Farfetch'd breaks breeder card

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Viridian City
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Farfetch'd breaks breeder card

Post by krazykat1980 »

My breeder card comes up in my sig with a 404 image... when I remove Farfetch'd from my party it works correctly... also when I go to what SHOULD be the url for my card image there is a bunch of php error messages on the page starting with:

Code: Select all

Warning: imagecreatefromgif() [function.imagecreatefromgif]: 'http://www.thepikaclub.co.uk/dex/images/pokemon/icon/Farfetch'd.gif' is not a valid GIF file in /home/pikachu/public_html/adopt/card.php on line 176
I did just see a post elsewhere about the

Code: Select all

causing problems in breeding Farfetch'd - maybe that has something to do with this problem as well?

Anyways, I'll leave Farfetch'd in my party for now in case it's helpful in tracking it down - and here's the link to my trainer card image: http://www.thepikaclub.co.uk/adopt/card.php?id=10220
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Viridian City
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Re: Farfetch'd breaks breeder card

Post by krazykat1980 »

Farfetch'd the Farfetch'd and an unnamed Farfetch'd STILL break my breeder card... I've actually seen quite a few of these breeder cards throughout the forum, but have no idea if they all have Farfetch'd in their party...

Update: out of the error page this "http://www.thepikaclub.co.uk/dex/images ... etch'd.gif" obviously doesn't lead to an image on the site... but this does "http://www.thepikaclub.co.uk/dex/images ... etch'd.gif" so maybe the apostrophe needs to be escaped somehow before the url is processed instead of encoding it?
(although if it was me I'd take the easier way of just renaming the darn file lol)

screenshot of broken breeder card

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