Never Coming Home: [Sign Up]

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Never Coming Home: [Sign Up]

Post by pikapower06again »

Named after the song I'm listening to.

You are now part of the group of six Pokémon trainers - and that's all that links you guys together - and you wake up one day, to disappear into another realm away from your mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and enemies. You A huge, black hole appears and gobbles you specifically up, and then in disappears again just as mysteriously as it had appeared. All you knew was that you were visiting your relatives for the holidays, and then you disappear in an instance, like that. You are no longer apart of the group celebration and fun, now you are in a new, mysterious world. And why? No one knows. Here the Pokémon are all different than anything you've ever seen, and they react in different ways as well.

1. Crystal
2. WhoKnows_WhoCares
3. Ryan659
4. Open
5. Open
6. Open

Pokemon in Party:
Details about each Pokemon: moves, stats, nature, gender, any nicknames?, ect.
Personality: of the human
History: of the human - optional
Other: Anything else you want to mention?

Name: Crystal
Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Pokemon in Party: Umbreon, Raticate, Quilava, Houndoom, Totodile
Details about each Pokemon:
Species: Umberon
Caught: Given to her as an Eevee by her mother
Gender: Female
Level: 36
Moves: Faint Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Hyper Beam
Notes: Shiny

Species: Raticate
Caught: Caught as a Ratatta
Gender: Male
Level: 32
Moves: Hyper Fang, Sucker Punch, Quick Attack, Focus Energy,
Notes: Shiny

Species: Quilava
Caught: Caught as a Cyndaquil
Gender: Male
Level: 28
Moves: Flame Wheel, Quick Attack, Smokescreen, Tackle

Species: Houndoom
Caught: Caught as a Houndoom
Gender: Male
Level: 36
Moves: Fire Fang, Howl, Bite, Thunder Fang

Species: Totodile
Caught: Freshly caught
Gender: Female
Level: 19
Moves: Scratch, Water Gun, Bite, Scary Face

Personality: [x] Prone to Depression
[x] Keeps to herself, and attempts to bother no one else
[x] Unsure of how to act around others - merely listens in and nods when she should
[x] Finds it relaxing to just watch the world around you [sometimes];
[x] [Other times] she feels bound and trapped to this world, and this 'life'
[x] Has no real motivation nor reason to live - doesn't care to find one and thinks it stupid that you need to "make up a reason" just to stay alive, instead of staying or going one.
[x] Rarely speaks - very blunt, short as she can be, and to the point when she does speak
[x] Very much introverted - a thinker as well as an observer completely
[x] Known to ask/raise questions at known "laws", especially if only to get one to think. 'Yeah, but why is it a sin to kill one of your own, if you eat the flesh of him? What if you were starving, would it still be wrong? Would it be alright to know it's a sin, and still you commit it KNOWINGLY, and your God therefor should still forgive you when you go and ask him to?'
[x] Deathly loyal to her friends - to the end; However, less inclined over her own hide
History: Not adding
Other: Nope. ^^

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Re: Never Coming Home: [Sign Up]

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

I do intend to sign up to this (hopefully we can get this going) - i'll edit this post later when i finish the character - having trouble coming up with a team since you've already got my 2 favorite pokemon and it seems too strange for me to include them as well.

Name: Shawn
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Personality: Bored with being a pokemon trainer, but doesnt know what to do next. Not always serious, he usually tries to lighten the mood in any situation, unless in the heat of battle when he can become deadly serious.

Will edit more in later, just wanted to post something up to show my intent on joining
Member of the Umbreon Club - PM pikapower06 to Join.

Thanks to miradapurple for creating my cool avatar.

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Re: Never Coming Home: [Sign Up]

Post by Ryan659 »

Name: Chris
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokémon in Party: Togetic, Pikachu
Details about Pokémon:

Species: Togetic
Caught: Rescued as a Togepi
Gender: Male
Level: 33
Moves: Metronome, Ancientpower, Wish, Magical Leaf

Species: Pikachu
Caught: Caught as Pichu
Gender: Male
Level: 30
Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Slam, Thunder Wave

Chris is a loner, who prefers not to be accompanied by people - but his Pokémon provide this company when needed. Although usually open with his Pokémon, he usually will not mention much about himself to others, even those close to him.
History: Raised by a loving though somewhat busy family, Chris never really got true interaction with his parents. Also, he was fairly unpopular in school, meaning that total communication was at a minimum, leading to the quiet character he is now. He discovered his first Pokémon, Hurrin, as he was travelling down the street, while quite young. Upon discovering the hurt and lost Togepi, he soon took him in and raised him, with the Hurrin being his only true source of conversation...even if Hurrin couldn't answer back. Over time Chris eventually was able to train Hurrin into the Togetic he is today.
Other: N/A

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Re: Never Coming Home: [Sign Up]

Post by pikapower06 »

WhoKnows_WhoCares - saved your spot, though I'll wait patiently for you finished profile copy. ^^ Take your time.

Ryan659b - you've been added.,
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