Profile Idea

This is the forum to post any ideas and/or suggestions you have regarding this website.

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Profile Idea

Post by Phantom4722 »

In the "Contact User" section under the status thing you could put a section for someones ACWW and MKDS and soon Dimond and Pearl Friend code. For example.

AC wild World Town: (Put your town here)
AC Wild World Name: (Put your name here)
AC Wild World Friend Code: (Put Friend code here)
MKDS Friend Code: (Put friend code here)

I know you already have a sub-forum for this, but that can be used if you have more then 1 person.

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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

yeah, possible... however there are lots of games now that use friend codes, and we cant put them all into a users profile. I think just using the sub-forum is the best, as long as people put thier codes in
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