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September Banner

Posted: Thu 06 Sep, 2007 2:25 pm
by shinycubone
Hey awesome! I just now saw the new banner was up and *shock* it was mine!

I'm really happy, but I wanted to ask, was there supposed to be a pika point prize or something? I guess that's what I thought it was when I entered it.

I glanced about the original post and tried looking around the prizes forum but I couldn't find anything about what the rules are for banner contests. :-?

If anyone could clear this up for me I'd be grateful.

Posted: Thu 06 Sep, 2007 5:56 pm
by WhoKnows_WhoCares
no - the only thing you win is seeing your banner up a month...

we run this feature every month and that's all the prize is.

Congrats though.