hand out time passes

I THOUGHT i fixed this... checking again

EDIT: Yeah, stupid me changed the wrong picture.

All that was happening is that whenever you won a fire stone from a gacha it claimed you'd won a time pass as that was the picture appearing. Time passes are only gained from expensive gacha's, not regular ones. Of course, stupid me, changed the expensive gapcha's time pass image. So any time you opened up an expensive gapcha and won a time pass, it said you won a fire stone. All fixed now

Basically, you havent lost any time passes at all - you should have a fair few fire stones now, and this problem should now be completly fixed

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