How 'bout Topic Preview?

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Shrine Sprite
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How 'bout Topic Preview?

Post by Shrine Sprite »

Is there anyway we can get a topic preview function? I.e. if you hover your mouse over a thread title it will pop up the first few lines of text in the topic? It helps me get the gist of what a topic is about and has much more utility than "New Posts" or "This Topic is Locked" which pops up otherwise.

Here be an example:


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Re: How 'bout Topic Preview?

Post by Kikyo »

That's a great idea; I find it very useful on forums with that, as well.
Image Image

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Re: How 'bout Topic Preview?

Post by teamgalactic2 »

It's OK
If you want to join my Google Group (Pokemon) e-mail my admin e-mail: or go to ... club?hl=en and yes, I am put down under Ash Ketchum.

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