This is my first shot at creating a set, so here goes.
1-17 = Rare Holographic
18-41 = Rare
42-79 = Uncommon
80-109 = Common
110-117 = Trainers
Underline indicates done.
Underline in pokémon means I have edited it.
1 /117 Alakazam
2 /117 Altaria
3 /117 Ampharos
4 /117 Blastiose
5 /117 Blaziken
6 /117 Charizard
7 /117 Feraligatr
8 /117 Forretress
9 /117 Meganium
10 /117 Metagross
11 /117 Salamence
12 /117 Sceptile
13 /117 Snorlax
14 /117 Swampert
15 /117 Typhlosion
16 /117 Tyranitar
17 /117 Venusaur
18 /117 Absol
19 /117 Blissey
20 /117 Chansey
21 /117 Dodrio
22 /117 Espeon
23 /117 Flareon
24 /117 Gardevoir
25 /117 Glalie
26 /117 Gyarados
27 /117 Jolteon
28 /117 Lapras
29 /117 Linoone
30 /117 Milotic
31 /117 Pidgeot
32 /117 Pupitar (1)
33 /117 Pupitar (2)
34 /117 Quagsire
35 /117 Raichu
36 /117 Salamence
37 /117 Sharpedo
38 /117 Shelgon
39 /117 Umbreon
40 /117 Vaporeon
41 /117 Zangoose
42 /117 Aipom
43 /117 Bagon
44 /117 Banette
45 /117 Bayleef
46 /117 Castform
47 /117 Charmeleon
48 /117 Combusken
49 /117 Crobat
50 /117 Croconaw
51 /117 Ditto
52 /117 Electabuzz
53 /117 Feebas
54 /117 Flaafy
55 /117 Gligar
56 /117 Golbat
57 /117 Grovyle
58 /117 Houndoom
59 /117 Ivysaur
60 /117 Jynx
61 /117 Kadabra
62 /117 Larvitar
63 /117 Magmar
64 /117 Marshtomp
65 /117 Metang
66 /117 Ninjask
67 /117 Pidgeotto
68 /117 Pineco
69 /117 Pinsir
70 /117 Porygon 2
71 /117 Quilava
72 /117 Scizor
73 /117 Scyther
74 /117 Shedinja
75 /117 Shelgon
76 /117 Skarmory
77 /117 Swablu
78 /117 Wartortle
79 /117 Yanma
80 /117 Abra
81 /117 Bagon
82 /117 Beldum
83 /117 Bulbasaur
84 /117 Carvhana
85 /117 Charmander
86 /117 Chikorita
87 /117 Cyndaquil
88 /117 Doduo
89 /117 Eevee (1)
90 /117 Eevee (2)
91 /117 Elekid
92 /117 Kirlia
93 /117 Larvitar
94 /117 Magby
95 /117 Mareep
96 /117 Mudkip
97 /117 Nincada
98 /117 Porygon
99 /117 Ralts
100 /117 Shuppet
101 /117 Smoochum
102 /117 Squirtle
103 /117 Torchic
104 /117 Totodile
105 /117 Treecko
106 /117 Tropius
107 /117 Wooper
108 /117 Zigzagoon
109 /117 Zubat
110 /117 Advanced Healing
111 /117 Joy
112 /117 Energy Effeciency
113 /117 PokéFood
114 /117 Sitrus Berry
115 /117 Oran Berry
116 /117 Lum Berry
117 /117 Megabit Search
90 HP {P}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Trick
When Alakazam is your Active Pokémon, flip a coin whenever a Trainer Card is used. If tails, that player shuffles their hand into their deck and draws 7 cards. This power cannot be used while Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition.
{P}{P} Psybeam Flip a coin. If tails, the Defending Pokemon is now confused. If heads, then this attack does 20 damage plus 30. 20+
{P}{P}{C} Mind Blast 50
Weakness- {D}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
120 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Refreshing Personality
When Altaria is first put into play, flip a coin. If heads, then remove all damage counters from your active Pokémon. If tails, shuffle Altaria into your deck and draw a card. This power cannot be used when Altaria would be your only Pokémon in play.
{C}{C}{C} Wing Attack Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more. 40+
{C}{C}{C}{C} Drill Peck For each damage counter in play, flip a coin. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. 10x
Weakness- {C}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
100 HP {L}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Static
When Ampharos is Knocked Out by an attack, flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is paralysed.
