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Cerulean City
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Many new ideas!

Post by shannon »

they are all swirling in my brain!

1.Removed(Might replace it with a new idea)
2.Removed(might replace it with a new idea)
3.i think there should be more types of Bait to use...(well i know you're gonna release some soon)
4.1 Pokemo for battle is kinda hard for the Team Rocket Mission in the part where you fight the Magma Teamsman in the depositry, i think we should at least use 2 Pokemon each batt;le except wild Pokemon!

oh and if you want lots of sprites, go to or pe2k as short the same)
they have a lot
Last edited by shannon on Tue 30 Aug, 2005 10:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Indigo Plateau
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Post by zen »

Actually all pokeballs in the RPG are like masterball. They never fail
And mewthree I would like but if it was that powerful you would probably ether get it in a really hard contest or find it very far in the RPG. Sum up:It would be very hard to catch.

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Post by Powerchu »

only real (official) pokemon are used on here so I doubt this so called Mewthree would ever exist on here.

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