Anyone who would like to post codes can here.
-must be action replay
-name the game the code(s) are for
-must have full codes
-double posts are allowed
(This topic is to help other people find codes so please
do not place game corruption codes)
Need codes for action replay?
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- pikachild14
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Need codes for action replay?
- Pikachu90000
- Pokémon master
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Re: Need codes for action replay?
Yeah, I've got some for Emerald.
Code: Select all
Well, I introduce to you a whole new Encounter Code type. This one uses all normal RAM codes, except for the DMA Disabler. No Special (M) code is needed either.
This is an Event-type Wild Encounter code. Like in the wild Latias TV event, the pokemon will be found alongside other pokemon in the wild. However, with this one, you can actually choose where the pokemon will appear, such as on Route 101. Even though this is not an "always encounter", there are some extra benefits to this type: You can set a lot of aspects about the desired pokemon, without needing more patch-codes.
Here's all the things that can be determined about the pokemon:
Pokemon Species
Unown Type¹
Contest Stats
Current HP
Condition Status
¹These would need to be calculated by the Encounter Code Generator program.
Here's the kicker. All the code effects, except the encounter Location (or DMA-d), can be SAVED. As long as you stay on the route specified by the location code, the pokemon can still be found there, even without the Action Replay! *If you move to another location without the loc. code on, the encounter location will change. Anyways, you could impress your friends by finding a super-rare legendary shiny "whats-his-name", with no visible appearance that you've used a cheat device.
DMA Disabler (must be on for all [DMA] codes)
-Patch Code-
1C7B3231 B494738C
Encounter Event Activator [DMA]
6BE7C421 34E246CE
-You will need to use this at least once for the pokemon to appear. If you ever KO or Capture the pokemon, you will need to enable this again.
Location to find Encounter Pokemon (keep enabled):
-You will encounter the pokemon on that route. Walk through the grass, surf, etc. Like the Route 101 Encounter codes, the pokemon won't always appear. Assuming you did everything right, the pokemon IS in there! Just keep trying until you find it.
The pokemon likes to flee, so use something to keep it from running, such as fighting it with a Wynaut (Ability: ShadowTag). Sleep wouldn't work.
