Pokemon TCG Terminology

Forum for talk related to the Pokémon Trading Card Game, both for real and fake cards.

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Pokemon TCG Terminology

Post by Raikou Trainer »

Here are some of the most commonly used terms in the Pokemon TCG. Will be adding more soon!

December 5, 2007 edit: Wow, haven't updated in almost 1 1/2 years! Updating with everything up to Secret Wonders and with new procedures to the Limited format.
December 7, 2008 edit: Updated with the most recent sets.
April 11, 2009 edit: Added two more set names

WotC- Wizards of the Coast
TPCI- The Pokemon Company International

Set Names (WotC):

Base- Base set (obviously)
TR- Team Rocket
GH- Gym Heroes
GC- Gym Challenge
Neo1- Neo Genesis
Neo2- Neo Discovery
Neo3- Neo Revelation
Neo4- Neo Destiny
LC- Legendary Collection
E1- Expedition
E2- Aquapolis
E3- Skyridge

EX series set names:

EX1, RS- Ruby/Sapphire
EX2, SS- Sandstorm
EX3, DR- Dragon
EX4, TM/TA- Team Magma vs. Team Aqua
EX5, HL- Hidden Legends
EX6, FR/LG- FireRed/LeafGreen
EX7, TRR- Team Rocket Returns
EX8, DX- Deoxys
EX9, EM- Emerald
EX10, UF- Unseen Forces
EX11, DS- Delta Species
EX12, LM- Legend Maker
EX13, HP- Holon Phantoms
EX14, CG- Crystal Guardians
EX15, DF- Dragon Frontiers
EX16, PK- Power Keepers

Diamond/Pearl set names:

DP1, DP- Diamond & Pearl
DP2, MT- Mysterious Treasures
DP3, SW- Secret Wonders
DP4, GE- Great Encounters
DP5, MD- Majestic Dawn
DP6, LA- Legends Awakened
DP7, SF- Stormfront
PT1, PT- Platinum
PT2, RR- Rising Rivals


Unlimited- All sets are playable.
Modified- Only sets from a certain set onward are legal (current Modified: DP-on)
Limited- Each player recieves six packs of cards to build a 40 card deck for use during the tournament (used in prereleases)


Professor- title given to the people who pass PUI's Professor test. These people are very knowledgable when it comes to the card rulings. These people also help with judging at tournaments.

TO (Tournament Organizer)- These people set up and run unofficial tournaments and Leagues.

PTO (Premier Tournament Organizer)- These people set up and run officially sanctioned tournaments, such as Prereleases and Championship events.


The 'Gym- Refers to the PokeGym, a forum dedicated to the Pokemon TCG. A very reliable source for all the latest developments for the TCG.

Compendium- The place where you can find all of the official rulings of cards. A link can be found in the PokeGym.
Last edited by Raikou Trainer on Wed 05 Dec, 2007 1:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Raikou Trainer
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Post by Raikou Trainer »

Edit December 5, 2007: Changed a few of the procedures.

More info on the Limited Format:

As mentioned above, the Limited format is used in prereleases. The following is the procedure that is used for this format.

1. Basics

a. You are given 6 packs of cards to make your deck with.
b. Your deck must equal 40 cards, including Basic Energy.
c. Basic Energy will be provided by the TO.
d. Special Energy, like Darkness and Metal, must be pulled from your packs in order to use them. (edit: Basic Darkness and Metal are now provided for you, but if you want to use the Special versions, you have to pull them from the packs)
e. You are allowed to use more than 4 copies of any card (a great example is Electrike from RS. There are three different versions of it in the set, so if you pull a total of 6 Electrike between the three versions, you can use all of them if you like.)
f. During deck construction, you are not allowed to trade any cards. What you get is what you have to use.
g. You will play with 4 prize cards instead of the usual 6.

2. Step-by-Step Procedure

a. Pay the entry fee (for prereleases, around $25), normally to the TO of the event. Tell them you POP ID, If you don't have one, one will be provided for you. Wait until around the specified start time.
b. The head judge will explain the basics of the format (If you've read this topic completely, then you should know this already, but listen to them anyway).
c. You will recieve the six packs. When the head judge says so, open your packs and study the contents carefully.
d. Build your deck, then wait for the pairings to come out.
Note: Tips on deckbuilding after this section
e. Once the pairings are out, you will have 3 minutes to set up and 30 minutes to play out the match. Once you are finished with the match, report to the TO, tell them who won, and wait for the next round.
f. Repeat the last step until all rounds are over.
g. After all rounds have been played, freebies and any prizes provided by the TO will be given out.

3. Deckbuilding Tips

a. After you've opened your packs, sort out your cards by evolutionary line, type, etc.
b. If you have Trainers that let you draw or will really help you out, be sure to add them. (Most Limited decks have between 1-5 Trainers, so don't be discouraged if you only get one Trainer)
c. Pokemon that have attacks or Poke-Powers that let you search your deck or draw cards are a must! Add between 2-4 of these kinds of Pokemon.
d. Healing is also very limited, so if you get cards that can do that, add them!
e. You won't always get the Pokemon you need. I've seen lots of times where people would get the Basic and Stage 2 forms, but not the Stage 1 form.
f. Don't play more than 3 different types of Pokemon (not counting Colorless)
h. You deck should have roughly 50% each of Pokemon/Trainers and Energy.

More may be added later...