{L}{L}{C} Thunder Wave This attack does 30 damage plus 20 for each prize you have taken. You cannot add more than 40 damage in this way. 30+
{L}{L}{L} Tail Glow Next Turn, Ampharos does 20 more damage with any attack. 10
Weakness- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
110 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Shell Armor
If Blastiose is attacked, flip 3 coins. If 1 or more are tails, Blastiose takes 10 damage plus that of the attack. If 2 or more are heads, Blastiose takes no damage.
{W}{C} Water Pulse Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more. If heads, this attack does 20 damage for each Pokémon with any damage counters. You cannot add more than 60 damage in this way. 20?
{W}{W}{W} Shell Bash This attack does 80 damage minus however many damage counters Blastiose has. You can discard any 3 energy cards from Blastiose to keep the damage at 80. 80-
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
90 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Karate Skills
Whenever Blaziken attacks with an attack that would do damage, flip a coin. If heads, Blaziken does 20 more damage. If tails, Blaziken does 20 damage to itself.
{C}{C} Slam 30
{F}{F}{C}{C} Blaze Kick Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, The Defending Pokémon is burned. If both are tails, this attack does 40 damage instead of 60. 60-
Weakness- {P}
Resistance- {G}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
100 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Blast Flames
Whenever Charizard needs to discard energy cards to attack or retreat, flip 2 coins. If both are heads, negate energy card discards. This power cannot be used when Charizard is affected by a Special Condition.
{F}{F} Will-O-Wisp The Defending Pokémon is now burned. 30
{F}{F}{C}{C} Overheat Flip 2 coins. If any of them are tails, discard 2 {F} energy cards from Charizard. 120
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {G}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
120 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Torrent
If at the beginning of your turn Feraligatr has 9 or more damage counters on it, flip a coin. If heads, its next attack will do 30 more damage.
{W}{W}{C} Muddy Water Feraligatr will take 10 less damage next turn (after applying weakness and resistance). 40
{W}{W}{W}{C} Hydro Cannon Flip 4 coins. For each tails, discard an energy card from Feraligatr. 100
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
80 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Steel Casing
At the beginning of each turn, flip a coin. If heads, Forretress is not affected by weakness for that turn. This power cannot be used while Foretress is asleep.
{G} Rapid Spin This attack can be used even when Forretress is paralysed. 10
{G}{G}{C} Drop Bomb This attack does 30 damage plus 20 damage for each energy card attached to Forretress not used to pay for this attack. 30+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {M}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}{C}
110 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Soothing Aroma
If the Defending Pokémon is not Grass, Fire or Water type, when Meganium is attacked with a damage and effect attack, flip a coin. If heads, negate the damage. If tails, negate the effect. This power cannot be used while Meganium is affected by a special condition, but can be used while recharging from Frenzy Plant.
{G} Energy Store Attach up to 3 energy cards from your hand to Meganium.
{G}{G}{G}{G} Frenzy Plant Meganium cannot attack or retreat for the next turn. 160
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
100 HP {M}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Brain Caching
If for any reason Metagross cannot attack, for one turn after Metagross last attacked, it may use that attack again, regardless of special conditions and energy requirements.
{C}{C} Meteor Mash This attack does 20 damage plus 20 damage for each energy card attached to Metagross not used to pay for this attack.
{M}{M} Take Down Metagross does 20 damage to itself. 50 20+
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}{C}{C}
110 HP {C}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Toughened Hide
Whenever Salamence is attacked, flip 2 coins. For each heads, subtract 10 damage from that attack. This power cannot be used when Salamence is affected by a special condition.
{C}{C}{C} Slash Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. 20x
{C}{C}{C}{C} Dragon Claw For each Lightning, Fire or Water energy attached to Salamence (can be used to pay for this attack), add 20 damage. 40+
Weakness- {C}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
90 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Agile Body
At the beginning of each turn, flip a coin. If heads, Sceptile has 2 chances to attack. One of these turns may be forfeited to remove 2 damage counters from Sceptile. This power cannot be used while Sceptile is affected by a Special Condition.
{G}{G}{C} Endeavour If Sceptile has more than 6 damage counters on it, this attack does 40 damage plus 40 more. 30+
{G}{G}{G} Leaf Blade Flip 5 coins. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. 40+
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}
100 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Laziness
At the beginning of each turn, flip 4 coins. If 2 or more are tails, Snorlax cannot attack or retreat.
{C} Roll Over The opponent is now paralysed. 10
{C}{C} Return This attack does 80 damage minus 10 for each damage counter on Snorlax. 80-
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}{C}
120 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Tidal Control
At the beginning of each turn, flip a coin. If heads, Swampert is a Fighting Type for that turn. If Tails, Swampert is a Water Type for that turn. The energy requirements for attacks stay the same, however. All energy cards attached to Swampert become the new type.
