Ch 1:THe Treasures

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Post by zen »

Drake walked up "Hey, writing, sorry....but I can only cast spells, what does it say??"

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Post by pikapower06 »

"Ok." She galloped off, if not bettering then equalling Chiisai's speed.
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

"Yay!" Chiisai yelled chipperly and ran faster.

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Post by pikapower06 »

She galloped even faster. She WAS bettering her speed now, and could go still faster, but not much.
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

"alright, I think where all most there!" Chiisai yelled

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Post by pikapower06 »

"good." She said, galloping her hardest the rest of the way.
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

Chiisai ran as hard as he could as well.

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Post by pikapower06 »

"Now are you truly ready for this? Success never comes without a BIG price." Crystal said, like a very wise person, galloping beside Chiisai.
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

"You bet!" Chiisai said exsitedly.

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Then all of a sudden the ground moved "What's that?!"
Then a gaint worm appeared "Ewww...I hate worms gross.Drake you could take that if you want."

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Post by zen »

"Thanks" Drake said sarcasticly, he shot ice shards out of his hands at the hung worm, knocking it back into it's hole "Hurry, let's get inside before it comes back, it should be out for a while"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"I second that." Jade said running inside . "I hope there aren't any more monsters like that.I hate worms." Inside the temple was dark. Jade opened up her hand and a ball of light came. "much better."

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Post by pikapower06 »

A HUGE Tiger showed up, in Crystal and Chiisai's way. She rammed her horn into its paw, which it then slung her backwards. She got up, and galloped back over to it. It swungn, leaving three claw marks on her side, and she jumped up and got a good shot at its neck. Shge galloped back some and watched it slowly choke to ddeath on its own blood. Her horn still bloody, and her side bleeding a little. Ahh but that battle wasn't much, though if she didn't get that lucky shot it could have been a lot worser.
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

Chiisai ran up to Crystal, "awww, I wanted to help! oh well..." Chiisai said impishly and healed Crystal with magic. "How do ya feel?"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Jade noticed more writing ." This must have been a huge notepad for a giant."

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