DBZ/GT Card Set
Moderator: Raikou Trainer
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
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DBZ/GT Card Set
I decided to make a set based on a topic that is a little more known by the masses. Same as before: IM me your card ideas before you post them so I can fix them up for you. Thanks!
Baby 0/18
Brolly 0/17
Cell 0/18
Dabura 0/17
Eighteen 0/17
Frieza 3/18
Gohan 0/18
Goku 0/18
Goten 0/18
Hercule 0/17
Ii Shenron 2/18
Krillin 0/18
Majin Buu 0/18
Pan 0/17
Piccolo 3/18
Seventeen 0/17
Supreme Kai 3/17
Tien 0/17
Trunks 2/18
Vegeta 3/18
Videl 0/17
Yamcha 0/17
1.Baby's Rattata
2.Baby's Raticate
3.Baby's Magnemite
4.Baby's Magneton
5.Baby's Koffing
6.Baby's Weezing
7.Baby's Porygon
8.Baby's Porygon2
9.Baby's Yanma
10.Baby's Slugma
11.Baby's Magcargo
12.Baby's Celebi
13.Baby's Sableye
14.Baby's Torkoal
15.Baby's Spoink
16.Baby's Grumpig
17.Baby's Luvdisc
18.Baby's Regirock
19.Brolly's Zubat
20.Brolly's Golbat
21.Brolly's Crobat
22.Brolly's Machop
23.Brolly's Machoke
24.Brolly's Machamp
25.Brolly's Dratini
26.Brolly's Dragonair
27.Brolly's Dragonite
28.Brolly's Qwilfish
29.Brolly's Phanpy
30.Brolly's Donphan
31.Brolly's Nosepass
32.Brolly's Trapinch
33.Brolly's Vibrava
34.Brolly's Flygon
35.Brolly's Tropius
36.Cell's Weedle
37.Cell's Kakuna
38.Cell's Beedrill
39.Cell's Shellder
40.Cell's Cloyster
41.Cell's Scyther
42.Cell's Scizor
43.Cell's Mewtwo
44.Cell's Sudowoodo
45.Cell's Remoraid
46.Cell's Octillery
47.Cell's Seedot
48.Cell's Nuzleaf
49.Cell's Shiftry
50.Cell's Spinda
51.Cell's Baltoy
52.Cell's Claydol
53.Cell's Kecleon
54.Dabura's Nidoran M
55.Dabura's Nidorino
56.Dabura's Nidoking
57.Dabura's Voltorb
58.Dabura's Electrode
59.Dabura's Goldeen
60.Dabura's Seaking
61.Dabura's Kabuto
62.Dabura's Kabutops
63.Dabura's Sneasel
64.Dabura's Skarmory
65.Dabura's Surskit
66.Dabura's Masquerain
67.Dabura's Electrike
68.Dabura's Manectric
69.Dabura's Duskull
70.Dabura's Dusclops
71.Eighteen's Pidgey
72.Eighteen's Pidgeotto
73.Eighteen's Pidgeot
74.Eighteen's Grimer
75.Eighteen's Muk
76.Eighteen's Kangaskhan
77.Eighteen's Mew
78.Eighteen's Cyndaquil
79.Eighteen's Quilava
80.Eighteen's Typhlosion
81.Eighteen's Misdreavus
82.Eighteen's Larvitar
83.Eighteen's Pupitar
84.Eighteen's Tyranitar
85.Eighteen's Seviper
86.Eighteen's Feebas
87.Eighteen's Milotic
88.Frieza's Squirtle
89.Frieza's Wartortle
90.Frieza's Blastoise
91.Frieza's Abra
92.Frieza's Kadabra
93.Frieza's Alakazam
94.Frieza's Pinsir
95.Frieza's Mareep
96.Frieza's Flaaffy
97.Frieza's Ampharos
98.Frieza's Entei
99.Frieza's Whismur
100.Frieza's Loudred
101.Frieza's Exploud
102.Frieza's Anorith
103.Frieza's Armaldo
104.Frieza's Latias
105.Frieza's Latios
106.Gohan's Nidoran F
107.Gohan's Nidorina
108.Gohan's Nidoqueen
109.Gohan's Mankey
110.Gohan's Primeape
111.Gohan's Elekid
112.Gohan's Electabuzz
113.Gohan's Togepi
114.Gohan's Togetic
115.Gohan's Houndour
116.Gohan's Houndoom
117.Gohan's Shroomish
118.Gohan's Breloom
119.Gohan's Swablu
120.Gohan's Altaria
121.Gohan's Spheal
122.Gohan's Sealeo
123.Gohan's Walrein
124.Goku's Psyduck
125.Goku's Golduck
126.Goku's Growlithe
127.Goku's Arcanine
128.Goku's Tyrogue
129.Goku's Hitmonlee
130.Goku's Hitmonchan
131.Goku's Hitmontop
132.Goku's Girafarig
133.Goku's Heracross
134.Goku's Raikou
135.Goku's Torchic
136.Goku's Combusken
137.Goku's Blaziken
138.Goku's Snorunt
139.Goku's Glalie
140.Goku's Groudon
141.Goku's Rayquaza
142.Goten's Oddish
143.Goten's Gloom
144.Goten's Vileplume
145.Goten's Bellossom
146.Goten's Exeggcute
147.Goten's Exeggutor
148.Goten's Lapras
149.Goten's Natu
150.Goten's Xatu
151.Goten's Shuckle
152.Goten's Smeargle
153.Goten's Lotad
154.Goten's Lombre
155.Goten's Ludicolo
156.Goten's Aron
157.Goten's Lairon
158.Goten's Aggron
159.Goten's Kyogre
160.Hercule's Caterpie