{W}{W}{W}{C} Surf 60
{F}{F}{F}{F} Earthquake This attack doesn't affect any Pokémon with a resistance to Fighting. It also does 20 damage to all Benched Pokémon. 80
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
100 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Hot Temper
Whenever Typhlosion is damaged, the Pokémon that damaged it receives 10 damage. This power cannot be used while Typhlosion is affected by a special condition.
{F}{C} Flare Up Next turn, Hot Temper's recoil damage increases to 20. 30
{F}{F}{F}{C} Heat Wave For each energy card in play, flip a coin. This attack does 10x the number of heads. 10x
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {G}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
120 HP {F}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Sandstorm
When Tyranitar is put into play, if Tyranitar is the only your only Pokémon in play, all of the opponents benched pokémon receive 20 damage. If not, then they receive 10 damage. Either way, the Defending Pokémon receives 30 damage.
{G} Earth Uprisal Select one of your opponent's benched Pokémon, and do 10 damage to it. 10
{F}{F}{C} Rock Slide Flip 4 coins. If 3 or more are heads, the Defending Pokémon cannot attack or retreat next turn. 50
Weakness- {M}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}{C}
110 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Energy Trans
At any time during your turn, you can rearrange Grass Energy cards to your liking.
{G}{G} Vine Tangle The Defending Pokémon cannot retreat next turn. 20
{G}{G}{G}{G} Solarbeam 100
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
80 HP {D}
Basic Pokémon
{C}{C} Slash 30
{D}{C}{C} Disaster Flip 5 coins. If none are heads, shuffle your hand into your deck. If 1 is heads, this attack does 10 damage. If 2 are heads, this attack does 20 damage. If 3 are heads, this attack does 30 damage. If 4 are heads, this attack does 60 damage. If 5 are heads, this attack does 90 damage.
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
150 HP {c}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Natural Cure
Before Blissey retreats, remove all damage counters from the Pokémon coming in to replace it.
{C}{C} Softboiled Flip 5 coins. Remove 2 damage counters from Blissey for each heads.
{C}{C}{C} Egg Bomb Flip 2 coins. If 1 or more are tails, this attack does nothing. 150
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
110 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Egg Flip
Before Chansey uses an attack, flip a coin. If heads, Egg Bomb requires no coin flip. If tails, Softboiled takes away 1 more damage counter.
{C} Softboiled Flip 8 coins. For each heads, remove 1 damage counter from Chansey.
{C}{C}{C} Egg Bomb Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. 70
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Aerial Ace This attack hits the Defending Pokémon, no matter what. Resistance and Weakness do not apply. 40
{C}{C}{C} Double Edge Dodrio does 20 damage to itself. 90
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {P}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Morning Sun
As long as Espeon is in play, Fire pokémon do 10 more damage each attack. This power cannot be used while Espeon is affected by a special condition.
{C}{C}{C} Eastern Sunrise The Defending Pokémon cannot retreat next turn. 20
{P}{P}{C} Solarbeam 120
Weakness- {D}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
80 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{F}{C} Flame Tackle 30
{F}{C}{C} Quick Attack Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more. 40+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
80 HP {P}
Stage 2 Pokémon
{P}{C}{C} Psybeam Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now confused. 40
{P}{P}{P} Psychic Flip a coin. If tails, Gardevoir does 10 damage to itself. 60
Weakness- {D}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
100 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{C} Snowstorm Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. 20+
{W}{W}{C} Quickfreeze Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage plus 20 damage for each heads. 20+
Weakness- {M,F}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost-
110 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{W} Dragon Dance For each energy card attached to Gyarados and the Defending Pokémon, flip a coin. Gyarados' next attack does 10 more damage for each heads.
{W}{W}{W}{C} Dive Flip 2 coins. If 1 or more is heads, Gyarados avoids any damage or effect next turn. 50
Weakness- {L,G}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
60 HP {L}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{L}{L} Static Charge Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent is paralysed. If tails, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more. 20+
{L}{L}{C} Thunderstorm This attack does 30 damage plus 10 damage for every Lightning energy in play. Flip a coin. If tails, both players discard all trainers from their hands. 30+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}
80 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{W} Aurora Beam Flip 2 coins. Damage done to Lapras next turn is reduced by 10 damage for each heads. 30
{W}{W}{W} Hydro Pump Flip 4 coins. If all 4 are tails, this attack does nothing. 70
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
70 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Scatter
At the beginning of your turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, flip a coin until you get tails. Both you and your opponent draw a card for each heads.
