Breeding Center minor issue

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Breeding Center minor issue

Post by pyrakitt »

Noticed that the menu on the side where the shortcuts were no longer shows when the Breeding Center has eggs ready.
It just shoves the text for the Trading Center out of alignment.


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Code Monkey
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Re: Breeding Center minor issue

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Thanks for letting me know, this has been fixed and will be included in the next update.

Favourites: :Gyarados: :Tyranitar: :Zangoose: :Drapion: Image

Red: 151/151 | Gold: 247/251 | Fire Red: 376/386 | Heart Gold: 493/493 | Black: 649/649

Please do not PM me about bugs on the Adoption Agency. Instead, make a topic in the bugs forum.
