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Post by seavicky95 »

sao noticed kari and the man she jumped on.
she quickly ran over to where they were.
"what are you doing?!" she asked, glancing at the knife.

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

The man threw her off his back and took out a gun and shot it at her. "Don't enter fere." the bullet hit her in her side. But instead of the bullet bleeding it healed the man noticed this "You are one of them aren't you?!" he came charging at her she dodged it

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Post by seavicky95 »

"l-leave her alone!" sao shouted as she tackled the man and knocked the gun away from his hand.

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

The man got up and grabed the gun.
"Daneriy" Jade repeated and the guy froze "What happen?"

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Post by zen »

Ray finally noticed what was going on and landed his board on the shore.

"Are you guys alright?" He said as he ran up to them.
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Post by seavicky95 »

"i'm fine," sao said, getting up.

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Kari just looked at the man frozen then to were the bullet hit her she touched it it was nothing there. "What is going on?"

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Post by seavicky95 »

"i don't know... that bullet practically went through you."
sao turned to the man.
"who are you?" she asked.

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

The man's eyes move to Kari. "So your Irak's rencarnation. Just great a nother witch."
"Quiet you!" a gentel vocie said. A Lady then walk from on the side of the man. She was short and her silver hair was in two braids. "Come my children I will explain all." she turned around and walk towards a beackhouse. Kari followed. She wanted answers

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Post by seavicky95 »

sao followed kari and the lady.
i wonder what she means.

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Post by zen »

My children??

Anshu snuck up behind the house they were entering and ducked under an open window
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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"Tea?" the old lady asked
"Yes please."

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Post by seavicky95 »

"no thank you," sao said as she sat down.

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"Now listen children I know yur wondering about who I am and what I want." the lady said " I'm Eleanor and I am the mentor of the warriors . As Kari experenced yall have the powers of the warriors. Kari you are the rencarnation of Irak the magican./"

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Post by zen »

Warriors? Is she crazy? Could she mean me too? What does she want?

Questions flew through Anshu's head as he listened.
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The universe is not indifferent to intelligence, it is actively hostile to it.

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