161.Hercule's Metapod
162.Hercule's Butterfree
163.Hercule's Onix
164.Hercule's Steelix
165.Hercule's Mr. Mime
166.Hercule's Chikorita
167.Hercule's Bayleef
168.Hercule's Meganium
169.Hercule's Gligar
170.Hercule's Delibird
171.Hercule's Zigzagoon
172.Hercule's Linoone
173.Hercule's Volbeat
174.Hercule's Illumise
175.Hercule's Roselia
176.Hercule's Deoxys
177.Ii Shenron's Vulpix
178.Ii Shenron's Ninetales
179.Ii Shenron's Tentacool
180.Ii Shenron's Tentacruel
181.Ii Shenron's Rhyhorn
182.Ii Shenron's Rhydon
183.Ii Shenron's Magikarp
184.Ii Shenron's Gyarados
185.Ii Shenron's Aipom
186.Ii Shenron's Pineco
187.Ii Shenron's Forretress
188.Ii Shenron's Lugia
189.Ii Shenron's Mawile
190.Ii Shenron's Cacnea
191.Ii Shenron's Cacturne
192.Ii Shenron's Beldum
193.Ii Shenron's Metang
194.Ii Shenron's Metagross
195.Krillin's Diglett
196.Krillin's Dugtrio
197.Krillin's Ponyta
198.Krillin's Rapidash
199.Krillin's Cubone
200.Krillin's Marowak
201.Krillin's Omanyte
202.Krillin's Omastar
203.Krillin's Hoppip
204.Krillin's Skiploom
205.Krillin's Jumpluff
206.Krillin's Nincada
207.Krillin's Ninjask
208.Krillin's Shedinja
209.Krillin's Lunatone
210.Krillin's Solrock
211.Krillin's Registeel
212.Krillin's Jirachi
213.Majin Buu's Igglybuff
214.Majin Buu's Jigglypuff
215.Majin Buu's Wigglytuff
216.Majin Buu's Seel
217.Majin Buu's Dewgong
218.Majin Buu's Lickitung
219.Majin Buu's Ditto
220.Majin Buu's Chinchou
221.Majin Buu's Lanturn
222.Majin Buu's Azurill
223.Majin Buu's Marill
224.Majin Buu's Azumarill
225.Majin Buu's Wingull
226.Majin Buu's Pelipper
227.Majin Buu's Makuhita
228.Majin Buu's Hariyama
229.Majin Buu's Wailmer
230.Majin Buu's Wailord
231.Pan's Pichu
232.Pan's Pikachu
233.Pan's Raichu
234.Pan's Meowth
235.Pan's Persian
236.Pan's Smoochum
237.Pan's Jynx
238.Pan's Sentret
239.Pan's Furret
240.Pan's Dunsparce
241.Pan's Corsola
242.Pan's Miltank
243.Pan's Plusle
244.Pan's Minun
245.Pan's Gulpin
246.Pan's Swalot
247.Pan's Castform
248.Piccolo's Bulbasaur
249.Piccolo's Ivysaur
250.Piccolo's Venusaur
251.Piccolo's Drowzee
252.Piccolo's Hypno
253.Piccolo's Tangela
254.Piccolo's Horsea
255.Piccolo's Seadra
256.Piccolo's Kingdra
257.Piccolo's Murkrow
258.Piccolo's Teddiursa
259.Piccolo's Ursaring
260.Piccolo's Wurmple
261.Piccolo's Silcoon
262.Piccolo's Beautifly
263.Piccolo's Cascoon
264.Piccolo's Dustox
265.Piccolo's Roselia
266.Seventeen's Ekans
267.Seventeen's Arbok
268.Seventeen's Doduo
269.Seventeen's Dodrio
270.Seventeen's Magby
271.Seventeen's Magmar
272.Seventeen's Aerodactyl
273.Seventeen's Wooper
274.Seventeen's Quagsire
275.Seventeen's Stantler
276.Seventeen's Mudkip
277.Seventeen's Marshtomp
278.Seventeen's Swampert
279.Seventeen's Zangoose
280.Seventeen's Clamperl
281.Seventeen's Huntail
282.Seventeen's Gorebyss
283.Supreme Kai's Cleffa
284.Supreme Kai's Clefairy
285.Supreme Kai's Clefable
286.Supreme Kai's Slowpoke
287.Supreme Kai's Slowbro
288.Supreme Kai's Slowking
289.Supreme Kai's Eevee
290.Supreme Kai's Vaporeon
291.Supreme Kai's Jolteon
292.Supreme Kai's Flareon
293.Supreme Kai's Umbreon
294.Supreme Kai's Espeon
295.Supreme Kai's Ralts
296.Supreme Kai's Kirlia
297.Supreme Kai's Gardevoir
298.Supreme Kai's Relicanth
299.Supreme Kai's Regice
300.Tien's Venonat
301.Tien's Venomoth
302.Tien's Geodude
303.Tien's Graveler
304.Tien's Golem
305.Tien's Staryu
306.Tien's Starmie
307.Tien's Spinarak
308.Tien's Ariados
309.Tien's Snubbull
310.Tien's Granbull
311.Tien's Poochyena
312.Tien's Mightyena
313.Tien's Meditite
314.Tien's Medicham
315.Tien's Lileep
316.Tien's Cradily
317.Trunk's Paras
318.Trunk's Parasect
319.Trunk's Poliwag
320.Trunk's Poliwhirl
321.Trunk's Poliwrath
322.Trunk's Politoed
323.Trunk's Snorlax
324.Trunk's Totodile
325.Trunk's Croconaw
326.Trunk's Feraligatr
327.Trunk's Mantine
328.Trunk's Treecko
329.Trunk's Grovyle
