I'm new here, I've registered few minutes ago :3
So that I can say about myself hmmm... for 1st - sorry for my english

I'm from Poland, at the moment I'm study microbiology, my interests are animals, anime&manga, amv and of course pokemons too ;p
I prefer manga pokemon than anime, my the must like pokemon game are Pokemon Cristal, Pokemon Explorers of Darkness and hmm Pokemon Fire Red. Favourite starter - Charmander/Cyndaquil, over one - Dragonair Raichu Nidoran(+all avo) and more ;p
I like listening to music too ;p like LP 3DG, Within Temptation, Cranberries, Skillet, The Rasmus, SR-71, Green Day, 3DD... and many else ;p I rlly like Mad World by Gary Jules - it's so real

My fav books are "Dragonriders of Pern" series by Anne McCaffrey

Hm.. So that's all that I can say now