my sigs

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Vermilion City
Vermilion City
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my sigs

Post by dmw177 »

there not exactly the greatest but here they are



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Code Monkey
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Post by Pikachu3828 »

As far as signatures go they're both too large to use as signatures on this forum so please don't.

As for the images themselves, they're pretty basic. You should try making them a bit more interesting than rather than just some text and images. They're currently very empty, there's a lot of white space. Add a background colour and fill in that empty space with other images, don't be afraid to overlap, make it look interesting.

Favourites: :Gyarados: :Tyranitar: :Zangoose: :Drapion: Image

Red: 151/151 | Gold: 247/251 | Fire Red: 376/386 | Heart Gold: 493/493 | Black: 649/649

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Vermilion City
Vermilion City
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Post by dmw177 »

do you know how to get rid of the white space

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