330.Trunk's Sceptile
331.Trunk's Carvahna
332.Trunk's Sharpedo
333.Trunk's Numel
334.Trunk's Camerupt
335.Vegeta's Charmander
336.Vegeta's Charmeleon
337.Vegeta's Charizard
338.Vegeta's Gastly
339.Vegeta's Haunter
340.Vegeta's Gengar
341.Vegeta's Articuno
342.Vegeta's Zapdos
343.Vegeta's Moltres
344.Vegeta's Sunkern
345.Vegeta's Sunflora
346.Vegeta's Taillow
347.Vegeta's Swellow
348.Vegeta's Corphish
349.Vegeta's Crawdaunt
350.Vegeta's Bagon
351.Vegeta's Shelgon
352.Vegeta's Salamence
353.Videl's Sandshrew
354.Videl's Sandslash
355.Videl's Bellsprout
356.Videl's Weepinbell
357.Videl's Victreebel
358.Videl's Chansey
359.Videl's Blissey
360.Videl's Hoothoot
361.Videl's Noctowl
362.Videl's Wynaut
363.Videl's Wobbuffet
364.Videl's Ho-Oh
365.Videl's Skitty
366.Videl's Delcatty
367.Videl's Shuppet
368.Videl's Banette
369.Videl's Chimecho
370.Yamcha's Spearow
371.Yamcha's Fearow
372.Yamcha's Farfetch'd
373.Yamcha's Krabby
374.Yamcha's Kingler
375.Yamcha's Tauros
376.Yamcha's Ledyba
377.Yamcha's Ledian
378.Yamcha's Unown(Y)
379.Yamcha's Swinub
380.Yamcha's Piloswine
381.Yamcha's Suicune
382.Yamcha's Slakoth
383.Yamcha's Vigoroth
384.Yamcha's Slaking
385.Yamcha's Barboach
386.Yamcha's Whiscash
Baby 0/18
Brolly 0/17
Cell 0/18
Dabura 0/17
Eighteen 0/17
Frieza 3/18
Gohan 0/18
Goku 0/18
Goten 0/18
Hercule 0/17
Ii Shenron 2/18
Krillin 0/18
Majin Buu 0/18
Pan 0/17
Piccolo 3/18
Seventeen 0/17
Supreme Kai 3/17
Tien 0/17
Trunks 2/18
Vegeta 3/18
Videl 0/17
Yamcha 0/17
1.Baby's Rattata
2.Baby's Raticate
3.Baby's Magnemite
4.Baby's Magneton
5.Baby's Koffing
6.Baby's Weezing
7.Baby's Porygon
8.Baby's Porygon2
9.Baby's Yanma
10.Baby's Slugma
11.Baby's Magcargo
12.Baby's Celebi
13.Baby's Sableye
14.Baby's Torkoal
15.Baby's Spoink
16.Baby's Grumpig
17.Baby's Luvdisc
18.Baby's Regirock
19.Brolly's Zubat
20.Brolly's Golbat
21.Brolly's Crobat
22.Brolly's Machop
23.Brolly's Machoke
24.Brolly's Machamp
25.Brolly's Dratini
26.Brolly's Dragonair
27.Brolly's Dragonite
28.Brolly's Qwilfish
29.Brolly's Phanpy
30.Brolly's Donphan
31.Brolly's Nosepass
32.Brolly's Trapinch
33.Brolly's Vibrava
34.Brolly's Flygon
35.Brolly's Tropius
36.Cell's Weedle
37.Cell's Kakuna
38.Cell's Beedrill
39.Cell's Shellder
40.Cell's Cloyster
41.Cell's Scyther
42.Cell's Scizor
43.Cell's Mewtwo
44.Cell's Sudowoodo
45.Cell's Remoraid
46.Cell's Octillery
47.Cell's Seedot
48.Cell's Nuzleaf
49.Cell's Shiftry
50.Cell's Spinda
51.Cell's Baltoy
52.Cell's Claydol
53.Cell's Kecleon
54.Dabura's Nidoran M
55.Dabura's Nidorino
56.Dabura's Nidoking
57.Dabura's Voltorb
58.Dabura's Electrode
59.Dabura's Goldeen
60.Dabura's Seaking
61.Dabura's Kabuto
62.Dabura's Kabutops
63.Dabura's Sneasel
64.Dabura's Skarmory
65.Dabura's Surskit
66.Dabura's Masquerain
67.Dabura's Electrike
68.Dabura's Manectric
69.Dabura's Duskull
70.Dabura's Dusclops
71.Eighteen's Pidgey
72.Eighteen's Pidgeotto
73.Eighteen's Pidgeot
74.Eighteen's Grimer
75.Eighteen's Muk
76.Eighteen's Kangaskhan
77.Eighteen's Mew
78.Eighteen's Cyndaquil
79.Eighteen's Quilava
80.Eighteen's Typhlosion
81.Eighteen's Misdreavus
82.Eighteen's Larvitar
83.Eighteen's Pupitar
84.Eighteen's Tyranitar
85.Eighteen's Seviper
86.Eighteen's Feebas
87.Eighteen's Milotic
88.Frieza's Squirtle
89.Frieza's Wartortle
90.Frieza's Blastoise
91.Frieza's Abra
92.Frieza's Kadabra
93.Frieza's Alakazam
94.Frieza's Pinsir
95.Frieza's Mareep
96.Frieza's Flaaffy
97.Frieza's Ampharos
98.Frieza's Entei
99.Frieza's Whismur
100.Frieza's Loudred
101.Frieza's Exploud
102.Frieza's Anorith
103.Frieza's Armaldo
104.Frieza's Latias
105.Frieza's Latios
106.Gohan's Nidoran F
107.Gohan's Nidorina
108.Gohan's Nidoqueen
109.Gohan's Mankey
110.Gohan's Primeape
111.Gohan's Elekid
112.Gohan's Electabuzz
113.Gohan's Togepi
114.Gohan's Togetic
115.Gohan's Houndour
116.Gohan's Houndoom
117.Gohan's Shroomish