{C}{C} Tail Whip For each Benched Pokémon in play, flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 for every 2 heads. 20+
{C}{C}{C}{C} Extremespeed Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. Linoone does 10 damage to itself. 40+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
80 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{C} Waterfall 40
{W}{W}{C}{C} Surf This attack does 30 damage for each {W} energy used to pay for this attack. 30x
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
120 HP {C}
Stage 2 Pokémon
{C}{C} Fury Attack Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage for each card in your hand. If tails, this attack does 10 damage for each damage counter on Pidgeot. ?
{C}{C}{C}{C} Sleeper Dive Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your opponents hand into their deck. If tails, shuffle your hand into your deck. 60
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
90 HP {F}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{F}{C} Hi-Speed Charge Flip a coin. If heads, look at the top card of your opponent's deck. 30
{F}{F}{F} Rock Slide 50
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
70 HP {F}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{F}{F}{F} Earthquake Flip a coin for each Basic and Stage 1 pokémon in play. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. 40+
{F}{F}{F}{C} Body Slam Flip 3 coins. If all are tails, this attack does nothing. If 1 is heads, pick one of the opponent's Benched Pokémon and do 20 damage to it. If 2 are heads, this attack does 40 damage to every Pokémon in play, excluding Pupitar. If all 3 are heads, This attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage, and 30 damage to all Pokémon on your opponent's bench. 40?
Weakness- {M}
Resistance- {C}
Retreat Cost- {C}
100 HP {F}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C}{C} Muddy Water If a {W} energy was used to pay for this attack, the opponent is now paralysed. If a {F} energy was used to pay for this attack, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more. 20+
{F}{F}{C}{C} Mud Slap If a {W} energy was used to pay for this attack, the opponent is now paralysed. 50
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
90 HP {L}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Magnetism
Whenever a {M} pokémon comes into play, any effects that would let it change positions, unless it is the last pokémon on the bench, are negated.
{L}{L}{L}Spark 50
{L}{L}{L}{C} Volt Tackle Flip 4 coins. For each heads add 10 damage. For each tails Raichu does 10 damage to itself. 60+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost-{C}{C}
120 HP {C}
Stage 2 Pokémon
{C}{C}{C} Aerial Ace This attack does 20 damage times the number of unique energy cards used to pay for this attack. 20x
{C}{C}{C} Dragon Claw If Salamence retreats on your next turn, or is damaged before your next turn, the Defending Pokémon receives 20 damage. 30
Weakness- {C}
Resistance- {W},{L},{R}
Retreat Cost-{C}{C}
60 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{W} Fake Out If a {D} energy is attached to Sharpedo, this attack does 20 damage plus 40 more. 20+
{W}{W}{D} Crunch Flip a coin. If heads, Sharpedo's next attack does 30 more damage. 50
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost-{C}
100 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Shed Skin Shelgon is cured of Poison and Burn. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage.
{C}{C}{C} Dragon Claw This attack does 20 damage plus 20 more for each of your benched pokémon in play which have either {R},{W} or {L} attached to them. 20+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L,R,C}
Retreat Cost-{C}{C}{C}
110 HP {D}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{D}{D} Night Ray Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is Asleep and Poisoned. If tails the Defending Pokémon is Confused. 20+
{D}{D}{D} Lunar Power If Umbreon is damaged, switched or affected by a Special Condition by your next turn, the Defending Pokémon receives 40 damage. 30
Weakness- {F,C}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
140 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{W}{C} Waterfall 50
{W}{W}{W} Dive Vaporeon cannot be affected by any condition, PokéPower, PokéBody, attack or damage before your next turn. On your next turn this attack does 60 damage.
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
70 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C}{C} Rebound This attack does 20 damage plus 10 damage for each damage counter placed on Zangoose in your opponent's last turn. 20+
{C}{C}{C} Crush Claw Flip 2 coins. If heads, all of Zangoose's attacks from now on do 10 more damage. If tails, Zangoose's next attack does 10 more damage. You cannot add more than 30 damage in this way. 30
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
60 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C}{C} Tail Slam Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more. 20+
{C}{C}{C} Triple Kick Flip 3 coins. This attack does 100 damage minus 30 damage for each tails. 100-
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
50 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C} Dragon Dance If a Lightning, Fire or Water energy was used to pay for this attack, Bagon's next attack does 30 more damage. 10
{C}{C} Brick Break If a Fighting energy was used to pay for this attack, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more. If a Lightning, Fire or Water energy was used to pay for this attack, this attack is not affected by Resistance. 20
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L},{F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {D}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Dark Matter
Whenever a {D} energy is attached to Banette, {D} attacks do 10 more damage to Banette, but Banette's attacks do 20 more damage. Whenever a {P} energy is attached to Banette, Banette's attacks do 10 less damage, but {D} attacks do 20 less damage to Banette. All damage effects come into effect after applying weakness and resistance.
