Edit @ 19/05/10: Left the topic as is to be read later for archive purposes.
So it looks as though yet another generation of Pokémon has started to have been revealed. It's surprisingly, really, how ideas can keep going for designs, even if they're tied into another generation.
The first Pokémon to be revealed:

Dark type, Monster Fox Pokémon.

Zorua, the "prevolution" of Zoroark.
Dark type, Evil Fox Pokémon.
Zoroark is catchable via the event involving the shiny dogs, given away at the 13th movie. Its and Zorua's ability is known as Illusion, which allows them to look like other Pokémon.
And later revealed, the logos of the first 5th gen games, Pokémon Black and White:
Images of the redesigned overworld:

Pokémon Centre - Note the counter that looks like a part of the Mart

A cave

The starting town

The player crossing a bridge with traffic underneath - Possibly Hiun City
Then, some battle screens:

Zoroark vs Zorua

More Zoroark vs Zorua

Zoroark using Illusion

Zoroark transformed!

Zoroark's Illusion broke
The new male/female icons have been shown here too, these are shown below:


And then the new starters:

Shown is Mijumaru, the water starter; Tsutaji, the grass starter; and Pokabu, the fire starter.
Note that these names are true for the Japanese version only; they'll probably change for the English version.
Also, some information with related pictures:
Apparently, the region will be known as the Isshu region, with the protagonists being older than ever. One of the towns, a port town, is known as Hiun City, pictured below.
Hiun City:

The city

The market

A lookout

More of the city

The harbour

The alleys