Mew movesets

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Mew movesets

Post by Pikachu3828 »

With the advent of Pokémon XD and the revelation that Mew is able to learn over 100 moves, I'm wondering what people would consider to be ideal movesets for Mew. We do not know what those 100 moves are yet, but for now let's say that Mew is able to learn any move possible. What sort of movesets would you give to a Mew if you had those possibilites?

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Post by TaylorGS »

Ooh! A what-if game! ^^

Let's see... I didn't think too hard, but...

Psychic - Mew must have a psychic attack, and I can't think of anything stronger
Moonlight - I used to give Mew Softboiled, but Moonlight/Synthesis/Morning Sun heals more if it's sunny.. And it looks cooler...
Sacred Fire - I like this move! That's why! ^^
Volt Tackle - It was a pain to breed it into my Raichu. And I like this move too. Pretty! ^^

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Post by surfingpika »

If mew could learn any move possible, I could see many people copying the common Smeragle set:
Mean Look
Sheer Cold

However, I would like try to run Mew with this set:
Leech seed
Comsic power

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Post by Pikachu3828 »

surfingpika wrote: However, I would like try to run Mew with this set:
Leech seed
Comsic power
Interesting, seems to somewhat resemble a certain other legendary's moveset, Celebi :smile:

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Post by surfingpika »

Yeah, the set does resemble Celebi's, but if it works on a pokemon with 7 or 8 weaknesses, with at least 3 popular types as weaknesses, imagine it on a tougher pokemon. Besides, with infinite possibilities, there are infinite ways to create an unworkable mess. Usually, in the situations, what is best is that you give that pokemon a set that works well on one pokemon, but Smeragle (or Mew with this assumption) can do better. This is just my opinion on the matter, you can think what you like.

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Post by shining mew »

oooohhh what a perfect subject for me! lets see...

hidden power
confuse ray

it's the perfect set! (at least for my kind of battling)
i <3 mew!Image

avi from so thanks guys <3

yay i'm mew!!! Image

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Post by Berserk Murkrow »

Well, I would personally go with:

Mew@Scope Lens
Modest (Special Attack +, Attack -)
Psychic (Seems we all agree Mew needs a STAB Move and Psychic by far is the best choice)
Leaf Blade (Powerful Grass-Type move with a pretty high chance of Critical Hit)
Blaze Kick (Again, a pretty powerful Fire-Type attack and a high chance of Critical Hit)
Muddy Water (A Water-Type attack thats an alternative to Surf with the same strength but the water is colored brown)

I call it my Hoenn Mew. It has the three moves unique to the Hoenn Starters plus a STAB move.
I'm back. And better then ever!

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