{D}{D}{C} Spite Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon cannot attack or retreat next turn. 40
{P}{P}{C} Shadow Ball Flip 5 coins. For each heads, your opponent shuffles a card into their deck. For each tails you draw a card. 40
Weakness- {D}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{G}{G} Poisonpowder Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is poisoned. 30
{G}{G}{C} Razor Leaf Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage for each heads. 20x
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {G}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
50 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-Power Moody
Whenever a {F} energy is attached to Castform, for that turn Weather Ball does 30 more damage. Whenever a {W} energy is attached to Castform, flip a coin. If heads, remove a damage counter from Castform for each turn you take. If tails, Weather ball does 10 more damage each turn.
{C} Tackle 50
{C}{C}{C} Weather Ball Flip 9 coins. If 7 are heads, the Defending Pokémon is paralysed. If 8 are heads, the Defending Pokémon is now burned. If 9 are heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more. 30
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{R}{R} Fire Spin For the next 3 turns, the Defending Pokémon cannot retreat or be switched out, and takes 10 damage per turn. 20
{R}{C}{C} Quickfire For each {C} energy cost paid for with a {R} energy, select one of your opponent's benched pokémon and do 10 damage to it. 30
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {G}
Retreat Cost- {C}
60 HP {F}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{F}{F} Double Kick Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. 20+
{F}{F}{C} Brick Break If Combusken is attacked in the next turn, that Pokémon receives 10 damage. If Combusken faints, then the attacking pokémon receives 30 damage. 30
Weakness- {P}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}
90 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon
{C}{C}{C} Whirlwind Flip a coin. If heads, switch out the Defending Pokémon to any of his benched Pokémon. If tails then this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more. 30+
{G}{G}{G} Poison Fang Flip a coin. If heads, then the Defending Pokémon's poison damage increases by 10 each turn. If tails then the Defending Pokémon's poison damage increases by 10 this turn. The Defending Pokémon is now poisoned. 30
Weakness- {P}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
70 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{W} Dive Flip 3 coins. For each heads, Croconaw receives 10 less damage next turn. 20
{W}{W}{C} Surf 50
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
50 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Transform
Whenever Ditto is put into play, choose any other Pokémon in play, if any. Ditto now has the same attacks and HP of that Pokémon. If Ditto is the only Pokémon in play when put into play, then the next Pokémon put into play is the one that Ditto mimicks.
{C}{C} Expand Ditto receives 10 less damage next turn. 10
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
60 HP {L}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{L}{L} Shock Wave This attack is not affected by resistance. 30
{L}{L}{C} Thunderbolt This attack does 60 damage minus 10 damage if Electabuzz has any other type of energy but {L} attached to it. 60-
Weakness- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon
{W} Shiny Coat If Feebas is attacked in your opponent's next turn, it is not affected by Weakness. 10
{W}{C} Flail This attack does 10 damage plus 10 damage for each damage counter on Feebas. 10+
Weakness- {L},{G}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {L}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-Power Prized Coat
Whenever you draw a card, flip a coin. If tails, shuffle it into your deck, and remove a damage counter from Flaafy.
{L}{C} Cotton Spore Flip a coin. If heads, Flaafy can attack and retreat in the same turn on your next turn. 20
{L}{L}{C} Spark The Defending Pokémon is now paralysed. 30
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
60 HP {F}
Basic Pokémon
{F}{F} Magnitude Flip a coin for every damage counter on Gligar. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads, and 10 damage for each energy card attached to Gligar. 10x
{F}{F} Wing Attack Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more. 30
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L},{F}
Retreat Cost-
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{G}{C}{C} Crunch Flip a coin. If heads, Aerial Ace does 10 more damage next turn. 30
{G}{G}{C} Aerial Ace 50
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{G}{G} Quick Attack Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 10 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. 10+
{G}{G}{C} Leaf Blade Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more. 40+
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}
80 HP {D}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Bite 20
{R}{R}{C} Flamethrower Flip a coin until you get heads. Discard an energy card from Houndoom for each tails. 70
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
80 HP {D}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{G}{G} Vine Whip Flip a coin. If heads, both you and your opponent show eachother the top card from your deck. 30
{G}{G}{C} Growth Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 damage for each heads. 20+
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
80 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Meditate Flip a coin. If heads, Jynx's next attack does 10 more damage. 20
{W}{W}{C} Ice Beam 50
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
60 HP {P}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Rearrangement
Whenever a damage counter would be put onto Kadabra, flip a coin. If heads, remove that damage counter. This power cannot be used while Kadabra is Paralysed.