118.Gohan's Breloom
119.Gohan's Swablu
120.Gohan's Altaria
121.Gohan's Spheal
122.Gohan's Sealeo
123.Gohan's Walrein
124.Goku's Psyduck
125.Goku's Golduck
126.Goku's Growlithe
127.Goku's Arcanine
128.Goku's Tyrogue
129.Goku's Hitmonlee
130.Goku's Hitmonchan
131.Goku's Hitmontop
132.Goku's Girafarig
133.Goku's Heracross
134.Goku's Raikou
135.Goku's Torchic
136.Goku's Combusken
137.Goku's Blaziken
138.Goku's Snorunt
139.Goku's Glalie
140.Goku's Groudon
141.Goku's Rayquaza
142.Goten's Oddish
143.Goten's Gloom
144.Goten's Vileplume
145.Goten's Bellossom
146.Goten's Exeggcute
147.Goten's Exeggutor
148.Goten's Lapras
149.Goten's Natu
150.Goten's Xatu
151.Goten's Shuckle
152.Goten's Smeargle
153.Goten's Lotad
154.Goten's Lombre
155.Goten's Ludicolo
156.Goten's Aron
157.Goten's Lairon
158.Goten's Aggron
159.Goten's Kyogre
160.Hercule's Caterpie
161.Hercule's Metapod
162.Hercule's Butterfree
163.Hercule's Onix
164.Hercule's Steelix
165.Hercule's Mr. Mime
166.Hercule's Chikorita
167.Hercule's Bayleef
168.Hercule's Meganium
169.Hercule's Gligar
170.Hercule's Delibird
171.Hercule's Zigzagoon
172.Hercule's Linoone
173.Hercule's Volbeat
174.Hercule's Illumise
175.Hercule's Roselia
176.Hercule's Deoxys
177.Ii Shenron's Vulpix
178.Ii Shenron's Ninetales
179.Ii Shenron's Tentacool
180.Ii Shenron's Tentacruel
181.Ii Shenron's Rhyhorn
182.Ii Shenron's Rhydon
183.Ii Shenron's Magikarp
184.Ii Shenron's Gyarados
185.Ii Shenron's Aipom
186.Ii Shenron's Pineco
187.Ii Shenron's Forretress
188.Ii Shenron's Lugia
189.Ii Shenron's Mawile
190.Ii Shenron's Cacnea
191.Ii Shenron's Cacturne
192.Ii Shenron's Beldum
193.Ii Shenron's Metang
194.Ii Shenron's Metagross
195.Krillin's Diglett
196.Krillin's Dugtrio
197.Krillin's Ponyta
198.Krillin's Rapidash
199.Krillin's Cubone
200.Krillin's Marowak
201.Krillin's Omanyte
202.Krillin's Omastar
203.Krillin's Hoppip
204.Krillin's Skiploom
205.Krillin's Jumpluff
206.Krillin's Nincada
207.Krillin's Ninjask
208.Krillin's Shedinja
209.Krillin's Lunatone
210.Krillin's Solrock
211.Krillin's Registeel
212.Krillin's Jirachi
213.Majin Buu's Igglybuff
214.Majin Buu's Jigglypuff
215.Majin Buu's Wigglytuff
216.Majin Buu's Seel
217.Majin Buu's Dewgong
218.Majin Buu's Lickitung
219.Majin Buu's Ditto
220.Majin Buu's Chinchou
221.Majin Buu's Lanturn
222.Majin Buu's Azurill
223.Majin Buu's Marill
224.Majin Buu's Azumarill
225.Majin Buu's Wingull
226.Majin Buu's Pelipper
227.Majin Buu's Makuhita
228.Majin Buu's Hariyama
229.Majin Buu's Wailmer
230.Majin Buu's Wailord
231.Pan's Pichu
232.Pan's Pikachu
233.Pan's Raichu
234.Pan's Meowth
235.Pan's Persian
236.Pan's Smoochum
237.Pan's Jynx
238.Pan's Sentret
239.Pan's Furret
240.Pan's Dunsparce
241.Pan's Corsola
242.Pan's Miltank
243.Pan's Plusle
244.Pan's Minun
245.Pan's Gulpin
246.Pan's Swalot
247.Pan's Castform
248.Piccolo's Bulbasaur
249.Piccolo's Ivysaur
250.Piccolo's Venusaur
251.Piccolo's Drowzee
252.Piccolo's Hypno
253.Piccolo's Tangela
254.Piccolo's Horsea
255.Piccolo's Seadra
256.Piccolo's Kingdra
257.Piccolo's Murkrow
258.Piccolo's Teddiursa
259.Piccolo's Ursaring
260.Piccolo's Wurmple
261.Piccolo's Silcoon
262.Piccolo's Beautifly
263.Piccolo's Cascoon
264.Piccolo's Dustox
265.Piccolo's Roselia
266.Seventeen's Ekans
267.Seventeen's Arbok
268.Seventeen's Doduo
269.Seventeen's Dodrio
270.Seventeen's Magby
271.Seventeen's Magmar
272.Seventeen's Aerodactyl
273.Seventeen's Wooper
274.Seventeen's Quagsire
275.Seventeen's Stantler
276.Seventeen's Mudkip
277.Seventeen's Marshtomp
278.Seventeen's Swampert
279.Seventeen's Zangoose
280.Seventeen's Clamperl
281.Seventeen's Huntail
282.Seventeen's Gorebyss
283.Supreme Kai's Cleffa
284.Supreme Kai's Clefairy
285.Supreme Kai's Clefable
286.Supreme Kai's Slowpoke
287.Supreme Kai's Slowbro
288.Supreme Kai's Slowking
289.Supreme Kai's Eevee
