Through Dragon eyes

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Through Dragon eyes

Post by pikapower06 »

Humans have caused great pain among my clan. A great many have fallen victim to their cruelty. All I can do is sit and watch. My eyes filling with tears everytime a member of the clan dies at their feet. What purpose humans have in this world, I do not know.
I am learning a great deal. Seeing as I will one day be the queeen of my clan. Everyone calls me Princess Flare. Princess Flare. But there are a great many steps that must be taken in order to become a queen. Everyday I am learning new battle moves, and meeting new princes. None are my type, though, and I can't even talk to some of them without wanting to rip the dragon limb from limb.
I don't see the importance of find my soul mate as soon as possible. I don't see why its necessary to be wed just to be called Queen Flare. I'm perfectly happy with Princess Flare.
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Post by neo-bender »

OOC:Aren't we supposed to be a dragon?
[center]Neo-bender's PokePet
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Raikiri the level 75 Lucario![/center]

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Post by pikapower06 »

OOC: DUH! I AM ONE! GRRR LIKE WHEN SHE SAID SHE DIDNT LIKE ANY OF THE PRINCE DRAGONS SHE MET! DUH DUH DUH DUH *says while hitting head into wall* PLUS YOU AINT EVEN SIGNED UP FOR IT.....OR I AINT ACCEPTED YOU YET THAT I RECALL! THESE DRAGONS HAVE A MONARCH SYSTEM! IM AS PRINCESS DRAGON!!!! GRRR! BETTER HOPE I SEE A SIGN UP FOR YOU TO USE "we" IN YOU OOC * plus im really hyper and u got my WHOLE mood to switch, hyper mode means easily-another-mood-mode i guess i really am just moody*
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Post by neo-bender »

Gold came out of the river. He had just ate a meal of fish and was now flying for excercise. "Whats that?" he said.

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Post by pikapower06 »

"You must be on your toes for this battle my princess." The trainer told Flare. "Ohhh don't worry I am. When can I actually stop the prince search, cuz I ain't NEVER gonna find a guy that's my type, and actually battle those humans?" She questioned. "In due time, in due time, my princess. For now, I have been odered to train you, and that's just what I plan to do." He said, pouncing at her. She shot a wave of fire towards him. "Good. I see you were ready for that one." Then he looked up at the sun. "Ok training over." He told her. "Thank god! I mean thanks for the lesson." She said a rushed off. "Hey Gold! How are you on this lovely day, if I may ask?" She called out, flying over towards where Gold was.
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Post by Suhail »

OOC:Are you a queen or someone else is?
"Hey guys sup?"Chaz said.
"Long time no see."
My favorite pokemons:
:Suicine: :Entei: :Zapdos: :Moltres: :Rapidash:
Name as a pokemon:Jaiden
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Post by Pikachu90000 »

OOC:Monarchy? Why not have a consitutational monarchy?
"Hello everybody" Ethan said.
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Post by Suhail »

"Oh hey Eaten."Chaz said
My favorite pokemons:
:Suicine: :Entei: :Zapdos: :Moltres: :Rapidash:
Name as a pokemon:Jaiden
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Post by Pikachu90000 »

I breathed fire on Chaz for saying my name wrong. :evil:
"Don't say my name wrong, it's not the name of a Canadian department store", I said.
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Post by Suhail »

"Oh sorry."Chaz said.
"I forget sometimes."
My favorite pokemons:
:Suicine: :Entei: :Zapdos: :Moltres: :Rapidash:
Name as a pokemon:Jaiden
Fav.RP pkemons: :Dragonite: :Glalie: :Sharpedo: :Rapidash: :Flygon: :Sceptile:

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Post by Pikachu90000 »

"No you didn't. You just met me." I said.
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Post by Suhail »

OOC:weren't we all suppost to be friends?
"Oh you looked like someone I knew sorry."Chaz said
My favorite pokemons:
:Suicine: :Entei: :Zapdos: :Moltres: :Rapidash:
Name as a pokemon:Jaiden
Fav.RP pkemons: :Dragonite: :Glalie: :Sharpedo: :Rapidash: :Flygon: :Sceptile:

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Post by Pikachu90000 »

OOC:...Some of us yes.
"That's ok." I said
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Post by pikapower06 »

OOC: No you don't have to be friends your choice. Also, if you choose to be a princess or prince of your clan let it be known. My parents are still the ruler.

"I gotta go. Father is having yet another one of his friend's son come over. I'll be back soon, with them both going home. If only they'd realize I don't care about EVERYTHING being arranged, planned, and perfect." Flare said, sighing.
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Post by Suhail »

Chaz decided to go take walk.
"See you guys later"Chaz said
My favorite pokemons:
:Suicine: :Entei: :Zapdos: :Moltres: :Rapidash:
Name as a pokemon:Jaiden
Fav.RP pkemons: :Dragonite: :Glalie: :Sharpedo: :Rapidash: :Flygon: :Sceptile:

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