If only I had said what I still hide
If only I could turn back time....
All of their wishing reached the Higher Power. Now, in this new city, whenever someone wishes to turn back time, the whole place is taken back to that time entirely. What will you do, when a mere thought triggers a time lapse? What can you do, when the slightest step could change everything. From who you love, to who you are entirely? From how well you're known to how mutated you might become? From where you live, to what pokemon species are still alive?
Several Pokemon species are wiped out. This is 100 years forward. Flying machinery has stolen flying birds for the most part, and completely polluted the earth. Most people wear oxygen masks outside their homes. Only Legendary ones and non-flying birds are still alive.
List of Extinct birds (CAN NOT RP AS): (If listed. It's evolutions can't either, for obvious reasons. xD)
+ Altaria
+ Zubat
+ Spearow
+ HootHoot
+ Ledyba
+ Pelipper
+ Taillow
+ Natu
The seas have been EXTREMELY polluted. Like, seriously do not trust it, even if you're dying of thirst. Wait for your weekly allowance of water and milk like the rest of them. >P So, likewise, MANY sea creatures are dying off as well.
List of Extinct Marine Life (Can Not RP As:)
+ Marill
+ Barboach
+ Corphish
+ Totodile
+ Seel
+ Goldeen
+ Magikarp
+ Lapras
+ Lotad
+ Luvdisc
+ Mantine
+ Mudkip
+ Feebas
+ Poliwag
+ Spheal
Bug types, although very few in numbers for each type, are basically hanging on. Rat/mouse like ones are so rare, no one even knows what the word "Pikachu" or "Ratata" means any more. But it is unknown what 'breeds' of bugs or smaller pokemon are completely wiped out. Most got too depressed after the research in Marine and Sky Pokemon life came back with harsh results.
Dark Flesh: Most have a darker hue, or 'off' colouring than the pokemon you once knew and adored, as well. The amount of pollution has impacted a lot in the world.
To Join:
Pokémon 'Breed':
(Only 2 per person, for anyone wanting multiple characters.)
Name: Crystal
+Nicknames: Cryss, Crissy, Shard
Age: 3 years (For her species, that's like a 17-20 year old.)
+Gender: Female
Pokémon 'Breed': Umbreon
+Looks: Like a normal Umbreon. Her fur is pitch black, with DARK blue rings (that no longer glow, ever, thanks to the pollution) and dark dark blood-red eyes.Her tail is tipped in a white colouration, for some odd reason, and there are three white 'spots' on either side of her muzzle. o.o
*Copyright Template to: http://sotoro.deviantart.com/art/Umbreo ... e-98239417
Design to me. xD
Personality: Brave and fearless if only for her friends, but a huge scardy-cat for herself and her own sake. She's easily talked into doing things, even if she'd rather not, and thus makes a great 'slave' or 'pack mule' for others. Around those she doesn't know, she's scared to speak her mind, and comes off really shy, and actually submissive in nature, but with her friends she's fiery, usually through nothing but a mirage of jokes though that's not always easily to 'see' that she's joking, and sarcasm; and she's quite the 'leader' type, taking the 'dominance' stance in her friendship relationships. She's great for advice, and loves to help others. In relationships, likewise with strangers, she's overly submissive, but not likewise, she hunts for the little things to keep him forever smiling.
+History: She was born to two eevees. They ended up dying off because of the pollution, and she was one of the newer born, with a stronger immune system more readily adapted for this realm she lives in. Orphaned, though, because of their age, she basically raised herself, and thus comes off a bit 'wild', even for wild pokemon.