290.Supreme Kai's Vaporeon
291.Supreme Kai's Jolteon
292.Supreme Kai's Flareon
293.Supreme Kai's Umbreon
294.Supreme Kai's Espeon
295.Supreme Kai's Ralts
296.Supreme Kai's Kirlia
297.Supreme Kai's Gardevoir
298.Supreme Kai's Relicanth
299.Supreme Kai's Regice
300.Tien's Venonat
301.Tien's Venomoth
302.Tien's Geodude
303.Tien's Graveler
304.Tien's Golem
305.Tien's Staryu
306.Tien's Starmie
307.Tien's Spinarak
308.Tien's Ariados
309.Tien's Snubbull
310.Tien's Granbull
311.Tien's Poochyena
312.Tien's Mightyena
313.Tien's Meditite
314.Tien's Medicham
315.Tien's Lileep
316.Tien's Cradily
317.Trunk's Paras
318.Trunk's Parasect
319.Trunk's Poliwag
320.Trunk's Poliwhirl
321.Trunk's Poliwrath
322.Trunk's Politoed
323.Trunk's Snorlax
324.Trunk's Totodile
325.Trunk's Croconaw
326.Trunk's Feraligatr
327.Trunk's Mantine
328.Trunk's Treecko
329.Trunk's Grovyle
330.Trunk's Sceptile
331.Trunk's Carvahna
332.Trunk's Sharpedo
333.Trunk's Numel
334.Trunk's Camerupt
335.Vegeta's Charmander
336.Vegeta's Charmeleon
337.Vegeta's Charizard
338.Vegeta's Gastly
339.Vegeta's Haunter
340.Vegeta's Gengar
341.Vegeta's Articuno
342.Vegeta's Zapdos
343.Vegeta's Moltres
344.Vegeta's Sunkern
345.Vegeta's Sunflora
346.Vegeta's Taillow
347.Vegeta's Swellow
348.Vegeta's Corphish
349.Vegeta's Crawdaunt
350.Vegeta's Bagon
351.Vegeta's Shelgon
352.Vegeta's Salamence
353.Videl's Sandshrew
354.Videl's Sandslash
355.Videl's Bellsprout
356.Videl's Weepinbell
357.Videl's Victreebel
358.Videl's Chansey
359.Videl's Blissey
360.Videl's Hoothoot
361.Videl's Noctowl
362.Videl's Wynaut
363.Videl's Wobbuffet
364.Videl's Ho-Oh
365.Videl's Skitty
366.Videl's Delcatty
367.Videl's Shuppet
368.Videl's Banette
369.Videl's Chimecho
370.Yamcha's Spearow
371.Yamcha's Fearow
372.Yamcha's Farfetch'd
373.Yamcha's Krabby
374.Yamcha's Kingler
375.Yamcha's Tauros
376.Yamcha's Ledyba
377.Yamcha's Ledian
378.Yamcha's Unown(Y)
379.Yamcha's Swinub
380.Yamcha's Piloswine
381.Yamcha's Suicune
382.Yamcha's Slakoth
383.Yamcha's Vigoroth
384.Yamcha's Slaking
385.Yamcha's Barboach
386.Yamcha's Whiscash
Last edited by Berserk Murkrow on Tue 19 Oct, 2004 10:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
One-Star Ball
Remove all damage counters on every Pokémon (Your's and your Opponent's) on the field.
Two-Star Ball
Search through your deck for 5 Basic Energy Cards. Place them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Three-Star Ball
During your next turn, all damage done by any of your Pokémon is increased by 30.
Four-Star Ball
Place 2 damage counters on each Pokémon on the field with Baby, Brolly, Cell, Dabura, Eighteen, Frieza, Gohan, Goku, Goten, Hercule, Ii Shenron, Krillin, Majin Buu, Pan, Piccolo, Seventeen, Supreme Kai, Tien, Trunks, Vegeta, Videl, and Yamcha in it's name.
Five-Star Ball
Search through your deck for 1 Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon and place it on one of your Pokémon on the field. This counts as evolving for your Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Six-Star Ball
Choose 1 energy type. During your turn, all energies attached to your Pokémon on the field count as that type.
Seven-Star Ball
During your turn, if any of your opponent's Pokémon is Knocked Out, draw 2 Prize Cards instead of 1.
Black-Star Balls
Discard all Basic Pokémon, Stage 1 Pokémon, and Stage 2 Pokémon to their respective owner's Discard Pile. You and your opponent draw a number of cards from your deck equal to the number of cards they discarded.
One-Star Ball
Remove all damage counters on every Pokémon (Your's and your Opponent's) on the field.
Two-Star Ball
Search through your deck for 5 Basic Energy Cards. Place them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Three-Star Ball
During your next turn, all damage done by any of your Pokémon is increased by 30.
