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Post by Pikachu3828 »

I've been reading up a lot on human-vs-human battling lately and it seems all too often the same Pokémon keep coming up over and over. This is quite natural, because I'd rather use a strong Pokémon against a serious opponent than a weak one, but this puzzles me: I've never seen anyone use Ursaring. Is there any reason why? I mean, I look at it's base stats: (HP:90 Attack:130 Defence:75 Special attack:75 Special defence:75 Speed: 55) and realise that with a beneficial nature it's attack stat can max 394! That's more than Snorlax! I realise it has mediocre other stats, but is that really the only reason this one goes unused? Or does it actually get used? Does anyone use it and have a good moveset for it?

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Post by surfingpika »

I think Ursaring is mainly unused because of it's low speed and defenses. If a pokemon is going to be slow, it has to be able to take a solid hit before it can do anything, and most people don't believe Ursaring can do that. Then, realistically, to be able to attack more than once, it needs to be successful in paralysing with body slam, or luck with the quick claw. Having Ursaring actually attack is just too hit or miss for people to often use seriously.

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Berserk Murkrow
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Post by Berserk Murkrow »

Ursaring is actually one of my favorite Pokemon. As you stated Roy, Ursaring has one of the highest Attack stats in the game. No, I wouldn't use it against a fast Fighting-Type Pokemon like Hitmonlee, but if used correctly, Ursaring can be a beast.

Ursaring@Chesto Berry/Quick Claw
Adamant (Attack +, Special Attack-)
Max Out Attack and Defense EVs and put any other remaining EVs into Speed

Rest/Brick Break/Faint Attack
Swords Dance

Return can be a one-hit KO one any non-Rock/Steel/Ghost Type Pokemon when Ursaring is at max happiness. Earthquake can easily take care of any of those pesky Pokemon that can't be heavily damaged by Return. I'd suggest Rest above any other Move for the third slot. With Ursaring's below average Defenses, Ursaring's HP will dwindle pretty quickly. But if you want to, use Brick Break can help knock out fellow Normal-Types, or Faint Attack if Ghost-Types are plaguing your team. Swords Dance will send Ursaring's Attack to unbelievable heights.

Hey, I think I found my first POTW entry Roy. :wink:
I'm back. And better then ever!

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PD Wooper
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Post by PD Wooper »

One word: Shadow Tag. Kills this guy. It also gets KO'd by a good sweeper, this guy was used as a tank in GSC.
Hallo n_~

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