Pokemon mystery dungeon

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Post by Fazzy »

Nothin' much, Flare.
Just hanging around
Well, Timmy, aren't you being a cotton-headed ninny muggins.

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Post by Robert »

"A caterpie?" Said Squirly in shock!
"So caterpie can you tells us what happened to the other caterpie?"
"Well come on and anser and we will rescue them!" Said Squirly to the caterpie.
"Well well what do we have here? Isn't it Squirly the puny squirtle from the go-getters?" Said a vioce from behind a tree.
"W-w-who's there?" Squirly said
"It's none other than Gengar from team meanie you baby!"replied Gengar
"And we came to save butterfree!" Said Ekans slithering from under the tree!
"So go home you team Go-get-losters" Said Medicham jumping off the tree
to the other side of the tree than ekans!
"Or prepare for defeat!" Said gengar walking right through the tree!
"Hey I'm no baby and we are a good rescue team so you can get lost!" Said Squirly in anger!
"Nightshade!" Said gengar unleasing a nightshade on Squirly sending him flying backwards!
"Don't say we didn't warn you!" Said Gengar to the injured Squirly!

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Post by Blade »

Vine runs up " sorry I'm late I couldn't find the toolbox" ( looks at team meanies then at Squirly) Razor Leaf! Shots a Razor Leaf at Ekans
Ekans doges and shots a poison sting sting at Vine knocking him back a bit.
"Ow, that hurt, take this!"
Vine shots a Razor Leaf missing Ekans completly.
" Ha Ha Ha, what was THAT supposed to do" After Ekans says that a tree branch falls on his head K.O-ing him temporarely
" Thats what is was supposed to do loser"
Behold my strongest pokemon, a lv. 100 mewtwo
*I poke it, it faints*

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Post by Robert »

Squirly watched vine take out ekans and snuck away to another tree while nobody saw.
"Take this you freaks!" Squirly said running at Gengar to tackle him but Squirly run right through Gengar and clashed with Medicham!
"aaaaaaaagh!" Screamed Medicham!
Medicham fainted!
"You stupid brat of a Squirtle and you pesky Vine I'll deal with you later but for now!" Gengar picked up Squirly and threw him at another tree badly damaging him!
"whaaaaaaaaaa!" Squirly cried while he clashed with the tree!
"Now for you Vine! Shadowball!!!!" Gengar shouted while throwing a shadowball at Vine!
"Noooo!" Said Squirly seeing Vine skid across the floor badly hurt!
"That'll teach you to mess with team meanie! You might be able to beat Ekans and Medicham but you'll never beat me" Said Gengar in an evil voice!
Just then the caterpie used string shot on Gengar while he had let his gaurd down and tied him up!
"What?!?!?"Said Gengar in fright!
Then Ekans and Medicham got up and untied Gengar!
"We'll meet again and then things will be different and you'll be sorry you ever met us!!" Said Gengar Ekans and Medicham in a weakend voice!

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Post by Blade »

while Ekans and Medicham untied Gengar, Vine used Vinewhip to whack the Shadow Ball back at them.
Behold my strongest pokemon, a lv. 100 mewtwo
*I poke it, it faints*

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Post by Robert »

Squirly watches the shadowball fly back at Gengar and the meanies!
"whaaaaa?!?!?!"said Medicham!
The shadowball hit team meanie and they went flying!
"Looks like team meanies blasting off again!!" Shouted all of the meanies!
"Alright go team go-getters we won!"Squirly said with exitement!
"Now to go save Butterfree!"Squirly puts his action face on and he points at the entrance of the forest!!!

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Post by Blade »

"Wait, before we go we need to be in top shape if we are going to beat the skarmory and Squirly, you got hit really hard alot, are you ok?"
Behold my strongest pokemon, a lv. 100 mewtwo
*I poke it, it faints*

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Post by seavicky95 »

"um... hello? have you forgotten me?!" flare shouted in anger.

flare stood up.

"i can't believe that team meanie didn't notice me! how could they not??"

flare slid to the floor.

"dang it... my knee still hurts..."

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Post by Robert »

"Well whatever!"Said Squirly to Flare.
"We got rid of them and now we are gonna enter the forest and save the butterfree before team A.C.T. so lets go right now"Squirly said to everyone with exitement.
Squirly ran towards the forest when suddenly a pikachu jumped down from a tree!"Whaaaaaaa!"Squirly cried out in shock!
"Wait a second it's you isn't it?"Asked Squirly!
"To right it is i'm jolt the pikachu and I want to join the go-getters!"Said Jolt!
"Ok then Jolt here's a badge and now you are a official member of"Said Squirly!
"The team go-getters!!"Said Flare, Vine and Squirly at the same time while holding there badges proudly up infront of them!
Jolt held his badge up and joined them!

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Post by Blade »

"Ok now we're ready to go, but shouldn't we make a stragety for when we get to skarmory because we don't know how strong it is or if it might have friends"?
Behold my strongest pokemon, a lv. 100 mewtwo
*I poke it, it faints*

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Post by JMan10992 »

O.K. heres the plan Vine will throw razor leaves around the skarmory/s then flare will blast them with fire blast giving them weakness with the leaves then Squirly will spray with Bubble the skarmory/s leaving them wet to a weakness of electricity and I will jolt them with Thunder :mrgreen:
Pokémon Diamond FC: J-MAN/3866 4909 7808

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Post by Robert »

"Nice plan Jolt but I think it's a bit to obvious!I know!! We could do a square attack formation where one of us attacks and runs and when skarmory is aiming at that one another attacks to distract and keep doing that in a square position!I'll go first so lets move out"
Squirly ran into the forest at 200mph and all the leaves around him fall!
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"Shouted Squirly as he fell down a deep hole in the ground!
"Guys help I fell in a trap!"Squirly called out for help
"Another Pokemon fell in my trap!"Skarmory shouted out loud while swooping down and grabbing Squirly in his sharp claws and carrying him away!
"Put me down you freak of a pokemon!"Shouted Squirly at Skarmory while hitting him!
"Jolt can you shock him into dropping me?"Shouted Squirly to Jolt!

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Post by JMan10992 »

Vine quick throw me up there im not going to hurt squirly.

*Vine lauches Jolt on top of the Skarmory*

*Jolt attacks with iron tail the Skarmory lets go of Squirly then Jolt unleashes a powerful thunder while vine catches Squirly*
Pokémon Diamond FC: J-MAN/3866 4909 7808

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Post by Robert »

"We'll meet again you fools!!!"Shouted Skarmory flying off
"And we'll be ready for you!"Squirly replied
"Com'on guys lets go and hurry there to the nest of skarmory!"Squirly ran down the forest followed by Vine, Flare and Jolt!

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Post by seavicky95 »

"finally, i can walk!" said flare, getting up.

flare followed squirly, vine, and jolt.

"darn, i may be able to walk, but i can't run!"

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