The falling dread

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Pika chan
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The falling dread

Post by Pika chan »

Rain poured and flooded the ground, while wind blew tree side ways. Small tornados swept the land, and mud got thicker by the second. The cries of wild pokemon could be heard across the lands, it was such a loud empty cry. A cry that sounded like it wanted help. But no one could help them, because you couldn't find them. The cries seemed to come from nowhere. Shadows danced in the rain, as large puddles showed reflections of them. Some wild wounded pokemon lay on the ground, yelping in pain as every raindrop fell down. Other pokemon cried for their trainers that had disappeared, and trainers sat there knowing it was hopeless. The rain began to fall harder, and the wind blew faster. It seemed as if the storm would never stop.

Amaya sat under a large tree, although it really didn't stop her from getting wet. She stared at the rain falling, she felt no hope in her soul. Jeb sat by her side, stareing out into the same direction as his master.

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Post by zen »

Drake ran up to Amaya

"Another town is being attacked" He said sternly "We have to help!"

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Post by Pika chan »

Amaya got up moveing some hair out of her face. "Ok, But we probabley will have trouble getting there." She nodding at Jeb who stood up, ready to head out.

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Post by Yellow-Chan »

OOC: I'm gonna act as though my charitar is a guy, kay?

Chiisai held on to Zappy and Mizu on the roof ot a Pokemon center, trying to save his last two pokemon. "Come on guys, hold on," he wispered.

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Post by Pika chan »

Amaya looked up at the sky. She almost yelped as the hard rain pounded on her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, and look over a Jeb. She blinked a few times, her vision even more blurred than before. She took a step forward, and tripped. Falling face-first into the mud. She lifted herself up, and sighed.

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Post by pikapower06 »

Crystal was sitting beside Bre (:Umbreon:) wondering when this weather would end. "I love swimming......after this is over I think there might BE enough water around to swim EVERWHERE." She joked, as Bre agreed.
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Post by Pika chan »

Amaya got up, and Jeb rushed to her side. She held onto Jeb and pulled herself up, looking around. She blinked, and her vision returned to the way it was before. "Thanks, Jeb" She stand. Jeb barked happily, but than whined as the rain poured harder.

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Post by zen »

"Are you okay?" Drake asked Amaya "We need to help! Hurry!"

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Post by Pika chan »

"Fine" Amaya said, wipeing some mud off her face. "Yeah, Let's go"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Catty heard a child scream
"Come on Chi lets go help."
Catty found the child against the wall with wild spearows around her "Chi Cut!"

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Post by Pika chan »

Amaya got ready to run, she knew that even though dangerous, if was the fastest way. She sunndley went into a sprint, Jeb following behind her. Suddenly Amaya slipped, and slid across the ground. She hit and tree, and stopped. Jeb rushed over to her side. "Ow ow ow" Amaya said to herself, rubbing the back of her head. Jeb whimpered, and stared at his master. Amaya smiled, and patted Jeb on the head, "Don't worry, I'm ok" She said, and stood back up.

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Post by pikapower06 »

Crystal looked at Bre. "Let's go." Bre nodded and they started walking around. Crystal really didn't care about the weather, even if it killed her. Besides...everyone dies reason getting sintamental over it, or worrying if your going to get killed or not.... She soon spotted Amaya, and also Drake. Bre saw them to, and held a friendly smile, with a hint of a warning.
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Post by Pika chan »

Amaya wiped some dirt of her face as she looked up, and to her suprise saw crystal and bre. Amaya blinked, and waved to them. Jeb gave a low growl, but Amaya petted him on the head to calm him down. "Hi!" Amaya finally said, yelling over the rain.

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Post by pikapower06 »

Crystal walked up to her, then said "hey!" loud enough for her to hear. Bre growled, but, more or less, as a friendly greeting. And also as a return to Jeb's growl, though more playful than his.
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Post by Pika chan »

Amaya wiped the mud on her hands onto her pants, although it didn't help much. "Hi," She said to Crystal, "I'm Amaya" Amaya held her hand out to shake Crystals. Jeb circled Bre, makeing sure she wasn't a threat.

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