Four-Star Ball
Place 2 damage counters on each Pokémon on the field with Baby, Brolly, Cell, Dabura, Eighteen, Frieza, Gohan, Goku, Goten, Hercule, Ii Shenron, Krillin, Majin Buu, Pan, Piccolo, Seventeen, Supreme Kai, Tien, Trunks, Vegeta, Videl, and Yamcha in it's name.
Five-Star Ball
Search through your deck for 1 Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon and place it on one of your Pokémon on the field. This counts as evolving for your Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Six-Star Ball
Choose 1 energy type. During your turn, all energies attached to your Pokémon on the field count as that type.
Seven-Star Ball
During your turn, if any of your opponent's Pokémon is Knocked Out, draw 2 Prize Cards instead of 1.
Black-Star Balls
Discard all Basic Pokémon, Stage 1 Pokémon, and Stage 2 Pokémon to their respective owner's Discard Pile. You and your opponent draw a number of cards from your deck equal to the number of cards they discarded.
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Ii Shenron's Magikarp
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon
{W} Bubble Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 10
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Ii Shenron's Gyarados
90 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Ii Shenron's Magikarp)
{W}{W} Lash Out Flip 3 coins. If 2 of the 3 coins are heads, place 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If 2 of the 3 coins are tails, place 1 damage counter on each of your Benched Pokémon. 30
{W}{W}{W} Grand Twister Switch the Defending Pokémon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon (After doing damage). 50
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon
{W} Bubble Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 10
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Ii Shenron's Gyarados
90 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Ii Shenron's Magikarp)
{W}{W} Lash Out Flip 3 coins. If 2 of the 3 coins are heads, place 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If 2 of the 3 coins are tails, place 1 damage counter on each of your Benched Pokémon. 30
{W}{W}{W} Grand Twister Switch the Defending Pokémon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon (After doing damage). 50
Weakness- {L}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
Last edited by Berserk Murkrow on Mon 18 Oct, 2004 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
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- Contact:
Piccolo's Bulbasaur
40 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Seed Guard
When Piccolo's Bulbasaur is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Piccolo's Bulbasaur. Reduce the amount of damage done to Piccolo's Bulbasaur by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{G}{C} Pod Burst Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Piccolo's Ivysaur
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Piccolo's Bulbasaur)
Poké-BODY Flower Guard
When Piccolo's Ivysaur is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Piccolo's Ivysaur. Reduce the amount of damage done to Piccolo's Ivysaur by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{G}{G} Ivy Slam 30
{G}{G}{C} Flower Fang The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Piccolo's Venusaur
110 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Piccolo's Ivysaur)
Poké-BODY Solar Guard
When Piccolo's Venusaur is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Piccolo's Venusaur. Reduce the amount of damage done to Piccolo's Venusaur by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{G}{C}{C} Double-Edge Piccolo's Venusaur does 30 damage to itself. 70
{G}{G}{G}{G} Forest Cannon This attack does 20 damage times the number of cards in your hand. 20x
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
40 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Seed Guard
When Piccolo's Bulbasaur is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Piccolo's Bulbasaur. Reduce the amount of damage done to Piccolo's Bulbasaur by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{G}{C} Pod Burst Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Piccolo's Ivysaur
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Piccolo's Bulbasaur)
Poké-BODY Flower Guard
When Piccolo's Ivysaur is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Piccolo's Ivysaur. Reduce the amount of damage done to Piccolo's Ivysaur by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{G}{G} Ivy Slam 30
{G}{G}{C} Flower Fang The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Piccolo's Venusaur
110 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Piccolo's Ivysaur)
Poké-BODY Solar Guard
When Piccolo's Venusaur is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Piccolo's Venusaur. Reduce the amount of damage done to Piccolo's Venusaur by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{G}{C}{C} Double-Edge Piccolo's Venusaur does 30 damage to itself. 70
{G}{G}{G}{G} Forest Cannon This attack does 20 damage times the number of cards in your hand. 20x
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Vegeta's Charmander
50 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Talon Guard
When Vegeta's Charmander is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Vegeta's Charmander. Reduce the amount of damage done to Vegeta's Charmander by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{C} Searing Punch Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage and the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. 10+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Vegeta's Charmeleon
80 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Vegeta's Charmander)
Poké-BODY Fang Guard
When Vegeta's Charmeleon is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Vegeta's Charmeleon. Reduce the amount of damage done to Vegeta's Charmeleon by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R} Raging Tail 20
{R}{R}{R} Raging Fireball If Vegeta's Charmeleon didn't use Raging Tail last turn, discard all {R} energy attached to Vegeta's Charmeleon. 50
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Vegeta's Charizard
120 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-BODY Dragon Guard
When Vegeta's Charizard is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Vegeta's Charizard. Reduce the amount of damage done to Vegeta's Charizard by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R}{C} Searing Dragon Dive Flip 3 coins. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. 40+
{R}{R}{R}{R}{R} Big Bang If "Vegeta's Super Saiyan" card is in play this attack does 160 damage instead of 80. 80
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
50 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Talon Guard
When Vegeta's Charmander is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Vegeta's Charmander. Reduce the amount of damage done to Vegeta's Charmander by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{C} Searing Punch Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage and the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. 10+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Vegeta's Charmeleon
80 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Vegeta's Charmander)
Poké-BODY Fang Guard
When Vegeta's Charmeleon is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Vegeta's Charmeleon. Reduce the amount of damage done to Vegeta's Charmeleon by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R} Raging Tail 20
{R}{R}{R} Raging Fireball If Vegeta's Charmeleon didn't use Raging Tail last turn, discard all {R} energy attached to Vegeta's Charmeleon. 50
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Vegeta's Charizard
120 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-BODY Dragon Guard
When Vegeta's Charizard is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Vegeta's Charizard. Reduce the amount of damage done to Vegeta's Charizard by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R}{C} Searing Dragon Dive Flip 3 coins. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. 40+
{R}{R}{R}{R}{R} Big Bang If "Vegeta's Super Saiyan" card is in play this attack does 160 damage instead of 80. 80
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {F}
Retreat Cost- {C}
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Frieza's Squirtle
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Bubble Guard
When Frieza's Squirtle is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {W} attached to Frieza's Squirtle. Reduce the amount of damage done to Frieza's Squirtle by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{W}{G} Soapy Bubbles Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 10
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Frieza's Wartortle
70 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Frieza's Squirtle)
Poké-BODY Shell Guard
When Frieza's Wartortle is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {W} attached to Frieza's Wartortle. Reduce the amount of damage done to Frieza's Wartortle by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{W}{W}{C} Swift Dive Do not apply Resistance to this attack. 20
{W}{W}{W} Torrent of Bubbles Flip 5 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. 10x
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
Frieza's Blastoise
120 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-BODY Cannon Guard
When Frieza's Blastoise is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {W} attached to Frieza's Blastoise. Reduce the amount of damage done to Frieza's Blastoise by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C}{C} Lock-On During your next turn, ignore any effects of PokéTOOLS, Poké-POWERS, and Poké-BODIES found on your opponent's Pokémon.