{C}{C} Teleport You may either shuffle Kadabra and all cards attached to it into your deck, or move Kadabra to the bench, and rearrange all Energy cards in your play area to your liking. 10
{P}{P} Psybeam The Defending Pokémon is now confused. 20
Weakness- {D}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
80 HP {F}
Basic Pokémon
{F}{F} Brick Break 30
{F}{F} Magnitude Flip 4 coins. For each tails, this attack does 30 less damage. 100
Weakness- {W},{G}
Resistance- {F},{M}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
80 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Subsitute If Magmar has 30 or more HP, place 2 damage counters on magmar. Until the subsitute is broken Magmar is not affected by any special conditions. The subsitute is broken when 20 damage is done to the subsitute. If an attack of more than 20 damage breaks the subsitute then it does no damage to Magmar.
{F}{F}{C} Fire Punch This attack does 70 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter put on Magmar during your last turn. 70-
Weakness- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
80 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{W}{C} Water Gun 30
{W}{C}{C} Surf Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokémon is paralysed. 40
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {M}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Bide All damage done to Metang in your opponent's next two turns is repaid on the third, doubled. Metang cannot use another attack or retreat in that time.
{M}{C} Steel Cutter If the defending pokémon has a resistance to {M}, then this attack does 30 damage plus 40 more. 30+
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
60 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Speed Bost
At the beginning of your turn, flip a coin. If heads, Ninjask can attack twice.
{G} Fury Cutter This attack does 10 more damage from now on. 10
{G}{C} Hover Flip 3 coins. If all are tails, this attack does nothing. 40
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
70 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Gust Flip 3 coins. If all are heads, you may discard an energy card from the Defending Pokémon. 20
{C}{C}{C} Radar Bomb Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. This attack isn't affected by Resistance. 60
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost-
60 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
{G} Rapid Spin This attack may be used even when Pineco is paralysed. 10
{G}{C} Spikes From now on, whenever a new defending pokémon is switched in, place 1 damage counter on it. 20
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
70 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
{G}{C} Vicegrip Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, the defending pokémon is paralysed. 30
{G}{G}{G} Horn Drill Flip 2 coins. For each tails, this attack does 20 less damage. 80
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
Porygon 2
80 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C} Conversion 2 You may change Porygon 2's resistance to anything apart from {C}. 20
{C}{C} Digitise Flip a coin. If tails, rearrange damage counters so that you and the defending pokémon have equal amounts of damage counters (round up defending pokémon). This attack isn't affected by Resistance. 30
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost-
60 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{R}{C} Flare Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle all energy cards attached to the defending pokémon into their deck, and discard one {R} energy from Quilava. 10
{R}{R}{C} Heat Wave This attack isn't affected by Resistance. 50
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}
90 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Metal Claw If a {M} energy was used to pay for this attack, this attack is not affected by Resistance. 20
{C}{C}{C} Silver Wind This attack does 30 damage plus 10 damage for each {G} energy used to pay for this attack. 30+
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {G}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
60 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
{G} Fury Cutter This attack does 10 more damage from now on. 10
{G}{C} Aerial Ace This attack isn't affected by Resistance. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
30 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Wonder Guard
Shedinja cannot be damaged by an attack which it is not weak to.
{C}{C} Shadow Ball Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. 10x
{G}{G} Signal Beam Flip a coin. If tails, shedinja does 10 damage to itself. 40
Weakness- {R},{P},{C}
Retreat Cost-
80 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Dragon Rage This attack does 30 damage, no matter what. 30
{C}{C} Rollout This attack's damage doubles each turn. Shelgon cannot use another attack or retreat for 5 turns, when the damage is reset. 10
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
70 HP {M}
Basic Pokémon
{M} Harden All {F},{M} and {C} attacks now do 10 less damage to Skarmory.
{M}{M}{C} Steel Wing Flip a coin. If heads, remove 2 damage counters from Skarmory at the end of your next turn. 40
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
50 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C} Peck 10
{C}{C} Sing The defending pokémon is now asleep.
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
80 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon
{C}{C} Shell Bash Flip a coin. If heads, then the defending pokémon cannot retreat next turn. 20
{W}{W} Bubblebeam Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokémon is now paralysed. 20
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
50 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
{C} Flash Flip a coin. If heads, all damage done to Yanma during your opponent's next turn is reduced by 10 (after applying weakness and resistance). 10
{G}{G}{C} Sweet Scent This attack does 50 damage, no matter what. 50
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost-
40 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon
{P} Psychotic Beam Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 damage. If tails, flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokémon is now confused. If tails, flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokémon is now paralysed. If tails and the opponent has a special condition, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 damage. 10
Weakness- {D}
Retreat Cost-
50 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C} Pyro Blast If a {F} energy was used to pay for this attack, the defending pokémon is now burned. 10
{C}{C} Headbutt 20
Retreat Cost- {C}
30 HP {M}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Metal Coat
After each turn, flip a coin. If heads, remove all damage counters and special conditions from Beldum.