AC021F76 9010A6AC Route 101
DEA4AF0B 3881CD9F Route 102
38136389 2AC51B7A Route 103
9D34BB3E CDDA3592 Route 104
CBFD8D43 068E0BFE Route 105
1FCA41F5 DAA6A281 Route 106
2DFA6F9A BB8AAE9A Route 107
D80CD9D5 B26A2E47 Route 108
9BA0E6A5 CCBB3146 Route 109
BBD1C05B 202BFA12 Route 110
20D991E3 C3BC9BE8 Route 111
AC03C491 A9B4AD94 Route 112
60932A16 6CD2F9F4 Route 113
D9FF0545 FCB411C1 Route 114
5F2DA221 9B610F64 Route 115
5186E1E6 F9C12B96 Route 116
9AD32A59 1ACF59B4 Route 117
E8F3885D 719FA37D Route 118
4C4F30C6 187F9A43 Route 119
C6F4DFEB FBC87ACF Route 120
44A076EE 7BB938C4 Route 121
5A2AFAA1 FD948700 Route 122
4AD1484A 6566E8B0 Route 123
D9112020 1031806C Route 124
B0E130EE 354547ED Route 125
09D63ED0 77867778 Route 126
8E801AAE 2863A21A Route 127
C0626FC9 D40CE19F Route 128
D812CF61 CDA03791 Route 129
AE62F33D 554BF783 Route 130
D3E6A439 80548B31 Route 131
C765B1B2 5E93FFB6 Route 132
E4913FEE BD96366A Route 133
E41A14CE C672D22A Route 134
Pokemon Species [DMA]:
F80CCFB9 2B9A6A46 Bulbasaur
C2B687F7 EBF8929F Ivysaur
E298C1D9 3E468C4B Venusaur
18818467 4616B783 Charmander
2B6F8480 15B01B7E Charmeleon
680738D7 21087440 Charizard
96A7700D 2EE4E824 Squirtle
56EDF949 B07CE047 Wartortle
5E968934 9F8321EF Blastoise
6A8D30F7 AE4400CC Caterpie
38CF7BE7 846CBDE3 Metapod
4992329C 569017AC Butterfree
C421B580 F84F575E Weedle
0492F044 6B2C66AA Kakuna
93616688 5FB93642 Beedrill
C1B4E393 AE0771F7 Pidgey
B7447F70 EC5F9DF1 Pidgeotto
6F03AC81 7ADE7CF1 Pidgeot
3790A70B 68A4F438 Rattata
DA600CA2 5DEB2DA4 Raticate
54E78727 E3BEC953 Spearow
D2E65459 81A4ABD6 Fearow
AD0ED033 FB24A76A Ekans
19A3FD73 0D80BE04 Arbok
F0BE41C7 BD1EC2D6 Pikachu
5E53BAF7 FBB301B7 Raichu
8FCA375E C1144048 Sandshrew
E98E67D0 FCF7E5BD Sandslash
C58329B9 CA2B641E Nidoran (Female)
6AA70CD3 71D4873A Nidorina
BEFB1B17 F62F0952 Nidoqueen
594B898C 7AFD00D9 Nidoran (Male)
812780AC 22732C86 Nidorino
522DCA7E 60A536DA Nidoking
0A57A210 3F19B59C Clefairy
CACCF96F 34BC192D Clefable
869EF083 D8015207 Vulpix
441627CA 62E6A435 Ninetales
FB9ACABE 0711D08B Jigglypuff
7105BB46 8B58CDF7 Wigglytuff
BC0525AB B4A1EF9B Zubat
DC4E6F3A 50ACFAE9 Golbat
4AAAC6B3 5852510D Oddish
C7D378BD EB692F53 Gloom
20708B48 70D9D97F Vileplume
3A4497F8 6BB5A6D9 Paras
AFD287CA C3EB85CF Parasect
E1D3F73E D04D7CA8 Venonat
F8FB0896 946ABBC0 Venomoth
7826822B AE1D2861 Diglett
6E814354 DF1E8275 Dugtrio
62159EE7 1022FC42 Meowth
A8262B9A 2BA78BC7 Persian
C40EB81A 13235F08 Psyduck
F30FB88D 16F55EEB Golduck
BFDBF8DE 44F7CC43 Mankey
5FF37520 411FB7F6 Primeape
39361BED 86824124 Growlithe
E1FA6A2A 2B2917B2 Arcanine
