Game's Most Rubbishes moves:

For Pokémon discussion that doesn't quite fit into any of the other forums.

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Code Monkey
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Post by Pikachu3828 »

This thread is over a year old, I think it's time to let it die

Favourites: :Gyarados: :Tyranitar: :Zangoose: :Drapion: Image

Red: 151/151 | Gold: 247/251 | Fire Red: 376/386 | Heart Gold: 493/493 | Black: 649/649

Please do not PM me about bugs on the Adoption Agency. Instead, make a topic in the bugs forum.

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PD Wooper
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Post by PD Wooper »

pokemaster wrote:ok then, you tell me what the attack is and what it does....

harden = defence rises! whooooo (i'm gonna win a battle with that)
agility = speed rises! whooo (i might win a battle with that if i have a few good attacks)

even some tms are rubbish, you can only put attacks that DON'T cause damage in this thread!
Okay, okay, splash is the /only/ attack which is completely useless, unless you want to waste PP.
However, any stat raising/lowering attack becomes useless after 6 uses on the same pokémon, and if the raise/lower is SHARP, then after 3 turns it becomes useless.

Water Spout and Eruption (Wailmer, Kyogre, Wailord, Groudon) are useless unless you have a good amount of HP.

Endevaour is useless unless your pokémon is on very low HP.

Transform is useless vs. another Ditto.

Flail and Reversal are useless when you have full HP, as are Softboiled, the drains and leech life (to an extent), Recover, Slack off, Rest (To an extent) and Wish (to an extent)

Refresh is useless if you have no status conditions. Facade is /dumb/ to use if you have no status condition.

Normal and Fighting attacks are useless vs. Ghost unless you have foresight.

Ghost attacks are useless vs. Normal.

Ground attacks are useless vs. Flying

Poison attacks are useless vs. Steel

Electric attacks are useless vs. Ground and pokémon with volt absorb.

Water attacks are useless vs. pokémon with water absorb.
Hallo n_~
