POKEMON TROUBLED....the teams are BACK?!?! 2 the sequel!
- pikapower06
- Indigo Plateau
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POKEMON TROUBLED....the teams are BACK?!?! 2 the sequel!
Crystal walked outside and sat underneath a rather large oak treee. She could feel the summer's warmth from the sun. She saw Muddy and Bre swimming in the lake.
- -Dark Lugia-
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- pikapower06
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- -Dark Lugia-
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- pikapower06
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- -Dark Lugia-
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- pikapower06
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Lugia flew up to Crystal, accumpanied by Latios, Latias, Ho-oh, Suicune, Riaku, Entie, Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, and Celebi. "Lug ia lug." "ho-oh oh ho." "Sui cune sci" "entie en" "riaku ri" "mol tres mol" "arti cuno art" "Zap dos zap" "Cel ebi cel" (all: You have to raise our babie. harm comes to them, you die! so keep them save and raise them well!) Crystal yelled, "Drak, we have company!"
- -Dark Lugia-
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- pikapower06
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"no matter what species, babies are very demanding. you cant make a single mistake." Crystal said, remembering the article she read, and when she help take care of her cuz. The pokemon flew off, leaving their babies behind. "waaaaaaaa" they all cried. they were hungry, but didnt know words yet. not even in pokemon language. "waaaaaaaa."
- -Dark Lugia-
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- pikapower06
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"they eat baby food.....ill tell him when he gets back." Crystal gabbed a bunch of fruits and vegetables and started smashing them up and mixing them together. Then she smashed up pokeberries and sprinkled them on top. "here you go." She told them. They all were quiet, after they ate. Because she had them take a nap. "Bre, Aracelie, arent they just adorible?"
- -Dark Lugia-
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- pikapower06
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"ohh ok good." Crystal said. "i just got through feeding them baby food. only baby food and milk for them meaning no ice cream or chocolate or anything.I cant bet i had to have chocolate milk as a baby, knowing me and the amount of chocolate i like." the baby celebi woke up. "waaaaaaaaa! waaaaaaa!" then they all woke up "waaaaaa! waaaaaa!" 'i'd better go get some baby toys. i'll brb" Crystal went to the baby pokemon store supply.
- neo-bender
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- pikapower06
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"Hush, baby lugia, hush hush now. See, the slinter's gone." Crystal said. "waaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaa!" Lugia kept crying. "Its ok. it's ok i promise. Oh, baby celebi, it ok, here, here another toy car. See, a toy car can easily be replaced. Moltres, don't eat that." Crystal said, taking the dime out of baby moltres's mouth.