Ultimate Shadows: Anti-Pokémon Squad

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-Dark Lugia-
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Ultimate Shadows: Anti-Pokémon Squad

Post by -Dark Lugia- »

This story is about trainers who are getting chased by the Anti-Pokémon Squad after liberating the pokémon in their base. These pokémon they liberated are the trainer's only pokémon. Now you must save the world!


Team(Up to three pokés):
Personality(2-6 lines):
Looks(Sprite or description):
Reson for being a libarator(1 line at least):
History(2-6 lines):

Name: Drak
Team(Up to three pokés, no pokés over level 15): Snorunt lvl 10, Ralts lvl 10, Starly(Mukkuru) lvl 15
Personality(2-6 lines): Drak is a brave boy who is a little bit cocky. He is very overconfident. He has a bad temper but he is a boy who stays cheery at most times.
Looks(Sprite or description): Drak looks just like Norman from teh battle frontier just with spiky hair.
Gender: Male
Reson for being a libarator(1 line at least): Drak was annoyed at his brother for joining the Anti-Pokémon Team as he loved Pokémon. He trys to liberate his brother more than the pokés.
Age: 12
History: Drak was born in a farm. He never knew his mother. At the age of 5 his father took him and his twin, Jack, to the army and started to train them as he was a general. Drak's dad died in awar and Drak has a big bullet wound in his arm from then. He always loved pokémon unlike his brother, Jack.
Weapon: Gun

Note: The APS use Shadow Pokémon and when you beat them, you've liberated got to attack the pokémon with your liberation weapon.

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Post by pikapower06 »

Name: Chia-Chan Izumaki
Team(Up to three pokés): :Houndour: Lv. 10, :Poochyena: Lv 9, :Growlithe: Lv. 14
Personality(2-6 lines): She's very brave, and stubborn. She can argue the SMALLEST point forever, or until you break to agreeing with her. Though, sometimes she argues just for fun, to annoy others. Her opinions are hard to change, and usually require facts. Like, if she believes a penguin can fly easily, you'd have to PROVE that they can't. With sufficient prove, she'll quietly agree. She respects people she can see having brains, yet total IDIOTS get no respect from her what-so-ever. She loves being around a jokeful group, and just because she's smart doesn't mean she acts it. It's OK to ACT crazy/dumb while joking, its the ones who really ARE dumb that get her...just a bit. She's quite capable of leading, or following in a group, so long as she agrees with the leader's ways.
Looks(Sprite or description): She stand about five feet and two inches tall, with a slim stomach. It's more like a complete line for her stomach, and curves inward more likely than it does outward, suggesting she might be anorexic. She worries, some, about the fact that she might be fat. Not hugely fat, just some, either way. Her hair, black as as moonless, starless, midnight sky, falls to just above her knees. Mainly straight in appearance, the hair does have a SLIGHT waviness appeal, but a very slight one at that. Her eyes are the color of the ocean when it just started getting dark out, but there's still some lightness of color in the sky, a pretty good dark blue of shading. She's usually wearing a black, red, or blue colored shirt, but never goes too lightly with her outfit coloration, except for something say...like a yellow shirt WITH a flaming skull on it. If it has a more lighter color, it depends on the design on it.... And with that, there's usually some jeans. Usually, the jeans will support a 'rip' on the knees, though.
Gender: Female
Reson for being a libarator(1 line at least): She hates those that harm Pokémon to no end. Hearing just their name suggests that they are up to no good, and to further find out that the Pokémon are Shadow Pokémon boils her up. She felt she HAD to help the poor guys, and won't rest until they're restored back to normal-ness, and the APS is put out of business permanently.
Age: 16
History(2-6 lines): She was raised in the city, with a pet Houndour. She always had a fascination for wolves, and dog Pokémon, and one day hoped to run a facility-type ordeal for them. Her mother was an expert breeder over :Growlithe: :Houndour: :Vulpix: :Electrike: :Eevee: and :Poochyena:, so she works best with those and their evolved forms. She's crazy about canine Pokémon, and hopes that if she were to EVER settle down with a guy [though she doesn't hold that as a high possibility], he'll be as much into Canine Pokémon, or all, as she. Though, he must be a Poké-lover by some means.
Her dad showed up once, as they were feeding the youngsters [Pokémon], and asked if she'd like to go on a trip with him. Feeling especially cheerful, she agreed and he took her to the army to be trained. Angered, she fought him to a death battle, winning with only one serious wound inflicted to her leg, and took back home. Later, she joined up with a group that wanted to put APS to an end.
Weapon: A sword that's sharpened on both ends [sides], well enough to cut flesh easily.
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Post by -Dark Lugia- »

You're in, of course. ALOT of description, that's good.

I'll start the RPG now but character submissions are aloud until Monday.

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