289D7E50 BB3293D9 Poliwag
69BC6B7B 1C4D843C Poliwhirl
5083ACCE 5CC380EC Poliwrath
14158B07 B2788507 Abra
8092ED40 D12B3C15 Kadabra
3B90DD7A C0AE72BA Alakazam
6EBC0AA0 94F220E0 Machop
DB63B39B 88827C6F Machoke
F8646ABB 7D84B082 Machamp
A90BC942 4F76D018 Bellsprout
0C4C5104 9396F7B4 Weepinbell
8B5A273C 087DDB37 Victreebel
4820198C C3BE5812 Tentacool
5498D262 DF8D7CA6 Tentacruel
CC2DED4F D1306EC5 Geodude
A1D4002E 816EE404 Graveler
00A9DF1C FBB598BC Golem
AB6810EC 0D913F3A Ponyta
E7AD2ACC FDB98202 Rapidash
EF12FE7C 99027678 Slowpoke
39F2CFDB 4004B2E2 Slowbro
8804B3BC 0A374B71 Magnemite
77D42D96 7D460865 Magneton
8BCCD8C8 C6902D0D Farfetch'D
DE12005D 29D2DE3C Dodrio
3B1375EB 93E27229 Seel
CF50F023 1F9819FE Dewgong
4AB4984B 04D2DB16 Grimer
C6EBD70D 5E004051 Muk
FB004B72 AFFFD8EE Shellder
AB3ECD40 0A900EA7 Cloyster
7A26C86E E7F679E1 Gastly
0326BDE6 450DA258 Haunter
0318CD68 89BFB829 Gengar
F154CA51 CABBEFA5 Onix
66230311 C5EBB13E Drowzee
060C8C20 DC18687F Hypno
8F7452DB 79953E18 Krabby
A26DBD82 1B7F050B Kingler
19CE2DDB F06FC648 Voltorb
C93B48F6 5EE0A4AB Electrode
4C469AC4 F8902505 Exeggcute
C27156AE 474F9952 Exeggutor
2590AEA9 5A27DCB8 Cubone
EECF4F07 62B2A7C5 Marowak
794D1371 7A897DE9 Hitmonlee
4D26FA3D D9A9BE34 Hitmonchan
2D961617 22941C09 Lickitung
7CBC25AA 2C962910 Koffing
EB297C0F F148787C Weezing
5ECE1134 76AB7B2A Rhyhorn
9023A5CC FF54386E Rhydon
6691B0B6 D6848F53 Chansey
C3AA6BF1 64A8578A Tangela
EB5EC174 ED33FBFA Kangaskhan
FD6B35B2 4B206258 Horsea
F9EC03A2 F7065B55 Seadra
E89F8A84 2DAEE004 Goldeen
416346AB 5EF18189 Seaking
258F23D7 124D3D04 Staryu
0313B44C E7651411 Starmie
7B41CF3A 845426D7 Mr.Mime
F43C1B82 5DFC969C Scyther
167C2611 DED9EF34 Jynx
13AFDF72 B42A8BAD Electabuzz
90CCD94C 28C5DB11 Magmar
E4FD3C91 D3AC1291 Pinsir
0C4BAF75 AE9AE0E9 Tauros
8B14525F CFF914B1 Magikarp
8DB24D9E 1F617601 Gyarados
EC6CCBF4 C9D6D421 Lapras
25959DA5 672D5FEF Ditto
1BD3D7C3 8F6DDA68 Eevee
084FBF1D 7C242F9D Vaporeon
304DC269 B6E00C8F Jolteon
489A0432 AF1192D9 Flareon
09DB2CF2 586B0D8A Porygon
0CE290D3 CF574497 Omanyte
0804F557 26A0D608 Omastar
29FF87C3 4B006D4E Kabuto
ED078AE4 D5290599 Kabutops
550FDB1C 14C04F2D Aerodactyl
7A755ABA D5F53EC4 Snorlax
CB4EC7B5 C763408E Articuno
E71E73E3 8F149DA6 Zapdos
201EEA82 73079268 Moltres
C26A027B 4A47A725 Dratini
2468C70F C27EFD85 Dragonair
32FEBA58 7A24E9DF Dragonite
143637FB 580AB396 Mewtwo
35B53EE2 447366DB Mew6FFFD073 61E01C5F Chikorita
1EF03527 A62E7A4C Bayleef
453BF491 091CDCA1 Meganium
EBF0946D EAD32783 Cyndaquil
34AABD12 E5B46F4D Quilava
7F8F3079 FD8F8A8A Typhlosion
D02C140F 4956ED5C Totodile
