Sub-Forum idea

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Sub-Forum idea

Post by Phantom4722 »

When people start battling others by asking to batle on the forum, this idea can come to be in some use. So in the Pokemon diamond and Pearl forum, there should be a sub-forum called battle reports. the sub-forum should be about the trainers saying how the battle went with the person they battled, what pokemon he used, what attacked wipped you out/ and what you think was the trainiers stradegy. THe reason I think the idea is a great idea is because if the another person wants to battle someone here and they already and a battle report about them. They can learn a little about the person their about to battle so they'll be ready. Oh and any topics in the battle report sub-forum should say the person's forum name at TPC so they know who it is about.

What do you think?

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Post by Pikachu90000 »

Yes and no, yes cause it's a good idea and no because nobody would use it. 5/10
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Post by Phantom4722 »

Pikachu90000 wrote:Yes and no, yes cause it's a good idea and no because nobody would use it. 5/10
The reason that no body would use it is because some people here don't have the 2 games yet. in a cuple weeks and days or some alot will, then the idea would be of much use then.

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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

you cant just post one of these reports in the original challenge topic?

besides, what if someone battles with one team, and then changes it later down the line - using the report to prepare woudnt be much good
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