Role Player Helpers

Discuss any terms of RPing, give your ideas and criticism on RPG Help Threads, etc.
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Indigo Plateau
Indigo Plateau
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Role Player Helpers

Post by pikapower06 »

Ok, what I'm trying to organize is a way to help others better their skills at Role Playing. I'll be honest, your skills will look better already if you take the time to 'proof read' any Role Play post you plan on making. >o> Grammar is a lot better when you use is as properly as you can manage. And, we don't all always do that. In fact, some never do at all. Others, English may not be your first nature at hand. But it's ok, I'm only offering friendly advice. >3 Take this piece or leave it, as you wish to.

Now, the point of this is to realize that you need help in bettering your skills, and finding a 'mentor' with higher skills than you to help you with this. We need teachers, to start with, to help, so PM me to be one. At the bottom of this will be the requirements and the Form of fill out.

What's my goal by this? My personal goal is to see more people getting confident enough to be able, and to want to take their skills to the Serious Role Playing forum. I take this serious, and I think the other Teachers will, or should, at least. >33 So, please take it serious to, when you ask for help. If you're doing it as a joke, you may not learn.

And most lessons aren't 'magical', and built-in. It takes some time to swing into the use, just try and keep your lessons in mind when you learn something new. Use that taught lersson to help you expand your skills.

Now, the Teachers:

+Can do Beginners
+Specializes in overall Role Playing help
+Has made over 1,000 word posts, and has occasionally averages at 400-700 words per post. [This is an idea of what type of teacher you're dealing with]
+Asks few requirements, won't let Grammar or Spelling necessarily influence her decision on helping you [unless it's obsessively bad]
+Wishes Chat Speak not to be used in any Role Plays she judges.

[you offered to help, long ago, remember? Send me some facts you'd like posted up. >33]

Now, the Students:
No one, yet

To Become a Teacher:

Code: Select all

Best RP post ever made: [Number of words in it. o.0 It's not a required thing]
Sample RP Post: [You can put one here, if you have no muse]
Requirements: Here you will list the requirements you think a student should have to be 'under your wing'
Temperament Level: Are you going to be calm, nice, and fair to all? Or do you sometimes fly off the handle? Be honest, because we need calm, fair teachers.
Other: Anything else you want to include
Requirement to be a teacher:
+You must be able to do at least 2 paragraphs, with 5-8 sentences per paragraph in a normal RP setting. You must be used to doing this, this must not be a 'new' thing that you can occasionally achieve. If you can't, you should be a student, or RP practice, until you can. The Post itself must not be 2 paragraphs, with sentences that repeat information a lot.
+You should be nice, and fair. Aka, no one with a bad attitude, or a Smart Alick. If you can keep yourself from being a Smart Alick, that'll be find, but you should be able to keep yourself under wraps while in 'teacher mode'.
To Become a Student:

Code: Select all

RP Weakness: Here you more or less tell what you need help in for Role Playing
Teacher: You request which teacher you want.
Sample RP: Post a sample of your own. If they agree to help you, they most likely will give you a new one to work with, but until then give them a small one to show them what they're working with.
Right Code:
Any teacher has the right to accept or reject any student they wish for tutoring, for any reason deemed justifiable. A student has the right to accept or reject help offered by a teacher, and to end their term with any teacher whenever they please. Also, a teacher as the right to end the term a student is 'under their wing' at any time, as well. After a term has ended, a teacher may or may not offer you advice to be tutored under another teacher, or try and transfer you to another teacher's tutoring. If you agree to it, and the other teacher agrees, then it will be settled as such. And remember, all teachers, and all students are to be treated with respect.
Fill-Out the form and post here. The teacher you asked for will contact you here, whether they accept of reject you as a student. Then, if they accept, you will be carried into a new thread for your 'training'. I will keep score of kids being trained here.
When a session is over with, PM me and let me know. If a student you are training isn't listed, PM me and let me know. If you're trying out to be a teacher, PM me the Fill-Out form, and I'll post you up here, if I accept you. Accepted, or rejected teachers will be PMed back to be notified if they're starting as being a teacher or not.
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