FEB236DF 382F611B Croconaw
227AC496 4861B12C Feraligatr
2F2CE913 C4F8776B Sentret
1D986D04 926A9863 Furret
4F8F83F9 F154FE4C Hoothoot
D07BD7CB 8B74B422 Noctowl
B22ACE1A 92FA9BE6 Ledyba
18E78D40 24A5A797 Ledian
3FE0AFB2 ED65AEDF Spinarak
0D671531 3BEC1D59 Ariados
A89E60C0 F9F22C13 Crobat
B27A9430 E61BD6AF Chinchou
5E1447C0 68A94D79 Lanturn
7B329202 F500603D Pichu
AA8478B3 0A03A96E Cleffa
3B817B4C A9616821 Igglybuff
17D831E9 6912EA9A Togepi
07FAE5F9 A2CD3D92 Togetic
2E09D900 7307198D Natu
41F69115 9C470901 Xatu
49E5C396 342D8B36 Mareep
F5F665A1 EF370A8C Flaaffy
3D6528AA 23463A9C Ampharos
8DCF0A63 BC87F336 Bellossom
DA219783 BFA9F9CE Marill
C9DAEBD5 6269CBFD Azumarill
588CC9F6 195654BA Sudowoodo
618EF36E 0D006ABA Politoed
4264003C 4B1F75C0 Hoppip
85A4FFCA 6ED8E1B8 Skiploom
180BEA2D C05A926C Jumpluff
B7CF52C2 008721E0 Aipom
40F536B3 36BDBDFC Sunkern
D58EBC68 8E9C7275 Sunflora
8EF22614 50F0107B Yanma
DB1B337B 893E1559 Wooper
026EAD50 E8C89C13 Quagsire
87E4C3B7 502E6AE0 Espeon
AFF2A28B 54999359 Umbreon
9290D2D9 FC1700CA Murkrow
C19C24F5 D9F8D1D2 Slowking
EDED389F FD70B86E Misdreavus
E8395D0F 87A01379 Unown
78AD8FE6 C1B3923A Wobbuffet
0AEC1C5E 1B8F222A Girafarig
A27541E4 28EEBA7D Pineco
96FF2F75 3B0D2180 Forretress
2ACA6B89 35EE8AA3 Dunsparce
191E8B91 9E88C38E Gligar
386BDFCC 4C1AFB76 Steelix
519F13F9 9F7282EC Snubbull
5FA73081 340102EE Granbull
0F675B2B BF6CF560 Qwilfish
DEDCA5BE B5E08A18 Scizor
5CB499A1 94A3AF5F Shuckle
877EA25B 1A38E279 Heracross
F9CD0935 37431550 Sneasel
02B3559F 30DC66FF Teddiursa
0FB33873 05950D8E Ursaring
29D852A2 67B13BA6 Slugma
9565D5C3 1F676C71 Magcargo
4D68FB3A 3E9F4872 Swinub
D7C1E589 9B1E9541 Piloswine
D25DC7F4 36320E37 Corsola
86795DBC 93324B4E Remoraid
D79129ED 39A7D477 Octillery
D1B7999B 32D266D5 Delibird
202751C2 31BD4A07 Mantine
C056E36C D85CFB2E Skarmory
7D417861 C4D7EA71 Houndour
D7AD175E 83C86A6B Houndoom
0FD90EF5 B121C72A Kingdra
7989E80D A60CF876 Phanpy
B0DC260B 915FDBD6 Donphan
71864157 33636A3D Porygon
FB0B26C5 FC5C842B Stantler
4DDF7562 CA829220 Smeargle
F8F00194 2BD77158 Tyrogue
0086E8FC 1539F16C Hitmontop
A64B4324 173E189A Smoochum
C34ACB0B 415A8608 Elekid
E8B14415 28675DF9 Magby
721F4BF5 B0DAEBED Miltank
480069FA CEEDBC20 Blissey
6CEE0281 C71C42C3 Raikou
AE833E80 C5076A3A Suicune
3AA33639 D1AE7BE3 Larvitar
15B70A4C C483D442 Pupitar
32264F16 0CEF62B9 Tyranitar
9444F62B CBA36BD7 Lugia
F75D0F5F BCAF462E Ho-Oh
D5CDDEF2 7058AEAD Celebi
919ABD7D 2EBC07F4 Treecko
A51AD787 733A2299 Grovyle
33706C0D 4B160906 Sceptile
70881771 9DEEC7B9 Torchic
EA81347B 262B1B1C Combusken
A8B3BD9C 1386C6D9 Blaziken
