Pokemon RPG

This is a forum for Pokémon roleplaying. Roleplay here only.
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Pokemon RPG

Post by EJManetta »

Welcome! I'm Professor Cindy, and yes, Cindy. My name is not going to be named after a leaf!

Ok, so as a beginner Trainer, you can pick a starter pokemon!
Cyndaquil, Charmander, Torchic, Totaldile, Squirtle, Mudkip, Chikorita, Bulbasaur, Treecko, Pikachu, Eevee.

Also, I need to know your name, your gender, the gender of your pokemon, and where you wanna live. EX-Littleroot Town

Reply to start your journey! You will get 5 Pokeballs and $5,000 to start your journey.

So are you ready? Well then start your Pokemon Journey!
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Post by lalaland »

OOC: I choose a female torchic and I live in Rustboro City! I'm female and my name's Lily!

* As Lily walk down the path to Rustboro Gym she says bye to her family and starts getting lost and lonesome. She soon spots a female wurmple and is encouraged to catch it..*

*Wow! This is going to be my first catch of the day! I can't wait untill it evolves!*

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Post by SukiFish »

(I choose eevee and my name is Kayla)

Kayla was jogging with her new eevee when she saw a girl. She was looking at a wurmple like she wanted to catch it. Then Kayla noticed that the pokemon didn't move. It didn't even try to attack. "Stop!" Kayla yelled out, and went over to the wurmple. She got out a bag full of medicene and noticed a large gash in the pokemon's side. She got out a roll of gauze and wrapped it around the wound. She picked it up and looked at Lily. "The pokemon was hurt badly, and there are no more pokemon centers for a few miles. If you had caught it, it would have died. Now, we have to wait until it is ready to weave it's cocoon, because it the cocoon, it heals."

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Post by lalaland »

* Lily understands what happened after the girl explained everything. Lily said sorry and was encouraged to catch the silcoon.*

* I'm really sorry! I'm willing to catch a silcoon and have a butterfly. I guess I'm not I pro trainer yet! I want to be a co-ordinator! said Lily*

* Lily sees something move and decides to follow it. Lily said she'll be back just a moment. When Lily sees the pokemon clearly it was a minun and plusle and they were hurt and homeless. Lily and her tochic became best of friends with the minun and plusle and soon minun and plusle wanted to join Lily's team and Lily said yes.

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Post by kirbypika »

[ooc]I'm very sorry to intterupt, but please use proper roleplaying tags. They are located here: http://www.srg.valcato.net/pikachu/foru ... php?t=1156[/ooc]

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Re: Pokemon RPG

Post by Pikachu90000 »

EJManetta wrote:Welcome! I'm Professor Cindy, and yes, Cindy. My name is not going to be named after a leaf!

Ok, so as a beginner Trainer, you can pick a starter pokemon!
Cyndaquil, Charmander, Torchic, Totaldile, Squirtle, Mudkip, Chikorita, Bulbasaur, Treecko, Pikachu, Eevee.

Also, I need to know your name, your gender, the gender of your pokemon, and where you wanna live. EX-Littleroot Town

Reply to start your journey! You will get 5 Pokeballs and $5,000 to start your journey.

So are you ready? Well then start your Pokemon Journey!
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Post by Ponyta_Fyer »

[ooc] my character is Jessa, a girl who is from Verdenturf and she wants an eevee that is a girl[/ooc]

[ic]Jessa was a petite girl about 11 with short red hair and sapphire blue eyes. She had on a tye dye shirt and jeans. On her back was an old backpack. she calmly walked to the lab, trying to calm herself down since she was excited and nervous at the same time.[/ic]
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Post by shark_king »

ooc:i choose a male pikachu i live in rustboro city im a male and my names chase
*chase starts walking down the path to the gym and sees two girls*
"I'd be quiet if I were you theres a hive of kakuna in a forest close by"
(if there isnt in some game i dont care cuz this is just and rpg)

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Post by pika_masta_3000 »

OOC:I choose a female pichu i live in rustboro city im a male and my names josh

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Post by Pikachu90000 »

[ooc]You do realise that this Roleplay is dead...[/desc]
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Post by Pokémon Princess »

OOC: I choose a female Pikachu, nickname Pika i live in Pallet Town im a Felmale and my name Sasami, the daughter of world famous Professor Samuel Oak.[/b]