{C} Take Down Flip a coin. If tails, Beldum does 10 damage to itself. 20
{M} Metal Claw Flip a coin. If tails, Beldum does 20 damage to itself. 40
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
40 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
{G} Vine Whip Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokémon cannot retreat next turn. 10
{C}{C} Tackle 20
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- {W}
Retreat Cost- {C}
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Agressive Stance
At any time in your opponents turn, you may inflict 10 damage on one of his Benched Pokémon. This power cannot be used when Carvhana is affected by a Special Condition.
{W}{C} Fin Scratch Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 damage. 20+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}
Advanced Battle
Moderator: Raikou Trainer
- PD Wooper
- Saffron City
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Advanced Battle
Last edited by PD Wooper on Sun 07 May, 2006 11:47 am, edited 14 times in total.
Hallo n_~
- Raikou Trainer
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Re: Advanced Battle
Text in bold is my commentary.
For your first time at creating cards, you did pretty well. Can't wait to see what other cards you come up with.PD Wooper wrote:Alakazam
90 HP {P}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Trick
When Alakazam is your Active Pokémon, flip a coin whenever a Trainer Card is used. If tails, that player shuffles their hand into their deck and draws 7 cards. This power cannot be used while Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition.
{P}{P} Psybeam Flip a coin. If tails, the Defending Pokemon is now confused. If heads, then this attack does 20 damage plus 30. 20+
{P}{P}{P} Mind Blast 50
Weakness- {D}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
The Poke-Power is interesting, but what happens to the Trainer card if your hand does get shuffled in? Does it still work? The attacks are nice, but make Mind Blast's cost {P}{P}{C} to balance it a bit.
120 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Refreshing Personality
When Altaria is first put into play, flip a coin. If heads, then remove all damage counters from your active Pokémon. If tails, shuffle Altaria into your deck and draw a card.
{C}{C}{C} Wing Attack Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more. 40+
{C}{C}{C}{C} Drill Peck For each damage counter in play, flip a coin. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. 10x
Weakness- {C}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
A nice card. The attacks damage and cost are well balanced. The Poke-Power has a very balanced effect as well, but make it so you draw 2 cards. Also make it so that you can't use the Poke-Power if Altaria is your only Pokemon in play. I'd hate to play this card and lose because of that effect.Overall, good job.
100 HP {P}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Static
When Ampharos is Knocked Out by a Fighting, Colorless, Metal or damaged by any attack, flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. This power de-activates while Ampharos is on the Bench.
{L}{L}{C} Thunder Wave This attack does 30 damage plus 20 for each prize you have taken. You cannot add more than 40 damage in this way. 30+
{L}{L}{L} Tail Glow Next Turn, Ampharos does 20 more damage with any attack. You cannot add more than 60 damage in this way. 10
Weakness- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
A few flaws with this one. First, why is Ampharos a Psychic type? Second, the Poke-Power is too powerful. Just make it so that if Amphy is KO'd by an attack, you flip for paralysis. Thunder Wave is perfect the way it is. Tail Glow doesn't really need that last sentence, since based on the wording, the effect would only last for the next turn.
110 HP {P}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-POWER Shell Armor
If Blastiose is attacked, flip 3 coins. If 2 or more are tails, Blastiose takes 10 damage plus that of the attack. If 1 or more are heads, Blastiose takes no damage.
{W}{C} Water Pulse Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more. If heads, this attack does 20 damage for each Pokémon with any damage counters. You cannot add more than 60 damage in this way. 20?
{F}{F}{W} Shell Bash This attack does 80 damage minus however many damage counters Blastiose has. You can discard 3 energy cards to keep the damage at 80. 80-
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {R}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
Blastoise is Psychic type as well? The Poke-Power is WAY too powerful. Make it so that it take two heads to prevent damage. Water Pulse is fine the way it is. Shell Bash should cost {W}{W}{W}. And where do you discard the Energy from?
- PD Wooper
- Saffron City
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Re: Advanced Battle
Thanks for that, Those 2 were psychic because I was C&Pasting it from Alakazam. I'll take all that onboard, thanks once again!Raikou Trainer wrote:Text in bold is my commentary.
