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What's your Pokédex at?

Posted: Fri 07 Mar, 2008 11:01 pm
by WhoKnows_WhoCares
Ok, so here's a quick topic where you post how your pokedex is. Are you still on the Sinnoh dex or have you upgraded to the national yet? How many have you seen and how many have you caught?

Currently I've Seen 309, Caught 308 - for some reason i've seen an Ursaring but havent caught one... yet. I also still have a lot of Pal Park, Breeding and Evolving to do

How are you doing?

Posted: Fri 07 Mar, 2008 11:50 pm
by Animalxerman
267 seen
160 obtained

:P i have a Long way to go..

Posted: Sat 08 Mar, 2008 12:57 pm
by Ryan659
I think my owned number is about 300, and I have the National Dex.

Posted: Sun 09 Mar, 2008 4:05 pm
by SonicKitsune
Seen: 319
Obtained: 207

I still haven't evolved half of my Pokémon, and I still have to import some. In fact, there are some that I don't want, and would probably only temp trade them.

Posted: Sun 09 Mar, 2008 10:04 pm
by wurmple54
Seen: 204
Obtained: 139

I'm making my way through it slowly but surely. I haven't been very thorough in catching or evolving.

Posted: Mon 10 Mar, 2008 4:56 am
by Smeargle

Seen: 226
Obtained: 136

Ha, I'm slow. ^^ Ohwell, I only recently got the National Pokédex, so I'm taking my time. Senior schoolwork has been occupying me, anyway. =P

Posted: Mon 10 Mar, 2008 12:18 pm
by Kikyo
I've caught them all,
and gotten the star for it!
Except for the Shayman and Arceus,
of course.
So, then, it would be seen & caught 491,

Posted: Tue 11 Mar, 2008 11:50 pm
by Fazzy
316 seen
254 obtained.

Mucho help from GBA games.

Posted: Fri 14 Mar, 2008 12:30 am
by mewtwo1997

Posted: Sat 15 Mar, 2008 3:04 pm
by Ryan659
mewtwo1997 wrote:seen:493
Impossible unless you hack. Sorry, but that's not right, 2 haven't yet been released.

Posted: Sat 15 Mar, 2008 4:53 pm
by Goggy
I have a long way to go. :lol: I'm trying to improve, but evolving dragonair...

Posted: Thu 20 Mar, 2008 12:05 am
by arceus rocks1997
I've seen 322
caught 234

Posted: Sun 11 May, 2008 5:04 am
by Darkrai125
Seen and caught all 493 Pokemon. :Ho-Oh: :Rayquaza: :Darkrai: :Giratina: :Deoxys: :Mew:

Posted: Wed 14 May, 2008 9:56 pm
by Ho-Oh
Seen: 346

Caught: 261

I've been more focused in EV training and IV breeding than catching more pokemon so far

Re: What's your Pokédex at?

Posted: Tue 10 Jun, 2008 1:52 pm
by cheerio495
I have seen: 421 poke's
I have caught: 385 poke's