{W}{W}{W}{W}{W} Death Tides Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, if the same Pokémon is on the field, remove all Stage 1 Pokémon & Stage 2 Pokémon and all of the cards attached to them on the field. 50
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Bubble Guard
When Frieza's Squirtle is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {W} attached to Frieza's Squirtle. Reduce the amount of damage done to Frieza's Squirtle by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{W}{G} Soapy Bubbles Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 10
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Frieza's Wartortle
70 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Frieza's Squirtle)
Poké-BODY Shell Guard
When Frieza's Wartortle is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {W} attached to Frieza's Wartortle. Reduce the amount of damage done to Frieza's Wartortle by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{W}{W}{C} Swift Dive Do not apply Resistance to this attack. 20
{W}{W}{W} Torrent of Bubbles Flip 5 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. 10x
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
Frieza's Blastoise
120 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon
Poké-BODY Cannon Guard
When Frieza's Blastoise is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {W} attached to Frieza's Blastoise. Reduce the amount of damage done to Frieza's Blastoise by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C}{C} Lock-On During your next turn, ignore any effects of PokéTOOLS, Poké-POWERS, and Poké-BODIES found on your opponent's Pokémon.
{W}{W}{W}{W}{W} Death Tides Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, if the same Pokémon is on the field, remove all Stage 1 Pokémon & Stage 2 Pokémon and all of the cards attached to them on the field. 50
Weakness- {G}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Supreme Kai's Cleffa
40 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Baby Evolution
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may put the Supreme Kai's Clefairy onto the Supreme Kai's Cleffa (this counts as evolving the Supreme Kai's Cleffa) and remove all damage counters from the Supreme Kai's Cleffa.
{C} Star Tumble Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Staryu and Starmie in it's name on the field. Remove a number of Energy Cards from the Defending Pokémon equal to the number of heads.
Weakness- None
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Supreme Kai's Clefairy
60 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C}{C} Swift Do not apply Weakness and Resistance to this attack. 20
{W}{R}{C} Meteor Pitch This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each {W} Energy and {R} Energy attached to the Supreme Kai's Clefairy that doesn't go towards this attack's Energy Cost. 30+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
Supreme Kai's Clefable
100 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Supreme Kai's Clefairy)
Poké-POWER Call for Fairies
Flip a coin. If heads, search through your deck for a Pokémon with Cleffa, Clefairy, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Skitty, Pichu, or Pikachu in it's name and place it on your bench. This POWER can't be used if your bench is full or if the Supreme Kai's Clefable is affected by a Special Condition.
{L}{L}{C} Shockwave Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 40
{W}{R}{P}{C} Grand Catastrophe If the Defending Pokémon has Frieza in it's name, this attack does 100 damage instead of 50. If the Defending Pokémon has Majin Buu in it's name, this attack does 20 damage instead of 50. 50
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
40 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-POWER Baby Evolution
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may put the Supreme Kai's Clefairy onto the Supreme Kai's Cleffa (this counts as evolving the Supreme Kai's Cleffa) and remove all damage counters from the Supreme Kai's Cleffa.
{C} Star Tumble Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Staryu and Starmie in it's name on the field. Remove a number of Energy Cards from the Defending Pokémon equal to the number of heads.
Weakness- None
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Supreme Kai's Clefairy
60 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon
{C}{C} Swift Do not apply Weakness and Resistance to this attack. 20
{W}{R}{C} Meteor Pitch This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each {W} Energy and {R} Energy attached to the Supreme Kai's Clefairy that doesn't go towards this attack's Energy Cost. 30+
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}
Supreme Kai's Clefable
100 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Supreme Kai's Clefairy)
Poké-POWER Call for Fairies
Flip a coin. If heads, search through your deck for a Pokémon with Cleffa, Clefairy, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Skitty, Pichu, or Pikachu in it's name and place it on your bench. This POWER can't be used if your bench is full or if the Supreme Kai's Clefable is affected by a Special Condition.