PD Wooper wrote:Alakazam
Whatever he said, too long for a post ;D
Hallo n_~
- Raikou Trainer
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Re: Advanced Battle
Rating time again! I'm going to finish off the Holos this time. Expect reviews and changes for the Rares soon!
Blaziken- The only thing I really noticed here was the 2 tails effect of Blaze Kick. It would be easier just to have it as 'If both are tails, this attack does 40 damage instead of 60'. Good card overall.
Charizard- What happened to the effect of Overheat? It'll be hard to rate if the effect is cut off. I'll add this card to the next commentary if the effect gets added before the next batch of reviews comes out.
Feraligatr- Drop the HP to 120, unless you plan on changing it into a Pokemon ex. Have Torrent make you flip at the beginning of your turn, because its unclear as to when you flip for its effect. The attacks are well balanced, so there's no problems there.
Forretress- My only problem with this card is Rapid Spin. I think it should say, 'You can use this attack even if Forretress is Paralyzed.' Paralysis is always removed after you end your turn, so that effect is meaningless. Overall good card.
Meganium- Where do you attach the Energy from for Energy Store? And add Sooting Aroma for the effect of Frenzy Plant for balance.
Metagross- Add {M} to the cost of Take Down.
Salamence- I'm guessing you C+P'd from Meganium, since it's supposed to be {C}. Everything else is perfect.
Sceptile- Add 10 HP to Sceptile. You should make Endeavor's added damage kick in when Sceptile has at least 6 damage counters on it. Leaf Blade is fine the way it is.
Snorlax- Drop the HP to 100. For Basic Pokemon, 100 is usually the maximum before it becomes a Pokemon ex. The PokePower does add balance to the attacks. Good card.
Swampert- You should have a base type for Swampert just in case the PokePower gets shut off. You could add to the Power 'All basic Energy cards attached to Swampert become the same type as Swampert'. (you don't have to add this effect, I just thought it would be interesting to mix up the attacks every turn) The attacks are just fine the way they are.
Typhlosion- Nothing wrong with this card.
Tyranitar- Drop the HP to 120 (see Feraligatr for the reason). Everything else is perfect.
Venusaur- Nothing wrong here either.
Hopefully I'll get to the Rares by this weekend.
Blaziken- The only thing I really noticed here was the 2 tails effect of Blaze Kick. It would be easier just to have it as 'If both are tails, this attack does 40 damage instead of 60'. Good card overall.
Charizard- What happened to the effect of Overheat? It'll be hard to rate if the effect is cut off. I'll add this card to the next commentary if the effect gets added before the next batch of reviews comes out.
Feraligatr- Drop the HP to 120, unless you plan on changing it into a Pokemon ex. Have Torrent make you flip at the beginning of your turn, because its unclear as to when you flip for its effect. The attacks are well balanced, so there's no problems there.
Forretress- My only problem with this card is Rapid Spin. I think it should say, 'You can use this attack even if Forretress is Paralyzed.' Paralysis is always removed after you end your turn, so that effect is meaningless. Overall good card.
Meganium- Where do you attach the Energy from for Energy Store? And add Sooting Aroma for the effect of Frenzy Plant for balance.
Metagross- Add {M} to the cost of Take Down.
Salamence- I'm guessing you C+P'd from Meganium, since it's supposed to be {C}. Everything else is perfect.
Sceptile- Add 10 HP to Sceptile. You should make Endeavor's added damage kick in when Sceptile has at least 6 damage counters on it. Leaf Blade is fine the way it is.
Snorlax- Drop the HP to 100. For Basic Pokemon, 100 is usually the maximum before it becomes a Pokemon ex. The PokePower does add balance to the attacks. Good card.
Swampert- You should have a base type for Swampert just in case the PokePower gets shut off. You could add to the Power 'All basic Energy cards attached to Swampert become the same type as Swampert'. (you don't have to add this effect, I just thought it would be interesting to mix up the attacks every turn) The attacks are just fine the way they are.
Typhlosion- Nothing wrong with this card.
Tyranitar- Drop the HP to 120 (see Feraligatr for the reason). Everything else is perfect.
Venusaur- Nothing wrong here either.
Hopefully I'll get to the Rares by this weekend.
- shining mew
- Viridian City
- Posts: 33
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you did relly relly good on these i can just imagen how thay look with that info. i'm tottally impressed
two thunbs way up on these!


two thunbs way up on these!


i <3 mew!
avi from so thanks guys <3

yay i'm mew!!!
The Mew Island project: coming soon!

avi from so thanks guys <3

yay i'm mew!!!

The Mew Island project: coming soon!