FC8FA053 61FDBD54 Mudkip
F0886360 C2D8CEC1 Marshtomp
6DED536F 3044614C Swampert
228BDAA0 2C1A05D9 Poochyena
AEF09F3D ECB1CCCD Mightyena
80C49C05 8A23DEEF Zigzagoon
D36597F0 357903D3 Linoone
8283E5F7 F45798A0 Wurmple
C7254203 86C0C458 Silcoon
8BAB295F 73F82B09 Beautifly
F0E87472 2DE1008E Cascoon
11FC24BB D9A0AB1D Dustox
6456CE28 7E4995F3 Lotad
FD4D5A77 3B253021 Lombre
A672AF21 B472B161 Ludicolo
D180D2A0 C54F5864 Seedot
AE70B5F6 B18D1EBA Nuzleaf
16F97402 24422DE8 Shiftry
6E557E11 CA6CA8FA Nincada
CA444E3F 5F7D4F77 Ninjask
531CECA7 D34EA76A Shedinja
3B3201FB D63CE9CE Taillow
4BF9FB90 F49A86B2 Swellow
0F3FD842 0E2877AB Shroomish
3FBC70A7 661B803F Breloom
B804E904 59451BB2 Spinda36A58FAF B6DEE41B Wingull
7008A639 5566A05A Pelipper
4AEB5B81 828AAF68 Surskit
8684C458 1FFE2570 Masquerain
DD7EA688 376282B9 Wailmer
0514F031 CEE92EFF Wailord
7B906C6E 7E4C2193 Skitty
BA03F4FA FAE4324E Delcatty
AA4B639F 195644C0 Kecleon
AAD7385B 853D44B2 Baltoy
D237A225 667B35B8 Claydol
37EC5932 CF8F5430 Nosepass
C526D6FF 2CEC3113 Torkoal
CEE7D2EC F3E8635A Sableye
B3F703D1 583650E2 Barboach
A7519318 EED88638 Whiscash
07B93F43 D75BCF33 Luvdisc
A48E3D8F 28E5A673 Corphish
16075426 8F240604 Crawdaunt
0A8831F9 3203059A Feebas
CF744C68 2834FC5D Milotic
A2053527 1B6D1310 Carvanha
77EBBFE4 5835A5D1 Sharpedo
B4ED91D6 F31CE7BC Trapinch
D48DF31C 378BB967 Vibrava
A3FCE5A9 2E9A9D70 Flygon
7F0369C4 5F1A06CF Makuhita
D841A4A3 0FB2A7A5 Hariyama
279FE7DC 43038E68 Electrike
20DFA607 A1F93F47 Manectric
DDA422B5 C1FD053F Numel
9EDA86F5 AABCCCBF Camerupt
B7DFEC1F 53049C5F Spheal
2675710B A52FDA9A Sealeo
8396C770 7B078CA3 Walrein
90A61286 478B78CB Cacnea
62C36AB6 B0CEF3D2 Cacturne
F71E9588 588DF36F Snorunt
5CBCC790 89050C8D Glalie
24451582 8FA617FC Lunatone
7E5EF629 575CDB6B Solrock
5ADBCA6A 6BC7D921 Azurill
9F49F234 27D908DE Spoink
C1357002 998BBE58 Grumpig
5850736D F7EB90FA Plusle
4BF27DBA 26B8B7D4 Minun
B7A5CB13 A115B488 Mawile
3CA52DCD 4F4D756C Meditite
5D46190A 9496CD89 Medicham
C6A56B01 3EFF3D38 Swablu
3B81BEEA D6E34C09 Altaria
5F023EAB 7D0BED02 Wynaut
4E0056A5 30229207 Duskull
C5229978 0BD5F846 Dusclops
EEE900E7 AE4A925D Roselia
73FF9C4D 06A5C034 Slakoth
A3D4359F 9DC5DC47 Vigoroth
640E8A72 2841E8AB Slaking
5D43F879 1C7D6B90 Gulpin
35226E4D AD876D9B Swalot
83068204 2DFBECC4 Tropius
91BCD2A8 728A32B7 Whismur
D3A61F41 02E2CF55 Loudred
DE72506E 64FFE751 Exploud
237D417A DCC42B21 Clamperl
C08BFEC2 23B7BCF5 Huntail
3D1AFB2A 2A67EAF9 Gorebyss
910B1314 E217F7D4 Absol
DBF33C3D 6C24B86C Shuppet
0C5A0516 650F9364 Banette
F0A69FE7 CD33ED92 Seviper
7D30EAFD 9FF28DF3 Zangoose
B6F9F6BD EA91879C Relicanth