{L}{L}{C} Shockwave Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 40
{W}{R}{P}{C} Grand Catastrophe If the Defending Pokémon has Frieza in it's name, this attack does 100 damage instead of 50. If the Defending Pokémon has Majin Buu in it's name, this attack does 20 damage instead of 50. 50
Weakness- {F}
Resistance- {P}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Trunk's Numel
50 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon
{R}{R} Sulfur Fireball Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now burned. 20
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}
Trunk's Camerupt
90 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Trunk's Numel)
{C}{C} Stomp 30
{R}{R}{R}{C}{C} Burning Attack Flip 5 coins. If 1 coin is heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If 2 coins are heads, this attack does 40 damage instead of 100. If 3 coins are heads, place 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If 4 coins are heads, this attack does nothing your next turn. If 5 coins are heads, place 8 damage counters on any Pokémon of your choice. 100
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
50 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon
{R}{R} Sulfur Fireball Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now burned. 20
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}
Trunk's Camerupt
90 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Trunk's Numel)
{C}{C} Stomp 30
{R}{R}{R}{C}{C} Burning Attack Flip 5 coins. If 1 coin is heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If 2 coins are heads, this attack does 40 damage instead of 100. If 3 coins are heads, place 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If 4 coins are heads, this attack does nothing your next turn. If 5 coins are heads, place 8 damage counters on any Pokémon of your choice. 100
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- {L}
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Hercule's Chikorita
50 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Leaf Guard
When Hercule's Chikorita is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Hercule's Chikorita. Reduce the amount of damage done to Hercule's Chikorita by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C} Dino Tackle 10
{G} Root Slap Discard all energies attached to Hercule's Chikorita that aren't {G} or this attack does nothing. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Hercule's Bayleef
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Hercule's Chikorita)
Poké-BODY Blossom Guard
When Hercule's Bayleef is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Hercule's Bayleef. Reduce the amount of damage done to Hercule's Bayleef by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C}{C} Dino Punch 30
{G}{C}{C} Solar Wave Discard all energies attached to Hercule's Bayleef that aren't {G} or this attack does nothing. 50
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
Hercule's Meganium
110 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Hercule's Bayleef)
Poké-BODY Aroma Guard
When Hercule's Meganium is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Hercule's Meganium. Reduce the amount of damage done to Hercule's Meganium by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C}{C}{C} Dino Slam 40
{G}{G}{G}{C}{C} Megaton Solarbeam If the Defending Pokémon has Cell in it's name, discard all {G} energy attached to Hercule's Meganium. 80
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
50 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Leaf Guard
When Hercule's Chikorita is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Hercule's Chikorita. Reduce the amount of damage done to Hercule's Chikorita by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C} Dino Tackle 10
{G} Root Slap Discard all energies attached to Hercule's Chikorita that aren't {G} or this attack does nothing. 30
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}
Hercule's Bayleef
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Hercule's Chikorita)
Poké-BODY Blossom Guard
When Hercule's Bayleef is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Hercule's Bayleef. Reduce the amount of damage done to Hercule's Bayleef by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C}{C} Dino Punch 30
{G}{C}{C} Solar Wave Discard all energies attached to Hercule's Bayleef that aren't {G} or this attack does nothing. 50
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}
Hercule's Meganium
110 HP {G}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Hercule's Bayleef)
Poké-BODY Aroma Guard
When Hercule's Meganium is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {G} attached to Hercule's Meganium. Reduce the amount of damage done to Hercule's Meganium by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{C}{C}{C} Dino Slam 40
{G}{G}{G}{C}{C} Megaton Solarbeam If the Defending Pokémon has Cell in it's name, discard all {G} energy attached to Hercule's Meganium. 80
Weakness- {R}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
- Berserk Murkrow
- Pewter City
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Thu 15 Apr, 2004 8:08 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: My Murkrow Lair
- Contact:
Eighteen's Cyndaquil
40 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Quill Guard
When Eighteen's Cyndaquil is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Eighteen's Cyndaquil. Reduce the amount of damage done to Eighteen's Cyndaquil by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{C} Hot Breath Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. 20+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Eighteen's Quilava
60 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Eighteen's Cyndaquil)
Poké-BODY Mane Guard
When Eighteen's Quilava is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Eighteen's Quilava. Reduce the amount of damage done to Eighteen's Quilava by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R}{C} Magma Pulse Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 30
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Eighteen's Typhlosion
100 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Eighteen's Quilava)
Poké-BODY Heat Guard
When Eighteen's Typhlosion is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Eighteen's Typhlosion. Reduce the amount of damage done to Eighteen's Typhlosion by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R}{R} Pyro Driver 40
{R}{R}{C}{C} Magma Overflow This attack does 60 damage plus 20 more for each {R} in your hand. 60+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
40 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon
Poké-BODY Quill Guard
When Eighteen's Cyndaquil is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Eighteen's Cyndaquil. Reduce the amount of damage done to Eighteen's Cyndaquil by 10 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{C} Hot Breath Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. 20+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Eighteen's Quilava
60 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Eighteen's Cyndaquil)
Poké-BODY Mane Guard
When Eighteen's Quilava is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Eighteen's Quilava. Reduce the amount of damage done to Eighteen's Quilava by 20 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R}{C} Magma Pulse Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 30
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None
Eighteen's Typhlosion
100 HP {R}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Eighteen's Quilava)
Poké-BODY Heat Guard
When Eighteen's Typhlosion is attacked, flip a number of coins equal to the {R} attached to Eighteen's Typhlosion. Reduce the amount of damage done to Eighteen's Typhlosion by 30 for each head (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
{R}{R}{R} Pyro Driver 40
{R}{R}{C}{C} Magma Overflow This attack does 60 damage plus 20 more for each {R} in your hand. 60+
Weakness- {W}
Resistance- None
Retreat Cost- None