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Post by Takumi »

Hey there! Here I am introducing myself! I have a lot of question! I already looked at the FAQ, but no questions were answered!

1. Explain the box! I know how to create and edit, but I don't understand how to add pokemon! I know how to switch them, that's easy. Do I have to have a full party?

2. Explain the ranch! I don't know how to put pokemon in! Enough said...

3. Is there a certain way to ensure that you get the pokemon you want or is it pure random?

4. If you have a Riolu/Lucario, tell me! I want to pet it! :3

That's all right now!

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Re: Hello!

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

hey, welcome to the pika club - hope you stick around and have fun

ok, lets see what we can do about those questions.

Boxes. Once you create one, its you default box - every pokemon you gain from any method will end up there. You can crate other boxes to help organise your pokemon better - and you can easily switch pokemon between them. You start off with a full party of 6 pokemon on your breeders card and yes, you must always have a full party.

The ranch is easy engouh to start off, first go visit to get your ranch, then there will be a link in blue text underneath your ranch picture saying 'place pokemon on the ranch' or something to that effect. Clicking that will show all the pokemon in your defualt box - so if the pokemon you want on the ranch isnt in your defualt box, you'll want to switch it first. After clicking on the pokemon, its on your ranch - easy.

Check the pokedex in the user submitted guides forum, that will tell you the places you can get certain pokemon, but there arent many places that you are guaranteed to get the pokemon you want unless your trading or buying it. most places it is random, but only from a short list of pokemon.

i have a lucario in my box but not in my party - i'm sure someone has somewhere
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Re: Hello!

Post by Takumi »

Thank you WhoKnows_WhoCares! I don't know how to reply to you directly, but this reply is for you!
does anyone want to be my friend?
link for my avatar = http://avatarmaker.eu/free-avatars/avat ... _76533.jpg

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