Hall of Fame Bug?

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Hall of Fame Bug?

Post by Mordecham »

I looked up the Hall of Fame for Venusaur. Number 10 of the Top Ten is level 34, while I have a Venusaur about 10 levels higher which is not listed at all. Is this a mistake, or are individual Pokemon ranked by something other than level?

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Re: Hall of Fame Bug?

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

despite being in your party, each pokemon is still assigned t the last box they were in - was that box your venasua was in a private box? if so, thats why its not showing up on the list - its the same for my umbreon, it wont show up on the umbreon list because its still assigned to my defualt box, which is a private box
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Re: Hall of Fame Bug?

Post by Mordecham »

I'm not actually sure what box, if any, my Venusaur is assigned to. It's the first one I got here, and it's never actually been boxed. I guess that makes it the default box? *shrug*

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Re: Hall of Fame Bug?

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Your Venusaur is indeed in a private box, which makes this not a bug.

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