25A0E16A FA9EE7C4 Aron
2D6F689E 1A4B458A Lairon
0639A911 F9F3D1D9 Aggron
099B2A99 864B7FD6 Castform
DEC55020 1A2B40AE Volbeat
208AF483 6D2EB240 Illumise
E474AE76 6C1E4C41 Lileep
06E91BCD 8CCD056A Cradily
717436E5 5B8F51AD Anorith
68FAED0D A2062B7A Armaldo
27EABC73 C43E0DBD Ralts
6CD8A88E 23E5A727 Kirlia
BDEF8353 D1CFA8EF Gardevoir
03F17173 3128074D Bagon
B4F365FE 8EF38C4D Shelgon
E452A901 BC6E9B48 Salamence
96AF7B17 D751553C Beldum
D5143F5D 71F81A76 Metang
27B34050 7D53D253 Metagross
0C5F1E1F B87C6532 Regirock
F8698ACC DC80506C Regice
922BACDF EB25AC78 Registeel
C0BEC6F0 388AC555 Kyogre
83E63292 1F5B324D Groudon
EA3084D5 77D930E3 Rayquaza
C1437FDD C29B4207 Latias
E52CCFC5 CA48237E Latios
525799AE 14F01F9D Jirachi
0B1DD7C3 D2759426 Deoxys
BCB92C03 6BAF0FD7 Chimecho
Level [DMA]:
D1CBF00D 839C27F2 - Level 1
7E07E87A 3F987D3F - Level 2
85F15C59 7D28150F - Level 3
13D342AC 4DBE5DA9 - Level 4
6F6F1793 8DDCACAD - Level 5
99D157AD E9AC3271 - Level 6
5F133615 13A57721 - Level 7
FF1A08B8 D229CE24 - Level 8
457617C7 08B9A5BA - Level 9
9D8C1905 86FEF1BB - Level 10
7918134F 13D7DE82 - Level 11
6F0BAEEE 80788847 - Level 12
9739A053 07374FE6 - Level 13
57595278 78427A06 - Level 14
4A10319B E3C5E11E - Level 15
12CBCD2E 5EF33027 - Level 16
DF191E2F A630ACF9 - Level 17
97202F88 6C967B7B - Level 18
910070D6 37B263D1 - Level 19
8FDEF390 D8CE75A2 - Level 20
4A892B95 DF0325B8 - Level 21
40D9AAC9 C7BB1120 - Level 22
14D99FE0 46B3F34B - Level 23
948D4059 58E44829 - Level 24
0D4B0026 DFCA827E - Level 25F18BC78C F1076137 - Level 26
BB493E51 ACD1B14E - Level 27
EFC06B77 95FFFCE5 - Level 28
9E9922B4 D42E4F7D - Level 29
F462A159 91CC093F - Level 30
D1998F68 3B6B8B1F - Level 31
E509B281 FC648335 - Level 32
C430FA10 5CA5B00A - Level 33
45532739 2E4BCA7A - Level 34
9C728E23 2F191463 - Level 35
9CB5E08B 491E75A8 - Level 36
603782AA 3BBD4707 - Level 37
2C0A5883 4E00EF03 - Level 38
FEE1977B A908329B - Level 39
FCE0F6D3 72B0B4FC - Level 40
196B997C 70E73DD9 - Level 41
6F981A89 5B58196F - Level 42
2963C67B F19547AB - Level 43
7B6D83E1 F0EFEA1B - Level 44
098549CF ED9D689E - Level 45
5D08EEE9 FAD48AAC - Level 46
30AE7F81 411FA83E - Level 47
ED937391 E0819EFF - Level 48
77A04DEF 53F660E9 - Level 49
794861E3 743727EE - Level 50
BE0A5E4D 63AC8025 - Level 51
0B8F0ED3 3C25D19C - Level 52
712CAB2E F46AF734 - Level 53
7A5633AC F2BC529D - Level 54
C8C29DB9 B044B9F2 - Level 55
C705B1DB D27AD687 - Level 56
3F17994B B0879991 - Level 57
20488A15 7E2F7965 - Level 58
A22AD2B0 1607B9AD - Level 59
8D677B82 35DD72B1 - Level 60
85D97F2B DB7D22DE - Level 61
