Pokemon and regular Role Playing Rule idea

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Pokemon and regular Role Playing Rule idea

Post by Phantom4722 »

There should be a rule saying that you're not alot to go to the next day in a RP until everyone who signed up in that RP agrees if anyone doesn't answer to say he/she is ready to go to the next day in a Rp in 24 hours, the RP is allowed to the next day.

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Post by Shrine Sprite »

I don't see the need for an official rule. It's just courteous to wait so others don't get confused or left behind.

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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

i'd think this should be by a roleplay by roleplay basis, however i would have thought that the person who created it/in charge should be the one saying when the day changes
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Post by Fallen2grace »

kay phantom its called "Powerplaying" and yes thats a good idea.

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