Male and Female signs / Diamond and pearl fc's

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Male and Female signs / Diamond and pearl fc's

Post by Robert »

To go with the :Pokémon: things I think there should be a male and female sybol to use... just a thought

EDIT: I had another idea aswell.

For the fc's in the signatures you could color code them, blue for diamond and red for pearl... just to help stop some confusion

2nd EDIT:
Yet another idea...
Somewhere in your profile where you can put your team on a pokemon game (eg. emerald, diamond, pearl ect...)
And you can put the levels and nicknames and genders...and moves.

These ideas came when i put my diamond info and team in my sig.
Please rate them.

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Post by Pikachu90000 »

Great ideas. 10/10,8/10,10./10
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