6B8301A3 26449CCF - Level 62
AD847BBB E0E1C758 - Level 63
81C5F070 4530A55D - Level 64
204BCC31 7D04A49E - Level 65
2B38ED1D 8A248ACD - Level 66
EE4D8BE5 68891CCB - Level 67
BB1DDD71 38A39FCE - Level 68
135A626E A34B5688 - Level 69
72BF91F5 D4617705 - Level 70
4F74357F 61251C06 - Level 71
286D828A A9BE9979 - Level 72
EDA9CC99 4FB13A70 - Level 73
CCCB7F6A 2395D6B7 - Level 74
8C61A720 950201D6 - Level 75
96D6390C 41039EB9 - Level 76
0390A846 4B40B21D - Level 77
9F7A9927 22522048 - Level 78
1E575FCF 16B89148 - Level 79
4444DA1A BA51780E - Level 80
3813B531 540A2E0B - Level 81
CE7D6705 88C5A506 - Level 82
DD280864 B94CB68C - Level 83
7CE6E8F2 183C7A58 - Level 84
0C16C620 CB7809C9 - Level 85
67DC6C86 9CAB6566 - Level 86
4DAF3B4A DEDACF70 - Level 87
75831B05 422D9BA0 - Level 88
95B7520E 05CD3143 - Level 89
DDEFCA84 1AE2CABE - Level 90
615DE65E CE8B3FD7 - Level 91
82C45202 735A1951 - Level 92
327A2D8E 86770B19 - Level 93
7D82C3A9 F8EC6081 - Level 94
77080B80 D79E6479 - Level 95
74C804DC 9FE8A61D - Level 96
CE850C96 0F611B96 - Level 97
870D370B F45FD235 - Level 98
3324C3FF 1FD0B330 - Level 99
55341DFB E120A647 - Level 100
Current HP [DMA]:
-Even though you can raise the current HP to well over 1000, it may be wiser to use a very low amount so that it is easier to catch. However, if no code is entered, the current hitpoints may be 0.
7B017786 31D2E74D - 5HP
2351BB48 98F9A02E - 10HP
22C08075 7FCED26D - 15HP
49B21979 E05CF46C - 20HP
520EAF8B DC04A124 - 30HP
089FBF62 C02552CA - 40HP
71C830D5 7344929A - 50HP
973EEABF 2B181BA5 - 60HP
306666BE 1C0910CA - 70HP
95971159 C6C2C186 - 80HP
A754CC4D 7144DC13 - 90HP
D27DD6A3 28142526 - 100HP
1840DA2E 1AF59334 - 150HP
8038E467 FAE98EE4 - 200HP
Max IVs (Stats) [DMA]
Max Contest Stats [DMA]
7ADE35D0 AC44E33E
- pikalover1234
- Vermilion City
- Posts: 382
- Joined: Sat 09 Sep, 2006 12:49 am
- Custom Title: Oh Noes. Sorry.
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 287870574463
- Location: United States of America, ME
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Re: Need codes for action replay?
Uhhhh. Lately Action replay makes me sick.
It claimed my Pokemon Daimond, and my White DS Supposedly.
I''m done with hacking.
It claimed my Pokemon Daimond, and my White DS Supposedly.
I''m done with hacking.
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.
- eevee126
- Vermilion City
- Posts: 378
- Joined: Tue 14 Jul, 2009 2:10 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 348091234765
- Location: Illinois
Re: Need codes for action replay?
link removed - don't advertise all good codes are here