Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough

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Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough

Post by 426222 »


im making the walkthrough but u have to be waiting will i finish this.


1 Littleroot Town
2 Oldale Town
3 Petalburg City
4 Petalburg Woods/Team Aqua Battle
5 Rustburo City First Gym Battle
6 Rusturf Tunnel
7 Old man's ship
8 Dewford Town Second Gym Battle
9 Granite Cave
10 Slateport City TeamAqua Battle
11 Mauville City Third Gym Battle
12 Route 111/113
13 Fallarbor Town
14 Meteor Falls
15 Mt. Chimney Team Magma Battle
16 Lavaridge Town 4th Gym Battle
17 Petalburg City 5thGym Battle
18 New Mauville
19 Route 118/119
20 Weather Institute Team Aqua Battle
21 Fortree City
22 Route 120
23 Fortree City 6th Gym Battle
24 Route 120/121
25 Lilycove City
26 Mt Pyre Team Aqua Battle
27 Magma Hideout
28 Slateport City
29 Aqua Hideout
30 Mossdeep City 7th Gym Battle
31 Space Center Team Magma Battle
32 Seafloor Cavern Team Aqua Battle
33 Sootopolis City
34 Sky Pillar
35 Sootopolis City 8th Gym Battle
36 Sky Pillar (Its An Opitinal)
37 Victory Road
38 Ever Grande City Elite Four

Press New Game In the Screen.

Prof. Birch will come out. He will tell you all about pokemon. He will send out a LOTAD. Then he will ask if your a boy or a girl. After that he will ask you for your name.

After that, you will be in a truck. When you feel it stopped go outside and your mom will tell you to go inside with her. You then have to go upstairs and set your clock. But before setting your clock make sure that you go to the computer in the corner and go to the items box. You should witdraw your POTION. Then set your clock. Your Mom will come up and tell you that to go meet the neighbors. Whenn You go down your mom is going to call you and see your father on TV. But you dont get to see him.

Then you have go to May/Brendan’s house next door to meet your rival. The mom will see you and tell you that May/Brendan is upstrais. GO Either Press A in front of the pokeball or get out of the room. your Rival will talk to you and say she/he has to go woth his/her father. Then go up into route 101. You will be stopped by someone and told that there is someone shouting for help. GO up and you will hear different music. When prof. Birch tells you to get a pokeball form the bag. Press A on the bag too choose your first pokémon.

Pokémon Level Type Moves
Treecko 5 Grass Pound, Leer
Torchic 5 Fire Scratch, Growl
Mudkip 5 Water Tackle, Growl

After you will do battle with a Lv 2 Zigzagoon. You should be able to kill it in 3 hits. After you kill it, Prof. Birch will thank you and take you to his
lab. He will then tell you to go and have a battle with May/Brendan.
IF YOU SAY NO HE WILL KEEP BOTHERING YOU TO GO SO SAY YES. So continue to your first battle on route 103.

2.2 Oldale Town

Once you arrive in Oldale Town, immediately go to the Pokemon Center
if your pokemon are hurt.If you try to go left to 102 you'll be stopped
by a Boy/Man who's trying to copy down footprints of a rare pokemon.
(Shocked) Your only option is to go up, so head towards route 103.You should eventually meet May/Brendan.They'll brief you about what it takes to be a trainer, and your first battle commences!

Trainer May/Brendan

Pokemon Level Type Moves
Treeko 5 Grass Pound, Leer (if you chose Mudkip)
Torchic 5 Fire Scratch, Growl (if you chose Treeko
Mudkip 5 Water Tackle, Growl (if you chose Torchic)


When you beat him/her, he/she will tell you to go to the Lab.
May/Brendan will be waiting at the entrance of oldale. Now continue falling
down ledges until you reach Littleroot. Head inside the lab.
Prof.Birch will meet you there along with May/Brendan. After the talk,
he'll give you 5 pokeballs. (Smile).Now head back to oldale. The
Boy/Man who was tracing the footsteps of a rare pokemon, just
stands in the middle of oldale foolishly. He says he finished tracing,
but they were just his own footprints. (CryingCryingvCryingCryingCrying) Now head through Route 102, continue going left until you meet your first trainer. Just Battle ALl the Trainers and on bottom of the last one theres another POTION.

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Viridian Forest
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Post by 426222 »

ill continue later i have to be training too

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Post by Pikachu90000 »

This seems a lot like this one:
http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvan ... rald_c.txt
Which could lead to legal troubles.
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